Mechanical Questions Thread
Is there an attack speed cap on mirror/blink arrow clones? If yes, what is it?
Also is it considered a bug that minions can't apply poison when using Cospri's Will (against cursed enemies). I feel it should be reworded to included "You" if its not a bug. |
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Hey my question is pretty simple i have crafted a Multimod weapon with the lvl 8 Elreon mod and i added a spell damage roll from Catarina on top of that if i would go to Catarinas workbench and "Remove Craftet mod" will it remove only the "Spell Damage" Mod from Cata or also the "Can have multiple Crafted Mods" ty for your help i hope everything is understandable.
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" It is possible |
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Some questions about spark.
Spark casts have an anti-shotgun timer (300 ms according to wiki) and the single projectiles have a rearm timer (1000 ms), after hitting an enemy, is that correct? Does something happen with these timers as a projectile bounces of a wall? What happens with these timers if a projectile chains and what does the projectile do? I guess the projectile will be able to hit an enemy that was hit before (so the anti-shotgun timer isnt completed yet). Might be double question, just want to sure I dont miss this. What happens with the rearm timer if a spark projectile chains? So can a chaining spark projectile hit another mob within these 1000 ms? What happens if a spark projectile hits a mob but isnt rearmed yet? Does it just go through or will it be consumed but without doing damage? Normally spark bounce off frost wall/vaal glacial hammer. If spark can chain, will it consume 1 chain to chain off the wall if it hits it, or will it bounce off the wall without consuming 1 chain? |
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" leap slam would apply bleed in this scenario. Not sure if the account holder did not switch gears/skills from the time he played until now and if this was his exact build ... |
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Thanks for answering my question about lightning strike projectiles a few pages back!
Now I'm wondering about having multiple items with <damage type> taken as <damage type> like with Eyes of the Greatwolf and Lightning Coil. If I have Lightning Coil Equipped with an Eyes of the Greatwolf that reads, "100% of lightning damage taken as fire damage" will the lightning damage I'm taking in place of physical damage due to Lightning Coil then again be taken as fire damage instead? In other words, will I be able to run around with -120% lightning res and never worry about lightning damage because, as far as I know, there is no lightning damage over time (which would still use my lightning res and kill me instantly, right?) tl;dr - Can incoming damage have its damage type changed twice by two separate instances of "% of <damage type> taken as <damage type>"? Last edited by Valiren#6047 on Jul 29, 2016, 11:48:45 AM
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Question about Thousand Teeth Temu and The Anvil.
They say they reflect damage to "Attackers" on block. Does this mean that it only applies when you block an attack, or is it just a general term? For example, if I block the arctic breath from a chimeral, will it take the damage still? |
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" No, if you block spells you don't take damage, and you also reflect damage. Btw if you are planning to use temu I would suggest you to check this thing out. Last edited by krenderke#3861 on Jul 29, 2016, 12:21:46 PM
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" Shock and Horror, the boss of Torture Chamber Map, has a beam that deals lightning damage over time, which indeed does not get converted " I think the answer is yes. Maybe we can wait for someone more sure about it, and/or Mark_GGG Need game info? Check out the Wiki at:
Contact for account issues. Check out How to Report Bugs + Post Images at: |
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" Damage taken, as opposed to converted to, can not be shifted any further. |
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