Mechanical Questions Thread

Telperion_sr wrote:
Can glove enchantments be supported with the Trap Support gem to turn them into traps? If so, would they have a new and separate cooldown time, or would they use the same cooldown inherent to the skill?
A similar question. Can you support glove enchantments with trigger gems?

You can't do anything with enchantments other than replacing it by another one.
Would it theoretically be possible to block the self-damage from Hiltless and trigger Tempest Shield this way. If not, is this intentional they way it is for Scold's Bridle or Heartbound Loop since these apply secondary damage, or is it simply because there's no need to do it since Hiltless in 2H?
Reflected damage can be blocked so it should refresh TS (not trigger). Cwdt will work as the only exception I believe since you are still taking damage but reflected damage won't proc on hit effect.
adghar wrote:
First and foremost, the Support gem itself can only support gems of a certain required level. Check your specific CWDT Support description for the exact level, and make sure the Spell you are trying to trigger has a required level equal to or lower than the level listed on your CWDT.

Second, in old patches, CWDT used work with Enduring Cry, as it was classified as a Spell in those days. Now it is a Warcry. Warcries can't be triggered.

Third, Vaal Skill Gems cannot be triggered.

Lastly, I want to double check to make sure - CWDT only supports Spells, not Attacks. Could you be trying to link CWDT to an Attack? Mouse over the gem you're hoping to trigger and see if it is an Attack or Spell if you haven't already.

I have only been trying to use gems under the CWDT's level cap.

Thanks for the info on Enduring Cry - I didn't know that. However, that's not the only gem I've tried to use.

For example, I just went in-game to try CWDT+Arctic Armour. Arctic Armour has a Spell keyword and is of an appropriate level. If I socket the two into my gear, no matter the order, Arctic Armour is still available as a castable spell. It does not trigger with the gem.

Other spells I've tried:
-Shockwave Totem
-Phase Run
-Poacher's Mark

I was able to get my spell toolbar to tell me that I could not cast Animate Weapon directly when linked, but I couldn't successfully get it to actually raise a weapon.

Do you have anything further I can try?
Last edited by wraithyn#2359 on Jul 31, 2016, 12:23:45 PM
wraithyn wrote:

For example, I just went in-game to try CWDT+Arctic Armour.

Okay, this and the rest of your post I'm less sure of - perhaps time for Mark_GGG or others more knowledgeable to chime in. I'll offer what I think I know.

Arctic Armour is currently a persistent buff (i.e. reserves your mana and is on permanently). Persistent buffs like heralds, auras, and AA can't be triggered, I believe because it wouldn't make sense?


Other spells I've tried:
-Shockwave Totem
-Phase Run
-Poacher's Mark

Phase Run and Poacher's Mark should work fine with CwDT. Not sure what would make those not work. I've definitely used Curses with CwDT before, so it is possible. And others are able to use Phase Run. I would definitely start here to try to diagnose what's going wrong.

Totems can't be triggered. If I'm not misremembering, this was a change as of 2.0. Technically, your character never Casts a Totem (anymore); the act of Placing a Totem is not considered a Cast. The reason gems like Shockwave Totem have the Spell tag is that after you Place a Totem, the Totem then Casts the Spell.

I was able to get my spell toolbar to tell me that I could not cast Animate Weapon directly when linked, but I couldn't successfully get it to actually raise a weapon.

If I recall correctly, this has to do with a targeting issue. CwDT by default targets the source of the damage, but AW requires items to be targeted, which I believe is not yet possible for trigger gems to do. I would abandon any hope of getting CwDT + AW to work until they release patch notes addressing it.
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bridgeburner wrote:
Does increased AOE (from any source) affect the distance that Contagion/Essence Drain will travel when it jumps to nearby enemies? Or is the "nearby" a set number?
Yes, Contagion spreads itself and Essence Drain within it's area of effect when an aflicted enemy dies.

Ravine wrote:
How does the Enchantment "of War" Creates an animated copy of your current weapon. ( ) interacts with The Dancing Dervish when it's in Manifest Dancing Dervish ?
(I unfortunately cannot test it right now, otherwise I wouldn't pollute the questions thread)

I'm confused by the wording, as the Decree states "of your current weapon". However, when Dancing Dervish is active, it disables the weapons slots, so what is the "current weapon" at this stage? Is it still The Dancing Dervish (even though it's disabled)? Is it "nothing" (meaning that we're not getting any effect from the Decree)?
While your weapon is disabled, you are unarmed, and do not have a current weapon. Skills that require a weapon, such as the "of War" skills, cannot be used while unarmed.

Ravine wrote:
Same question with the Decree Of Reflection ( "Creates a clone of you that attacks with your weapon."). If this spawns a close with the Dancing Dervish when Manifest Dancing Dervish is active, or does it spawn a clone unarmed? If I'm using Facebreaker, does the clone uses Facebreaker as well?
It will summon a Clone, but be unable to give it (a copy of) your weapon. The Clone does not have any of your other gear, so will be unarmed and deal it's base unarmed damage.

zzang wrote:
if you are using righteous fire which says you burn for 90% of your max life and 70% of your max energy shield when you are using eldritch battery.
Does the Energy shield still count and both will add up and burn your life for that (70% ES + 90% Life)?
Yes. Energy Shield is still Energy Shield, regardless of what it's protecting.
zzang wrote:
Is the mechanic the same with blood rage?

