Mechanical Questions Thread

Do instances of Decay stack?
More detailed:
I have skill linked with Decay Support and I hit enemy with it 5 times in 1s. Does enemy have 5 Decays on him or only 1 and subsequent hits only refreshed duration?
So let's say you have Volkuur's Guidance gloves that gives you 20% chance your fire skills poisons on hit. Does that poison damage, from the fire skill, scale off the fire damage? or does it still scale off the chaos/physical damage that poison normally scales off of?(essentially asking if I have a full 100% fire damage conversion would my poison actually do damage or not due to the fact that I wouldn't be doing any physical/chaos damage in the hit)

now let's say the answer to my last question is yes it scales off the fire damage, does increasing poison chance from let's say the passive tree add chance to poison to this new fiery poison? or is it still technically 20% from the gloves? (rephrased: does the poison chance from the skill tree/gems make me apply this new fiery poison, assuming the answer to my last question was a yes, more often or does it just add chance to do a normal poison?)
Kleintje wrote:
Freeze duration is based on the amount of damage versus amount of life the target has.
If the duration is below a certain threshold it will not freeze.

Does this imply that increased freeze duration effectively lowers the amount of damage needed to freeze?

sherkhan wrote:
Does Izaro's mortar skill (green globs) bypass the taunt mechanism?
No, but in practice, sort of. Izaro does not have a mortar skill. The Goddess of Judgement has a mortar skill. She is a different monster to Izaro, and tauntint Izaro thus does not affect her. She Herself cannot be damaged, targeted, or thus taunted.
sherkhan wrote:
Do "when hit" effects (e.g. Punishment) apply when the character blocks?
In general, blocking suppresses the attacker's on-hit effects, but lets the blocker's on-get-hit effects fire normally - this is because blocking is supposed to be a good thing. While a Punished enemy applying a buff to things they hit is technically an on-hit effect on the attacker, it is beneficial to, and (usually) ultimately caused by, the defender, so it still occurs for blocked hits.
sherkhan wrote:
Does AOE radius only increase in integer increments? I.e. if a dagger cyclone has +10% AOE, will the resultant radius be 7 or 7.7?
The radius used for AoE effects will always be an integer value. Note that modifiers to area affect the actual area, rather than directly applying to the radius.
sherkhan wrote:
How does Powerful Precision interact with Tornado Shot? If the initial projectile lands 120 units away, do the secondary projectiles start off with zero chance to pierce or 100% chance to pierce?
The secondary projectiles are all continuations of the original projectile, they have already traveled that distance.

Rmpz wrote:
Question about the new unique Hiltless
The unique have the following line on it "Enemies you attack reflect 100 physical damage to you"

How exactly is that handled, I'm assuming having high armor reduces the damage since its physical and if we take increased damage like the berserker with Aspect of Carnage the 100 physical dmg will also increase.
Rmpz wrote:
However what about dodge/evasion can we dodge the damage completely or is it guaranteed to hit us?
Reflected damage from attacks can be dodged or evaded.
Rmpz wrote:
what if we have Lightning Coil the physical part will also be converted to lightning, just like any normal physical attack damage would?
The modifier that makes you take physical damage as lightning would apply, but that is not conversion.
Rmpz wrote:
What if we convert some physical damage to lightning with our gear is that affected by it at all since it isn't really our own attack or is it?
No. This isn't coming from your physical damage, it's a set amount.

adghar wrote:
I was wondering if the new Taunt mechanic (10% less damage taken part) + Decoy Totem helps against Porcupine death needles. My guess is no, with justification as the combination of these two facts, the 1st my guess, and the 2nd one you have confirmed:

1. One effect of the Taunt debuff is the granting of a stat that essentially reads "Deal 10% less Damage to Targets-that-are-not-X"
2. Damage can only be calculated at time of Hit
Conclusion. At time of Hit, porcupine is dead and cannot have Taunt debuff, and thus cannot have a deal-less-damage stat. Taunt 10% mitigation is not applied against Porcupine death needles.
Correct. The damage occurs after the death, and the monster is no longer taunted at that time.

adghar wrote:
Similarly, wondering if Taunt mechanic would reduce Volatile Xblood and similar modifiers.

