Survey - Music


Lioneye's Watch
Daresso's Dream
The Grand Arena
The Ring of Blades
Izaro fight
For what it's worth:
1.The mines. By far
2. Path of Exile - Ascendancy - Izaro's Labyrinth Exterior
3.Solaris Temple
4.The Warden's Quarters
5.The Grand Arena

1. Main menu music
2. Church Dungeon [this one]
3. Lioneye's watch
4. The Belly Of The Beast
5. The Grand Arena

EDIT: Dried lake is also very good
Last edited by Dragozz#0656 on Jul 17, 2016, 4:23:45 PM
1. The Warehouse + Marketplace
2. The Mines
3. Izaro Theme
4. The Dried Lake
5. Daresso's Dream

- The Library
- The Mines
- The Grand Arena
- Heart of Corruption
- Izaro's Labyrinth Exterior

Top 5 favourite:

1: Izaro Theme
2: Highgate
3: Acton's Nightmare
4: Mines
5: Kaom's Dream

Honourable mentions: The Grand Arena, Heart of Corruption, Awakening Trailer

Top 5 least favourite:

1: Kaom's Stronghold
2: Dominus, Ascendant
3: Merveil boss battle
4: Forest Encampment
5: Crypt (new version)

Dishonourable mentions: Ship Graveyard, Lioneye's Watch, Solaris Temple

I am super hype about hearing more of your stuff. I love a lot of the music you've done for the game and look forward to potentially new music for old areas of the game.

Edit - specified new crypt
Last edited by Hemmingfish#1386 on Jul 17, 2016, 6:50:50 PM
1 - Twilight strand --> The excitement of playing closed beta for the first time and hearing this track play... no words... Buildup to the breakdown in minute 3:00 is one of the reasons I decided to play PoE and bought a silver supporter pack

2 - The Grand Arena

3 - Main Menu

4 - Lioneyes Watch

5 - Solaris temple
Last edited by Darkviper777#3456 on Jul 17, 2016, 6:21:46 PM
1. lioneye's watch
2. labyrinth
3. brutus pre-kill (when entering warden's chambers)
4. highgate
5. ambient sound in solaris temple

I don't like anything about act 2 and act 3 (except for the listed solaris track), act 1 all OST/ambients are good but lioneye's and brutus really stand out

edit: also the main menu is beast
Beyond league.
Last edited by SEXYSUPERSATAN#0988 on Jul 17, 2016, 7:04:18 PM
1. Acton's Nightmare
2. Hall of Grandmasters
3. Main Menu
4. Solaris Temple
5. Dominus, The High Templar Theme
1. A1N1 - so many memories and it helps that the music is good.
2. Lunaris Temple - I came from the time where Piety in Lunaris was the last boss. Grinded to this music, the music makes me feel pumped. the monsters were strong (damn titty shakers) and i was up to face the "last boss". kept pushing me forward.
3. Ascendancy Trial area.
4. A2N1

Honourable mentions
Brutus fight
Merveil fight

So far I don't have any dislikes. The other music in the game are good but they are kinda forgettable. An unfair comparison is final fantasy where i can remember soundtrack based on location. even now i can vaguely remember all diablo 1 sound tracks. as such the other music are nothing too outstanding BUT the music suits the theme of the environment
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