[2.3] Angryaa's Juggernaut Uber Labyrinth farmer
I'd say do not count on those prophecies, especially on Bameth one.
Treat Voidheart as next dps tier for this build. Instead use 1 Kaom's Way (20c) and 1 Sign (dirt cheap temporary solution) or rare with resist/life. For Kaom's Way just gather required currency from vendor rare reciepe for example. Currently sealed prophecies cost almost the same as the items which are created through it... Get cheap 5L armor and later 5l Marohi (15c). You can start farming with even 4 link, totem will help a lot especially on bosses. hope you can use some of my advice and gl! :] Last edited by qubade#6080 on Aug 4, 2016, 10:19:13 AM
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" Hi and thanks for your help. What do you recommend for totem ? flame totem ? |
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I am no expert by any means, below is just my humble experience/observations. Best for this character totem is Warchief but during leveling start with Ancestral Protector as it is available from lev 4 :] At lev 28 switch to Warchief.
I leveled as melee with Groundslam -> Sunder -> EQ (as progressed with levels). If you need whisp me ingame and I can give you some leveling unique stuff - should be online from 9PM CET. Also do not wait with normal and cruel lab, clear it asap. Bonus from ascendancies is very helpful later on. And it is easy at this point. I cleared normal and cruel one immediately after getting to A3 (already unlocked all trials on other character) - in case it is your first character in Prophecy league I advice do it just after you unlock last trial in A3. As for ascendancy skills order I went with Unflinching -> Unrelenting -> Unyelding -> Unstoppable. Now, as I played on my own, I believe it would go faster if I first went with Unstoppable. I just thought it will be difficult task to obtain uber lab last passives and chose survival/defensive ones first (but it was surprisingly easy :] ) I can also boost you through uber lab if u need. have fun! Edit: one change to op's passive tree I made: took Rampart to further increase Fortify buff. I cannot tell if it was worth it as I never played w/o it ;] Last edited by qubade#6080 on Aug 5, 2016, 3:46:33 AM
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Anyone want to tell me what their armor is at?
I forgot that I don't use Iron Reflexes so the stats for armor are mixed with evasion. I currently have 6882 Armor along with 1855 evasion rating with a minimum of 44% phys reduction. With 10 endurance charges(Rare belt with +1 max end charge) I only have about 86% phys reduction still and not at 90% phys reduction and at a solid 86% phys reduction(not sure if this is okay for running lab etc). Is this normal/okay ? Sometimes mobs smack me and it my hp usually chunks quite a bit when running maps. I also have a minimum of 4230 HP which I feel like it's doable but still somewhat squishy and I have no idea what to get life on for any of my other gears.(Check character profile for the Gears: Name: Efori_X ) Last edited by CaptSkillzz#3139 on Aug 5, 2016, 6:51:22 PM
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Linked to earthquake can I swap conc with bloodlust? The "more dmg%" is the same without losing aoe. But concentrated effect's "more area damage" should double dip with voidheart right? Does bloodlust double dip as well?
EDIT: Im an idiot Last edited by epancake#2100 on Aug 8, 2016, 9:54:12 AM
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Thanks a bunch guys.
I have some tips for newbies like myself, that can learn from my mistakes/ignorance, if they happen to end up at the last page. Some of the equipment doesn't need to be socket-linked. Two of the boots/gloves/helm should be 4-linked. (In the gem setup link in the op, the Cast When Damage Taken and Leap Attack setups, the other doesn't) So getting good to great stats with 3-4 sockets unlinked or partially linked will significantly reduce the cost. Also, the 4L spots are interchangeable between 3r/1b or 3r/1g. Doesn't need to be exact. This may be obvious but I got tunnel visioned by the guide and my ignorance, my fault obviously, but it might happen with someone else. There's a Prophecy(consumable you can use right before doing a specific thing to get a specific result), called The Jeweler's Touch, that makes items 5L(5 sockets linked). It only costs around 20 Chaos Orb. So getting something like Marohi, another good weapon or body armor with only one or two sockets very cheap(1-3c instead of 20-40c) and use it on that. Then, assuming you didn't get lucky with the desired color setup, it'll take a bunch of Chromatic Orbs which aren't to expensive. This makes even good armor/weapons have a manageable cost. I think there's also one that does 6L, but it's very, very expensive(relative to new players). Links also don't need to be in order, so the main skill gem doesn't need to be first of the 5-6 sockets in your weapon(so you can have a blue or green socket in the chain first). They're all just a communal chain of skills. You can have one main skill on one end and another on the other and 3 support gems inbetween and those 3 support gems would apply to both those main skills. Or any combination you can think of out of order. This tripped me up when I was checking out poe.trade(the trading site everyone uses), it made shopping for weapons or other things difficult/expensive. Also since OP's post time, certain things aren't as cheap as it states. Belly of the Beast isn't cheap now(at least 5l+) so getting a good rare armor with 1k-1.5k+ armor, 2-3 elemental resistances, a good amount of life, and 5L should be very cheap(around 5-10c) and a bit better than it. Keep in mind certain recipes too. There's any chromatic linked item(red, green, and blue sockets, any order, linked) will trade for a Chromatic Orb to any npc. Any 6 socketed white item(don't have to be linked) will trade for 7 Jeweler's Orbs. Generally, 8 jeweler's is equal to 2 fusing and to 1 Chaos Orb, and around 80 Chaos Orbs is equal to 1 Exalted Orb. There are also high level recipes. Any set of items(two handed weapon, 2 rings, amulet, boots, gloves, helm, belt, and body armor) with an ilvl 60-74 will trade to an npc for 2 Chaos Orbs. A set with ilvl75-100 will get you Regal Orbs, but Chaos Orbs are worth slightly more. Aaround middle of Merciless difficulty these start dropping. To see the item lvl, hold down alt while cursor is over an item. |
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Question, this is my first EQ toon and I hear that attack speed is unwanted. I have 2 pairs of gloves, one has att speed and the other does not. The pair w/out att speed gives +300 armor while the pair with att spd gives +1000 avg dps on my eq. Which is better for this build?
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I'd say attack speed matters if you happen to have significant EQ reduced duration setup.
Basicaly when you attack with EQ faster than aftershock (or whatever it is called, second explosion after hitting with EQ) can appear it is "wasted" as only 1 can occur at the time. Regarding gloves - you will need as much resistances on it as possible to cap res. in merciless. So i'd choose your dual res/life/phys dmg one. In my case the only rare source of resistances was belt, gloves and armor (rest of gear is unique). have fun |
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Are you able to do atziri/uber atziri with this build or what changes would it take to do so?
Thanks for your answer already |
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I started play poe 1 months ago, tried 4 different builds, this is the only one that works for me. Highly recommended for new starters!
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