My guess would be yes, with justification of same fact 1 above, plus fact 3, which I think you have confirmed:

3. Damage calculation for Volatile Xblood and other on-Death effects is completed before the entity is removed from the game world
Conclusion. Having an entity that is not You taunt an enemy with Volatile Xblood will help you take 10% less damage from the explosion if you're near it
(EDITED) This is correct at the time you asked, but the Volatile nemesis mods have changed. The damage is now not dealt until later, by which point the monster is no longer taunted.
Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Apr 1, 2018, 9:48:28 PM
As always, it's appreciated that you do this for us Mark.

If using The Golden Rule, will getting the Suncaller Asha Pantheon upgrade (50% chance to avoid ailments from critical strikes) affect the reflected bleeds and/or poisons from your Critical Strikes?
*You call into the void. You hear a sound in the distance.*
Kruskader wrote:
Do instances of Decay stack?

No, they do not. This is why, despite it being one of the highest DPS support gems available, it is rarely used in PoE.
corosou wrote:
Movement skills have always had issues in PoE, this is nothing new and has been admitted by GGG, however Leap Slam is incredibly annoying to use. In order to better understand the issues and behavior of the skill, I’ve done a bit of testing and recorded a video to highlight the results using a huge mouse pointer so you can see what I mean:

You will find, if you test, that this same dead-zone also applies to most other skills -- with the exception of a few channelled skills -- do not apply in those regions either.

This is, in essence, to prevent the hack of "buy a bigger monitor" giving an advantage to players; buy a big enough one and you will have a dead-zone all the way around your character. :)
foxforgames wrote:
It seems that for every 5 stacks of berserker rage your amount of health you can get is max hp - (X * -1) where x is the amount of rage stacks / 5. Is that intended?
This also effects the damage on full life gem, causing it to not apply the damage increase.

Mark_GGG wrote:
adghar wrote:
Similarly, wondering if Taunt mechanic would reduce Volatile Xblood and similar modifiers.

My guess would be yes, with justification of same fact 1 above, plus fact 3, which I think you have confirmed:

3. Damage calculation for Volatile Xblood and other on-Death effects is completed before the entity is removed from the game world
Conclusion. Having an entity that is not You taunt an enemy with Volatile Xblood will help you take 10% less damage from the explosion if you're near it

Is this still the case with the reworked Volatile Flameblood, which deals damage (much) later after the monster's death?
I have been searching everywhere for an answer to this question and no luck. What are the requirements for certain fated prophecies? First off, I recall in a fairly recent major patch, the low level prophecies were changed to occur less often for high level characters. To my knowledge, this was done to improve the quality of life for people mapping. I have heard some people say this affects fated prophecies, any confirmation on that?

Regardless, my main question (since changing the odds is something out of my control) is the following, using Kaom's Way as an example. First some numbers:
1. Kaom's Sign: No level requirement
2. Kaom's Way: Level 32 required
3. Kaom: In a level 38 zone (for the fated prophecy)

In order to have a chance at getting "The King's Path" prophecy, do I need to have a character who is at least the level of the fated version (32), or who is at least the level of the unique enemy I need to kill to complete it (38), or the level of the base item (which doesn't apply here, but does to other examples), or does level not matter at all and thus a non-high-level character is better (to both avoid map-related prophecies and avoid the "reduced odds of low level prophecies" mentioned above)?
Question for map drop.

My map status is 117/156, and I get:

"Map drops at least one tier higher"
"17% chance for maps to drop two tier higher"

Why I'm getting (for example) tier 4, 5 doing map tier 9?

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