[2.3] Angryaa's Juggernaut Uber Labyrinth farmer
If my main concern is tankiness, is this build allright? I'm torn between slayer and juggernaut EQ, everybody says that slayer is better in Legacy. My main goal is to be tanky and run through traps easy, if boss fight lasts 30 seconds longer than on slayer its no problem. Will jugg be allright for me? Also, I;m not looking for cheapest possible version, can spend around 10-15 ex.
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I skimmed through this thread and saw some of the concerns regarding this build's current viability so I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. I think this build can still work, but you will probably have to make some adjustments based on your gear and it doesn't seem to be as faceroll as the older posts would imply. I've only done about 6 or 7 uber labs so far so I can't speak too much on other combinations of phases (like the slam), but I was able to facetank Izaro with max charges and dual swords the other day. 7k life, 9 endurance charges, no immortal call, stibnite, basalt, and lion's roar, low lvl cwdt enfeeble, high lvl cwdt stone golem, hatred, and swapped out herald of ash for arctic armor. I took the Indomitable passive node for the reduced extra damage from critical strikes because a crit took out my last ulab farmer. I also use legacy kaom's way for leech instead of life gain on hit.
Basically just have to run around and use enduring cry until max charges, then I could face tank as long as I kept charges up. If I got wind slashed or jumped on without charges up, I took a ton of damage. I honestly think the stibnite flask help tremendously. With reduced charges, I can use it four times before needing to refill. The blind from the smoke cloud allowed my life regen (about 1k) to tick up before taking damage again most of the time. Even though the fights took a long time, I rarely had to use hp flasks to keep myself up unless I took damage before max charges. Plus he summons adds to refill charges, which usually happened at least 2-3 times because of how long the fight took. My EQ dps is only around 15k I believe. Also, culling strike on warchief helps speed things up a bit. Last edited by MrGetBonus#3529 on Mar 23, 2017, 2:16:17 PM
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" Do u mind showing ur character? Its hidden now and it would be very usefull for new players like me who wants to try this build in 2.6 I saw 1 juggernaut in uber lab ranking with pretty decent time: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/djkoo/characters Ghought those are the same builds, and as I'm lvling I found some differences for example, this build suggests Unwavering stance and this guy's build suggests Blood Magic and Iron Grip (not sure why tbh, but it looks pretty much like Slayer's path in EQ). Also idk rly if mace is mandatory here? I got some cash to spend, maybe I can afford Atziri's Disfavour, should I go with it then? Basicly, I see guy who made this record is going for Slayer's path with Juggernaut's build... and I'm still torn apart, cus I havent tried any of those yet. |
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" Characters should be visible on my profile now. But just in case, and passives https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEBAQHnBLMFLQbGCZYLYRLhFCAUTRa7GJEaOBo-GlUhNCcvLdI1kjboOQ464TwFPC09_EE_R35N41BHUeZVqVcNWGNZ812kXz9hIWVNaGVo8moBcql07XaseHp673zZggeDX4PMhNmE74VSh2qMz5BVkc6Uh5Zsl3mXtJ7Fns2fPqIAouqmV6cwqSeplKyqrY2vbLQvtz677byfvTa-p8ABwGbEFcRYxPbGrsbYz37SIdi92WHZfNrB3dXfsuRR6hjrCe8O73zwH_Iv8kHyRfON85v0g_ZI9zL3ufxL_gr-jw== All in all, nothing special gear-wise. Probably only spent about 100-120c on everything and like half of that was for the jeweller's touches for the marohi and belly. |
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Ok first time trying EQ jugg and here's my take on it.
I completed merc at lvl 60, and uber at lvl 72 with a 5L hezmana's and 5k hp. However, uber izaro went down very slowly because I hit like a wet noodle, and I was taking a whole bunch of damage even with basalt and full charges. I wasn't really in danger of dying but had to kite sometimes. My tooltip dps in town for EQ was about 6k. That being said, my gems are all level 17 so hopefully with some upgrades I'll stop wanting to fall asleep during bossfights. Hope this helps the people that are asking. Last edited by Bibibabibu#2727 on Apr 4, 2017, 5:14:05 AM
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" Are you using a CWDT setup for Immortal Call or self-casting (or something else)? |
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No immortal call. I'm just using 2x Kaom's way and tanking with my regen + basalt flask. I ran blasphemy + enfeeble to be able to take the big hits.
Last edited by Bibibabibu#2727 on Apr 9, 2017, 12:56:28 AM
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Thanks AngryAA, i finally got 100 / 100 Izaro kills on Legacy with this build, only had 1 death due lack of caffeine but that was a problem on my side. Really nice build, even with the loss of the old "Immortal Call", it still can tank him fairly well with its 90% "Physical Damage Reduction". Just have to remember to move out when he telegraph one of his big moves. This is my final gear when i retired my lab guy:
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i think build need some corrections, marohi isn't the best choice now cuz u can use tidebreaker.
u can see my 2.6 skilltree in my profile: (char Туалетный_Василиск) new tree gives more dps with the same survivability. 6,1k hp at 85 lvl, 10 charges, 18k dps in town |
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It's been a long run in legacy and about month ago I stopped playing my jugg.
It's pretty much complete. Can do all maps and I would highlight facetanking Minotaur and dual kaoms in T15. Gear:
Jewels: Can get 70k armor with some little changes with flasks and inc armor% jewelery shenanigans. |
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