Survey - Music

Acton's Nightmare
Izaro Fight
Labyrinth Exterior
Sarn Arena
Lioneye's Watch

Daresso fight
Sceptre of god
Daressos dream
dried lake
belly of the beast (all stages)


chamber of sin
city of sarn

Dont like that generic music from some of the older areas, like the ones mentioned in my worst list. All of the music in act 4 has been really good though and a huge step forward compared to some of the music from the previous acts
Last edited by Acer99#0871 on Jul 17, 2016, 3:59:24 PM
1. Acton's Nightmare
2. Sceptre of God
3. Labyrinth
4. Daresso Arena
5. Not the music, but ambience in Belly of the Beast

1. Lioneye's Watch
2. Lunaris Temple
3. Acton's Nightmare
4. Labyrinth
5. Any Vaal side area

Controversial mention: Imperial Gardens (It starts too slow, it takes forever until the recognizable part starts. but overall it is great. make me think of worldstone keep music from D2)
Ye Olde Shoppe! - Torment-Edition:

Torment IGNs: BlastThemMobs
Standard IGNs: Dhaalia, Backstabbing_Foe
Last edited by Kirathon#2981 on Jul 17, 2016, 1:50:26 PM
I dont have a particular order but something like this

- Old Crypt
- Solaris Temple
- Sceptre of God v2
- Forest Encampment
- Vaal Ruins

1: Act 1 town ( BANG, soothing long tunes and the (chime sounds in the back?)
2: (old) The Crypt ( I love the long tunes and vocals, soothing loong tunes )
3: Solaris Temple ( the vocals )
4: Acton's Nightmare ( So different and mystical from the rest )
5: Piety Theme ( The violin build up on the first 5 seconds holy shit )


Lets go down from 5 to the absolute worst for a change.

5: Act 3 Town ( the beat, and the feeling of dryness didn't seem to fit the city at all, since there's water all around it, it just seems to be very off )
4: Dominus Theme. (It feels like there is no melody, seems to be quite off --> Compare to acton's nightmare music, very memorable and special, this is not)
3: Dried like. (Got sick of the place, and the music)
2: The warden's quarters ( This is a mixed bag for me. It's creepy as hell and I like it that way, the beginning is awesome, but then it gets really, fast paced. I guess it fits the fight, but the music was really nice when it was creepy for the place )
1: The slums. ( This is not necessarily bad, but I wanted to choose this as the worst piece of music for me, because there is hardly any music here, I want the music to have a melody, sort of a story to tell, This feels like the same thing just repeating all the time. )

I tried to add what I enjoy about the songs and what I didn't - I hope this gives some sort of understanding of why I chose what I chose.

Thanks for making the music - I'm waiting to see what you will come up next! Thank you so much <3

1. Heart of Corruption
2. The Ring of Blades
3. The Aqueduct
4. Church Dungeon ( , not sure if it's used anymore)
5. Act 1 Town Theme

Special runner up: The City of Sarn, amazing theme for the area and it fits perfectly for that "everything's messed up" sort of sound, but it takes like 2 minutes too long to start and I rarely get to hear the full thing since the area it's in is so short.
Top five songs:

1. Main Menu Song
2. Acton's Nightmare
3. Ascendancy Trailer
4. Tormented Temptress
5. Forest Encampment Theme
Favorite list:
Izaro's Theme (it might be cause it took me like 10 minutes to defeat Izaro last night...)
Piety Theme (I love faster paced boss battle music)
Solaris Temple (So holy like music in such a grim game is something beautyful, also Lady Dialla is my bae ♥)
Dominus, Ascendant Theme (you can feel the sense of dispair)
Acton's Nightmare (never heard it in game, but sounds mysterious...)

Honorable mentions:
Ascendancy Trailer (nuff said... I've never been so hyped about PoE before, also kick ass electric guitar and very fast dramatic tempo at the end)
Tormented Temptress Theme (I love Binding of Isaac, and this song sounds so calm and twisted that could very well be in that game)
Main Menu (Maybe cause it makes me think of creating/theory crafting a new character which is always a good time)

Worst 5?
Dunno... but I don't personally enjoy as much "background sound" songs from the OST... I get that they are important and many areas requiere a calm slow ambient sound... but that is not what I would rate the highest.

Sorry for the huge response but I thought I needed to explain why I personally love each of those songs.
"Teamwork is OP"
-The one and only one Dark_Reaper115 at your service.
Top five in no particular order:

Acton's Nightmare
Tormented Temptress
Dominus, Ascendant
The Wardens Quarters
Lioneye's watch
The Endless Prolapse of Malachai

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