Mechanical Questions Thread

Last edited by arsmag#7378 on Apr 21, 2018, 1:15:12 PM
Would "Elemental Weakness" as a curse make any sense if I'm an Inquisitor with high crit chance and the "Inevitable Judgement" ascendancy, which makes my crits ignore the enemy's elemental resistance?

I would like to think it does, but I assume that's wrong, yeah?
Say the enemy has 50% fire res, I curse it and it loses 30% fire res it should now be at only 20%... but since I ignore the res completely when I crit anyway, it wouldn't make much sense on a character with very high crit chance, correct?

It would only help me in cases where I don't crit?
zankioh wrote:

It would only help me in cases where I don't crit?

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as u see, this enchant seem to affect my spirits, i asume it works why else would it show up under SrS, i know that normally minions only get affect by gems linked to it, and minion modifiers. but i guess enchants also affect em.

but i would love if anyone could clarify if this mod works with srs, same thing with the shock, freeze ignite enchant also seem to affect srs, but not 100% sure thats why i post here.

thanks in advance

Last edited by DanishGrinder#3026 on Oct 24, 2016, 4:01:52 PM
It won't apply to SRS, it's just a weird display thing.
That is wierd and confusing, i wouldnt call it "wierd display thing" thats a bug obv, and has been around for as long as enchants has been ingame, i know i used to aim for the shock ignite thingy way back.

shouldnt be hard to fix such bug.
Hi Mark,

I'm not really getting any solid answers from anyone.

I got an Uberlab helm buff "150% increased Molten Shell"

Does this work with the Vaal Molten Shell or not?

Why i get Temple (Tier 9) map if i'm selling another Tier 9 Map?
YeS_SeX wrote:
Why i get Temple (Tier 9) map if i'm selling another Tier 9 Map?

Check the Atlas; Orchard should be linked to Temple on the road towards the Guardian.
Alright this is gonna sound like a stupid question..just wanted to make sure.

Frost/Flame/Shock bearers are blockable by spell block (from what I can observe).

This means they also trigger aegis es recovery (b/c it triggers on block) right?

And just 1 more question. If i enfeeble elemental bearer mob, that enfeeble will lower the bearer damage right? (Cuz I believe enfeeble works for porcupine spine on death so it should work for bearers as well)

10/26 tested vs bearer more. stood in a pack of 10. I am pretty sure Aegis recharges on blocking bearers, otherwise my es should def drop.

Still not sure about the enfeeble vs bearers tho.
Last edited by SIQI#7936 on Oct 26, 2016, 7:57:18 PM

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