Mechanical Questions Thread
Is there a way to turn of the ai that decides how you move.
Basically I want to move in the direction i clicked with my mnouse. And NEVER a different direction. I dont mind running into walls or mobs. I do mind running places I dont want to go becouse the AI is based on a wrong principle |
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So I was looking at builds, and found and I was wondering a bit about the interactions here. He uses Rigwald's Quills for Fork, but then also chain in the Tornado Shot setup. Now, according to the wiki projectiles can only either pierce, chain or fork, but not do any 2. Yet looking at his video it really looks like it's both forking and chaining. Is this because it's the initial Tornado Shot projectiles that fork, and the subprojectiles from TS going off are considered "new" projectiles, so they chain since they haven't forked? Or am I missing something? |
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" Uh...? Perhaps you'd enjoy using the Move Only command if you aren't already. It is the icon with two grey footprints when you select a skill for your skill bar. It is not itself a skill but if you pretend it is one you should be able to find the command and use it quite easily. Need game info? Check out the Wiki at:
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" You may have misread the wiki. There is an order in which Projectile-related propagation mechanics work; a projectile cannot Pierce, Chain, and Fork at the same time but it is perfectly possible for one projectile to do all three over the course of its lifetime. The wiki lists priorities: Pierce > Fork > Chain > Return. So the projectile, when it Hits an enemy, it sorta asks itself some questions, where Yes = proceed to next target, and No = check next mechanic, so it goes like "Did I Pierce? No, okay, did I Fork? Yes then proceed to next target" where the whole question process repeats itself again ("Did I Pierce...?") Need game info? Check out the Wiki at:
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Hi, will I have resistance when using Minion and totem elemental resistance Support + stone Golem +flesh offering(bone offer) ??? (with the active mistress of sacrifice) ty.
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" No Don't be misled by tags on skills. Most of the time they help you think about Supportability, but they are not hard and fast rules, which means you have to apply some critical thinking (or look things up, or ask in this thread like you just did :). Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support does nothing to Flesh Offering, and grants elemental resistance to your golem Minion. It does nothing to your golem Buff (if you read the support gem's description, a golem's Buff isn't a "Totem" or "Minion" "summoned by Supported Skill," so it can't have the stat granted :P Similarly, Bone Offering doesn't summon any minions, it grants a Buff, and that Buff is not a totem or minion. So it can't benefit from the Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support in any way. Gem tags are only reliable when talking about gem bonuses (e.g., "+1 to level of socketed Fire Gems") Need game info? Check out the Wiki at:
Contact for account issues. Check out How to Report Bugs + Post Images at: |
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I've been searching all the post but there is no definitive answer.
1. Can totems (specifically Ancestor Warchief and Ancestor Protector) missed on hit ? 2. If I get Unwavering Stance, do totems also can't be stunned ? Last edited by TeddieJohan#4273 on May 16, 2017, 2:14:25 PM
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"While at 0/0 Endurance Charges, you are at maximum Endurance chargse, and will thus have Rampage from Wyrmsign. However, this just allows you to start Rampage Killstreaks, and the killstreaks themselves won't show up until they reach 25 kills. So I suspect you just haven't killed enough enemies to see the killstreak. "I've been told it's a 10% chance. "The Vortex skill cannot chill enemies directly when it hits them, but it still places a ground effect which chills enemies standing in it. Because the enemies are bein chilled by the ground effect, not directly by the skill, this is "getting around" the restriction on Elemental Focus. "Yes. Freezing or Chilling enemies has no bearing on them being Poisoned or Bleeding, other than the fact that being Frozen will prevent them from voluntarily moving. "No. It says it increases your damage, not their damage taken. It would have to say something like "Blinded Enemies take x% increased Damage from you" to be a modifier to damage taken, like the one from Vulnerability. "As of 2.4.0, your projectiles cannot collide with your Frost Wall at all. | |
" Just wanted to thank you for this - I was interested myself. :) “Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022
---- I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is. |
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"Yes (assuming it is supporting the Ancestral Warchief skill). "Your projectiles cannot interact with your frost wall (as of patch 2.4.0). However, in the case of an enemy Frost Wall, the wall is made of multiple overlapping segments. Since projectiles cannot shotgun, only one projectile from a particular fireing can collide with each segment - this will sometimes allow some through. Frost Wall segments do not have evasion, but the maximum chance to hit is 95%, so it is theoretically possible to miss one. "Yes. "Yes. Your total recovery per second from Leech is capped, but the damage to enemies has no cap. "The former, although you aren't guarunteed at least 1 second of Onslaught in all cases - if your maximum number of Endurance Charges is 0, the initial gaining of a charge will fail, and you won't have any to lose. "38 "I've asked around, an no-one is sure which boss you're asking about here. If you're referring to Izaro, who becomes effectively "immortal" when he reaches a life threshold but does not reflect, then the answer is yes. If you're referring to Atziri, who does have a reflect phase, but is not immune during it (and would likely not appreciate being called "him"), the answer is also yes. "Each hit. "You have no Evasion Rating due to having converted it all to Armour with Iron Reflexes. Queen of the Forest cannot grant you any movement speed in that situation. It still grants 25% reduced Movement Speed, but this is cancelled out by the Unstoppable node, assuming you don't have any other bonuses to movement speed. "Same as above. "Art of the Gladiator prevents the inherent movement speed penalty from wearing armour items. It does not interact with the explicit mod on Queen of the Forest. "No. |