Mechanical Questions Thread

Is it possible to adjust your stash layout like this? If not, would others prefer it this way or is it just me?

I strongly dislike using the arrows to find the right stash tab when placing stuff in my stash.

Last edited by Thumarun#5722 on Jan 15, 2018, 5:01:19 AM
pabrt wrote:
Rather, the gems "Socketed" in the minion should theoretically be supported by CWDT. What I want to know is what that actually means in terms of the code vs. what is intended.

It means nothing because Minions do not have Skill Gems socketed.

brightwaha wrote:
1. Can some one confirm that slow effects including chill and freeze do not affect stun duration on mobs?

2. I know that party scaling of mobs life does not affect their effective life pool. But do map mods that grant more life to mobs affect their effective life pool? In other words, will they be harder to stun?

1. Stun is affected by Slow, but only after Stun has been applied (meaning, Chill/TC do not increase the likelyhood of Stunning, but do prolong applied Stuns).

2. Yes, they will be harder to Stun, same way that Magic/Rare/Unique monsters are progressively harder to Stun due to their increased Life.
Vipermagi wrote:
brightwaha wrote:
1. Can some one confirm that slow effects including chill and freeze do not affect stun duration on mobs?

1. Stun is affected by Slow, but only after Stun has been applied (meaning, Chill/TC do not increase the likelyhood of Stunning, but do prolong applied Stuns).

I appreciate your response, but are you 100% sure that chill affects stun duration?

Temporal Chains applies a slow effect as well as "other effects expire 40% slower" so it's obvious that Temporal Chains will prolong stun duration. However, slow effects slows animation time, and stun doesn't seem to be an active animation that a character performs.

I have done a test with Southbound, Resolute Technique, Brutality, Hatred, Ruthless and act1 trash mob. By swapping on and off the Brutality gem, I can control whether or not the mob is slowed with a 30% chill. And Southbound makes sure that I won't kill this mob for repetitive observation. I attack 3 times each time to proc Ruthless so I have a long and fixed stun duration for each hit.

I tested for around 20 minutes without seeing any sign of prolonged stun while chill is applied. However, when I used Temporal Chains to prolong the stuns, the effect was very noticeable.

If slow effect actually prolongs stun duration, then lvl 1 temporal chains should only increase stun duration by 20%, since temporal chains gives "Cursed enemies are (20-29)% slower", "Other effects on Cursed enemies expire 40% slower". Max effect chill should increase stun duration by 30%. This contradicts what I observed in my experiment.

I do appreciate your input, but I truly need some explanation or a firm confirmation.
brightwaha wrote:
Temporal Chains applies a slow effect as well as "other effects expire 40% slower" so it's obvious that Temporal Chains will prolong stun duration. However, slow effects slows animation time, and stun doesn't seem to be an active animation that a character performs.

TC's 'other effects expire slower' only applies to statuses that generate an icon on the monitor; Curses, Ignite, Blood Rage, the works. Stun does not show up as a debuff with a timer, yet TC affects Stuns.
Question: What if I have "Point Blank" in the passive skill tree and "Far Shot" in the bow?

How this item get +36% increased fire damage? Both path of building and shows +30% as maximum for this stat. But shows items with even more fire damage.
DLuGii wrote:
Question: What if I have "Point Blank" in the passive skill tree and "Far Shot" in the bow?

They both apply. Since they are both "more" modifiers, they are multiplied together. The scaling for Point Blank is on the wiki; although I haven't been able to find a similar one for Far Shot.

At maximum range (>35 units), you should be getting 50% less damage from PB and 30% more from FS; or 0.5 * 1.3 = 0.65 times your damage. (Or equivalent to a 35% less modifier.)

VurdaLuck wrote:

How this item get +36% increased fire damage? Both path of building and shows +30% as maximum for this stat. But shows items with even more fire damage.

30% is the maximum for a suffix ("of Ashes"). A prefix can get much more, up to 79% ("Xoph's"). There is also an Elder prefix with up to 60% increased. If your scepter has all three, you could in theory get up to 169% increased fire damage.
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Jan 15, 2018, 3:34:38 PM
Vipermagi wrote:
brightwaha wrote:
Temporal Chains applies a slow effect as well as "other effects expire 40% slower" so it's obvious that Temporal Chains will prolong stun duration. However, slow effects slows animation time, and stun doesn't seem to be an active animation that a character performs.

TC's 'other effects expire slower' only applies to statuses that generate an icon on the monitor; Curses, Ignite, Blood Rage, the works. Stun does not show up as a debuff with a timer, yet TC affects Stuns.

I did another experiment with much greater stun duration and lvl 19 Temporal Chains. I used a stop watch to count the time it takes for the mob to perform an attack on me after being stunned.

First group of data comes from Brutality + Lvl 19 Temporal Chains, which should offer 29% slow + "other effects on cursed enemies expire 40% slower"

The second group comes from no Temporal Chains and no Brutality, which due to my cold damage, should chill the mob for max effect and offer 30% slow.

If slow effect indeed affects stun duration, then the "other effects on cursed enemies expire 40% slower" should not. Then we should expect the same effect from the 29% slow(lvl 19 Temporal Chains) and 30% slow(chill).

