Mechanical Questions Thread

hey there
If you use an R.F totem that deals 100,000 burn damage per second
Will installing 2 totems cause 200,000 burn damage per second?
Quick view on my situation:

I tried the Awakener kill on MSC and failed.
It now says that I can lure him out again by defeating an Elderslayer.

All I want to do though is getting new watchstones, but somehow I cant spawn an elderslayer anymore within 3 maps. I need Level 4 on all regions to spawn them, is it gated behind the 33% chance to spawn one then?

Hope there could be a clarification about that, thanks.
Question about barrage support, the 5% more attack time per projectile, how it is calculateed lets say for 4 projectiles?:

A)4x5 = 20% more attack time
B)1,05 x 1,05 x 1,05 x 1,05 = 21,5% more attack time

If its the second case, option B, than the gem is absolute garbage.
After just few projectiles you start getting almost no dmg output at all, since your attack speed is diminshing faster. Even funnier, after having enough projectiles you start to reduce your damage.

If its option A it is still garbage since it barely give you any dmg increase later on. Each projectiles gives you less and less totall damage output, where the -5% speed is basicaly removing most of the bonus dmg you would get.

This one line in the game make it counter intuitive to itself.
Barrage suggest that you should build in order to dishout load of projectiles, yet the gem itself punish you the more projectiles you have inputed in it.
Where for example stacking frenzy charges give you stable increase in damage, and even rewards you for having more of them.

Just remove this from the gem or reduce it to like 2% max.
The 62% dmg penalty is enough, especialy after you increased armor on all mobs and the less dmg per hit you dishout the less dmg you deal.
Last edited by herflik#4390 on Dec 16, 2019, 10:13:37 AM
ekaye wrote:
Shafirion wrote:

(70-100)% increased Fire Damage with Hits and Ailments against Bleeding Enemies
(70-100)% increased Physical Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies

I am always unsure about mechanics in regard to damage conversion. Say I use this with wildstrike and two threashold jewels so Wild Strike always chooses fire: Apparently I will get the increased damage agains bleeding enemys but what about the physical damage against ignited enemies? I don't get that, right?
Converted damage is affected by modifiers to damage dealt according to its original type and the type(s) it was converted to and through. Assuming the enemy is both Bleeding and Ignited, the increased Fire damage will scale all the damage you deal. The increased Physical damage will scale Vulconus' inherent and flat added Physical damage, but it won't scale its flat added Fire damage, since that was never Physical in the first place. Note that the enemy must take unconverted Physical damage to Bleed, and Wild Strike will convert all your Physical damage, so you'll have to find some other way to apply Bleeding. This will be especially hard during the 50% of the time Avatar of Fire prevents you from dealing Physical damage.

Thanks for the very helpful reply. Much appreciated.

I have some follow up questions.

1. Why do I need to deal unconverted physical damage for the bleeding? It says "50% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit".

2. Assuming I have permanent Avatar of Fire and another 50% conversion or use a skill like wild strike: Will the inherent flat physical damage profit from both, bleeding and ignite? If what you say is true, it should.

3. Does the increased crit chance work only with the items Avatar or Fire? Or if I get the keystone or Xoph's Blood, will the dagger give the bonus to critical strike chance permanently?
Shafirion wrote:
Thanks for the very helpful reply. Much appreciated.

I have some follow up questions.

1. Why do I need to deal unconverted physical damage for the bleeding? It says "50% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit".

2. Assuming I have permanent Avatar of Fire and another 50% conversion or use a skill like wild strike: Will the inherent flat physical damage profit from both, bleeding and ignite? If what you say is true, it should.

3. Does the increased crit chance work only with the items Avatar or Fire? Or if I get the keystone or Xoph's Blood, will the dagger give the bonus to critical strike chance permanently?
1. A damaging ailment won't apply if it would deal no damage, and Bleeding can only be applied by Physical damage from Attacks. If you don't deal any Physical damage (and damage converted to Elemental or Chaos doesn't count), you can't apply Bleeding even if you roll a success on the Bleeding check.

2. With 100% conversion to Fire, you will be able to Ignite, but not cause Bleeding, since you're dealing only Fire damage.

3. The mods on Vulconus don't care about where you get Avatar of Fire. If you have AoF from the keystone or Xoph's Blood, you'll always have the increased crit and conversion mods active, and you'll never have the Armour mod active.
Hi all together.

Id greatly appreciate if someone could clarify if Skitterbots count towards the more damage multiplier that Carrion golems have for each non-golem minion nearby.

I recently read a thread that mentioned that those bots sort of dont "exist" or something along those lines for the purpose of the guardian ascendancy, so I considered that it may actually also not work with Carrion Golems.

As there is no way to test it I kinda would require an official response here if possible..
Hello there! A low life char with "cannot be blinded" still need arcane vision?
in the new league when you defeat the boss you can create you can get a bodypart to drop. is there any system for witch bodypart wil drop as i curently have only had 1 liver dropped. and 3 eyes dropped. on the other hand i have had 10 lungs, 8 heart and 6 brains. is ut just random? do spesifick things tell you what wil drop before you kill it?

in short i have no idea if i am doing something wrong or have realy bad rng when it comes to the dropping of bodyparts.
Is there any idea of what the numbers are for phantasmal might granted from the new item "The Black Cane." I can't seem to find any info showing numbers outside of POE DB showing min and max physical spell damage.
How do frostblink "instant" cast work with channeling skill? when I channel cyclone and cast instant skill such as vortex my cyclone buff stack wont be interuped. But when cast frostblink it will, which means there is few frame of cast delay on frostblink (about 0.2s? based on cyclone buff drop). If frostblink is not actually instant, then why did it even exist? I could rather cast flamedash instead!

intentional or technical problem?

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