Put Ascendency points as a reward for defeating Malachai.

There is no reason to have them in the Labyrinth. It hurts the casual base(who hates the laby overall) while not helping the people dedicated to running the Laby.

Currently, there is no reward for killing Malachai - after you get into the Belly of the Beast, there's nothing. Ascendancy, both logically and thematically, would fit as the final reward, and would also give players a reason to finish Act 4 Merciless, something they're currently lacking.
Last bumped on Jul 21, 2016, 1:31:04 PM
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Then the lab would be pointless and you can't just say everyone hates it unless you mysteriously know everyone's opinion.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Jun 18, 2016, 1:06:08 AM
I_NO wrote:
Then the lab would be pointless and you can't just say everyone hates it unless you mysteriously know everyone's opinion.

Yeah, it's a shame how people never run the labyrinth more than once, right?

It wouldn't be pointless. You still have huge rewards outside of Ascendancy. And if it is worthless, those rewards can be increased. That isn't sufficient justification to lock core game mechanics behind it.
I love the ops idea; completing The Eternal Nightmare gives very lackluster rewards as compared to how it felt when Piety was end game boss. Her reward is two passive points, that makes it feel like completing the game was significant to your build, as opposed to now where killing Malachai on Merciless rewards you with a Lvl70 Tier1 White map. People will kill Malachai one time on their first build and get the challenge and never visit him on alts, not with his one hit mechanics and just the drudgery of getting to him.
What i am trying to say is that by the time The Eternal Nightmare comes along, and you have the challenge already completed in league, most do not go passed The Indomitable Spirit quest, they are mapping already, you get better rewards that way. There is no incentive to risk Malachai unless you have some personal vendetta against him or are a completionist, no judgement, all the more power to you guys.
I also wish to add that if they did change it so we could ascend with a Malachai kill, the lab would still serve a purpose. It is actually a great way to earn currency if you are a skilled and quick with the keys, chests and ability to enchant alot (get the right one on some mediocre items and they sell quickly) it won't be abandoned by those who enjoy it and build builds around it. There are those of us though that just do not like the difference in gameplay that the lab is centred around, no TPing and the traps being examples of what puts me off of running it personally, yet i am 'forced' to run it (quotations on 'forced' because white knights will say ascendancy is optional, but it is a huge boost you cannot deny that, and something no sane person passes up, a long ass detour you really do not want to take but will have to take part in multiple time on each buld.
I am all for the OPs suggestion, probably wont happen cause there is a set vision already in practice, but just wanted to add to the convo, the idea is solid.
Last edited by bajanrasta#3103 on Jun 18, 2016, 2:10:52 AM
Joyrock101 wrote:
I_NO wrote:
Then the lab would be pointless and you can't just say everyone hates it unless you mysteriously know everyone's opinion.

Yeah, it's a shame how people never run the labyrinth more than once, right?

It wouldn't be pointless. You still have huge rewards outside of Ascendancy. And if it is worthless, those rewards can be increased. That isn't sufficient justification to lock core game mechanics behind it.

Masters is locked behind pretty stupid missions.

If people never run it more then once, then whats the big deal, it doesnt take that long to complete, you just like most of the people that "dislike" the lab just want the rewards added to something YOU HAVE TO FUCKING DO ANYWAY.

So no OP its not ever going to happen.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
What is indeed pointless atm is to kill merc malakai and this should be fixed. (+1 passive on piety, or something else, and +2 on malakai could be a solution)
If they un-nerf Malachai and force you to solo the entire Harvest zone then this is not the worst idea I've ever heard.

But I want TRIPLE the golden keys from labyrinth, then.
Last edited by Fightgarr#3134 on Jun 18, 2016, 12:18:15 PM
And TRIPLE the golden doors! Because where there are keys, there must also be doors!
oh shit i meant treasure keys



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