IchiMorghulis wrote:
I'm running a vortex build with pyre ring. Is the degen base off the damage dealt or the damage a monster takes?
Those are the same thing.
IchiMorghulis wrote:
I'm currently using elemental weakness but I think Vulnerability is better. Is this right?
That depoends on what other modifiers to damage taken are on the monster, and what it's resistances are.

PinkPummy wrote:
When I combine the unique Belt Auxium
with the passive keynote Eldritch Battery
Does it still count my ES for the chill and freeze duration
Yes. Eldritch Battery does not say anything at all about removing your ES. It just changes what ES protects. You still have exactly as much ES as you had before taking Eldritch Battery, it's just doing something else now.

derberherbert wrote:
Does the Slower Projectiles Support Gem and %increased Projectile Damage passive nodes increase the damage of the Explosive Arrow Explosions?
Yes, the explosions deal projectile damage.

Harest wrote:
Are there restrictions regarding some prophecies got from Navali and which ones ? I've the feeling some prophecies can only be obtained from a specific act, is it the case ?
No. Only character level and difficulty affect which prophecies can be generated for a character.

Jackinthegreen wrote:
Based on Abyssal Cry's lack of mentioned damage effectiveness, can we assume the effect is at 100%?
Jackinthegreen wrote:
Does the cold damage, or other flat added damage, actually get added to the explosion?
Jackinthegreen wrote:
Would flat added spell damage like on Apep's Rage work on Abyssal Cry?
No. Abyssal Cry does not deal spell damage, so additional spell damage can't apply. The explosion is secondary (non-spell, non-attack) damage.
Jackinthegreen wrote:
Along those lines, what about (Vaal) Detonate Dead and Infernal Blow? Does flat added spell damage apply to their corpse explosions too? And at 100% effectiveness?
They are the same - the explosions are secondary damage, not spell or attack damage.
Jackinthegreen wrote:
I've also noticed Explosive Arrow can be supported by Added Cold. Obviously the weapon attack portion of it benefits from the support, but what about the secondary explosion? Does that get any benefit from added cold, or other "adds X to attacks" or "adds X to spells" mods? What about generic added mods like on some boot enchantments?
This is also the same.
Jackinthegreen wrote:
What gems without the spell tag benefit from stuff like Added Cold?
Any that hit something for damage. This includes, but is not limited to, all attack skill gems.

SirDragos wrote:
Quick Aside: I understand how it uses the first 40% of the total 'cast time' to wind up and the remaining 60% to evenly shoot the total projectiles, however many there are.
You really seem to be overthinking this. There is no reason to call this the 'cast time', as Barrage is an attack, and is not cast. Attacks do not have a cast time, they have an attack time. The base attack time is defined by the weapon, and is modified by attack speed modifiers.
Barrage is exactly the same as a normal attack in this respect. It's not doing anything special at all, just acting like any other attack.
SirDragos wrote:
How is the 'cast time' for Barrage modified by attack speed?
As mentioned above, there is no cast time, nor anything like it. Barrage has an attack time in exactly the same way as any other attack - the base comes from the weapon and it's modified by attack speed modifiers. Just like (almost) every other attack.
SirDragos wrote:
Does base weapon speed interact at all with Barrage?
I don't understand where this fits into the equation, as there is no equivalent in spells.
Yes. There's no equivalent in spells, but there is in attacks, which Barrage is.
Mark_GGG wrote:

SirDragos wrote:
Does base weapon speed interact at all with Barrage?
I don't understand where this fits into the equation, as there is no equivalent in spells.
Yes. There's no equivalent in spells, but there is in attacks, which Barrage is.

Don't Spells have the "Base Cast Time" equivalent? I mean, it's not exactly the same type of number, but when you ignore things like rounding and the local/global distinction, reciprocal of base gem cast time should be exactly the same stat as base weapon attack speed, right?
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Last edited by adghar#1824 on Jul 31, 2016, 10:59:25 PM
adghar wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:

SirDragos wrote:
Does base weapon speed interact at all with Barrage?
I don't understand where this fits into the equation, as there is no equivalent in spells.
Yes. There's no equivalent in spells, but there is in attacks, which Barrage is.

Don't Spells have the "Base Cast Time" equivalent? I mean, it's not exactly the same type of number, but when you ignore things like rounding and the local/global distinction, reciprocal of base gem cast time should be exactly the same stat as base weapon attack speed, right?

In the skill gem yes. Not in the weapon. they were specifically talking about the base attack speed number attached to every weapon
Last edited by KevT90#3108 on Aug 1, 2016, 1:57:22 PM
I whana know something abouth crafting mechanic.
Example: A rare item with one Prefix and one Suffix.
1)Crafting prefix cannot be changed.
2)Crafting multy mod, prefix cannot be changed, two aditional Prefix.
What will hapen if i use chaos orb in case 1. and case 2?
Last edited by nEVER_BoRN#3512 on Aug 1, 2016, 12:12:15 PM
nEVER_BoRN wrote:
I whana know something abouth crafting mechanic.
Example: A rare item with one Prefix and one Suffix.
1)Crafting prefix cannot be changed.
2)Crafting multy mod, prefix cannot be changed, two aditional Prefix.
What will hapen if i use chaos orb in case 1. and case 2?

Everything will be rerolled randomly and you loose your Meta-cratfing.

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