My experimental data tell me that the first group took around 4.9 seconds. The second group took around 4.2 seconds. Sample size > 20 for each group.

I think this is a convincing study to show that the "other effects on cursed enemies expire 40% slower" indeed affects stun duration.
If it did apply, your Stuns with TC would last somewhere around 7 seconds though:
4.2 * (100/60) = 7
I don't know where the discrepancy comes from. It's not from TC's second effect.

Was the enemy Slowed for the full duration of the Stun? Chill only lasts two seconds.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 15, 2018, 8:18:51 PM
UnDeaD_CyBorG wrote:
Will multipliers apply before or after applicable limits?
If I have, f.Ex., high block, and I pick Acrobatics, will it lessen the block after I hit the block limit, or before, aka, could I sort of "overcap" block rate to keep more than 51% with Acrobatics?
Before. If modifiers could modify the value after the cap was applied, they could raise the value above the cap, which would be silly. The cap can only work by being the last step in working out the value of the stat.
UnDeaD_CyBorG wrote:
How about Spell-Block when generated from regular Block rate, like with Reckless Defense or Gladiator, in interaction with the above?
Applying the cap is the last step in working out the value of the stat, but it is part of that process, not separate to it. Your Block Chance is a capped value, so anything that gets the value of your block chance will get the value after it's fully calculated, including applying the cap. Thus "overcapping" block chance will not cause you to get more spell block chance from it, because the value of your block chance doesn't change.

heiderhof wrote:
does hatred aura and added fire support gem double dip on stats like trap damage, minion damage, projectile damage, meaning that those stats increase both the physical portion of the hit and the % added cold / fire?
They will apply to the extra damage, but this does not cause double-dipping. The modifier only applies once to each part of the damage.

Also, that damage is not added damage (this matters for things like "Effectiveness of Added Damage" on gems).

Katasi wrote:
Last league, I was playing a sunblast trapper (100% reduced trap duration), and I wasn't sure if I needed clever construction, so I specced out of it and threw some traps on burning ground. They still exploded, so I assumed that I didn't need clever construction, and left myself specced out of it. I never had any other problems on that character, but I didn't play him for very much longer.

This league, I'm playing another sunblast trapper, and I can VERY clearly see my traps dying to almost any ground effect. Was a change made? Was my testing last league done incorrectly?
In 3.0.0, traps were changed to be invulnerable to all damage while arming and while using their skill. This means if they have no duration, they have no point at which they are vulnerable, and they will be unable to die.

Prior to 3.0.0, this depended on how much fire damage per second the burning ground is dealing. If it dealt enough to total 1 damage in the time it takes the trap to arm and start using the skill - which is a small but nonzero amount of time - it would die, and otherwise it would not (or at least not until after the skill has "gone off"). It's possible the burning ground you tested on was weaker than that you faced in practice.

Sonto wrote:
If a kill with an AOE skill linked to poison procs Profane Bloom's or Oblieration's chaos explosion, can the chaos explosion proc poison also?
The explosion is not from the skill, so cannot benefit from the skill's poison chance. The damage from the explosion will only be able to apply poison if you have poison chance in your stats (e.g. from gear or passives), not in the specific skill that got the kill.

VillainGuy wrote:
I was wondering, since Commander of Darkness is worded as
"Auras you Cast grant 10% increased Damage to you and Allies
Auras you Cast grant 5% increased Attack and Cast Speed to you and Allies
You and Allies affected by your Auras have +20% to all Elemental Resistances", shouldn't the bonus affect a spell totem twice if the aura is defensive?

I thought that theoretically a totem would receive double the bonus, because they are considered allies. For example if I have Discipline on (defense aura), I would receive 5% increased cast speed which would be applied to my totem, and then since my aura also affects my totem it would receive 5% cast speed for a total of 10% increased cast speed.
However, at least based upon the tooltip, this doesn't appear to be the case. When I cast an aura, I receive the buffs, but when I place the totem the tooltip doesn't change even though I'd assumed it would.

Is this intended, or should I be able to "double-dip" with the aura bonuses of Commander of Darkness?
This is correct. The whole reason that "offensive" auras don't apply to Totems in the first place is because they wouldn't benefit from having those stats. The totem is not using it's own skills, it's using your skills, which inherently use your stats - not the totem's stats. Granting increased Damage or Attack Speed to a Totem means it's skills will have those bonuses. But it doesn't have any such skills, and is using your skills, which aren't in any way affected by bonuses on the totems.

Speedkin wrote:
Two questions about the Sanctify node in the Inquisitor tree and its interactions with spell totem.

1) Does the 25% chance to create consecrated ground on kill proc on spell totem kills or just player kills?
You need to get the kill to create the ground.

Speedkin wrote:
2) Since totems count as allies, If both you and your spell totem were on consecrated ground, would it effectively be an 80% increased damage bonus or just 40 %.
As noted above, only the bonus on you applies to your skills, regardless of whether you or the totems use them. The totem being in the consecrated ground is of no benefit to it.

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