Current Development Priorities

Predicted (and make it happen) patch 2.4.0 features include:

Auto Item Looting
New high tier maps with traps as part of the combat
Auction House

cause i'm not seeing any of the above mentioned for patch 2.3.1
CoC is dead, goodbye DPS hello FPS - September 2nd, 2016.
Life is in the past, use your Energy Shield instead - January 11th, 2017.
All you need is some ES whooping and you'll have your Life back - May 24th, 2017.

IGN: InfernalEnvy | Lv.100 Righteous Fire Juggernaut
Chris_GGG wrote:

Crash During Loading Screens
While we've made great headway on most issues reported in 2.3.0, the crash that some players get while loading into areas (often associated with the text "Unable to deserialise packet with pid X") is one that we have completely failed to reproduce in our office environment. We've tried it on a wide range of hardware, destination servers, operating systems and with developers of different star signs, but it has never happened for us. From what we can see from reports, the players it does happen to get it quite a lot. Could someone who is very tech savvy and gets this particular issue a lot please email me at so that we can get to the bottom of it? Thanks!

Sad to hear that =(.

I sent an e-mail then, I hope that the few information that I have can help you guys.

Keep up the good work !
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
If there is Act5,it better be winter-themed -.- i am gonna strangle a kitten if it's yet another one of those plae/brown setups -.-
No rest for the wicked.
I look forward to the performance fixes.
Good job GGG, as with any business, good communication with customers is a major element in your success. :)

Now, aside from my deserialized packet issue, here is something interesting. :)

After reading this, I also get this one occasionally: "stuttering in the first 20-60"

I'm wondering why I get that too, occasionally. I mean, it's not like I have a minimal system. I built this system specifically for this game. :)

CPU: i7-6700 @ 3.4 GHz
RAM: 32 GB
Hard drive is a sata-3

Video card: NVidia GeForce GTX960
RAM: 32 GB, DDR5

Aaahhh... The joys of modern technology.

Keep on trucking folks. :)
Sounds good, but will it BE good, we'll see :p
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
how about custom sound effects?
I should probably put it on the record that 2.4.0 doesn't contain an additional act. What it contains, however, is a secret that we look forward to revealing!
Endless Ledge ? PogChamp
HeavyFerrum wrote:
2.4.0 is not act 5 guys.. if it was act 5 it was 3.0.0.

I think it might be some endgame expansion, and some alternatives to maps

I'd love to believe that, but I think you guys have your hopes up way too high. He said 'a surprise' which makes me think it isn't some big convoluted game system, it's going to be something like sorting your MTX tab, or a new mini map. Both nice, but not changing our core gameplay experience.
I was VERY sceptical about 2.3 performance things. It get better and better after each fix. And atm game is already quite smooth, especially in the areas I was struggling before (exiles, lab last room T/Os), now those things are insanely smooth.

Usually GGG take directions that are imho designed poorly but executed well(lab idea for example is imho a farce but extremly well executed). Prophecy brings imho a great take on actual content but is executed a bit poorly.

It's proof that the game is maturing in a good way and I'm sure it will keep beeing bonified as its engine keeps getting better and content grows.

Before Act 4 there was desynch, then remained heavy performance blunders. It is becoming extremly smooth on that department. Game took a huge leap forward this last year, and I'm sure that content will grow as promising as it goes!

Well done GGG
Last edited by galuf#4435 on Jun 16, 2016, 5:00:58 AM

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