Mechanical Questions Thread

Not sure whether it has been asked before, but does the "Master of the Arena" node affect Frost Blade's range?
Is weapon range measured in decimals?

Ex. A 1-handed mace with weapon range 5 is corrupted with +2 weapon range. The character has 70% increased Area of Effect from Gems/Tree and is using the skill gem cyclone.

7 * (1 + .7) = 11.9 weapon range?

So I spent the Cs to get two essences of delirium and used them on an axe and a staff. Now, however, when I try to use both of these weapons the decay aspect only turns mobs green with no damage done to them. What is the deal with this?

I first noticed the problem on mobs that were resistant to chaos. I then tested on mobs that weren't and it did no damage on either of them. Do hits need to crit for the decay to take effect? Shouldn't it state that if it's the case?

What am I doing wrong here? If the item says it works on "hit" that should be any hit, right? I've tried normal attacks, Sweep, Sweep with multistrike. Nothing works. Feeling really ripped off and upset. Halp.

Submitted a report to support and they directed me here. Seems like something is broken to me though. Hoping for a quick response!

(please ignore the bad music and ugly dude on cam. also stick to the question/point at hand if you don't have GGG in your name. thanks.)
Last edited by Kalus_Konkwest#6177 on Oct 21, 2016, 3:35:09 AM
Hey there!

I've done some quick research and haven't found anything yet, so I'm gonna ask here:

The Unique Gloves "Empires Grasp" have the modifier: "Knockback direction is reversed"
Does that also apply to the attack of my minions? I suppose not, but it's worded kinda... open to interpretation since it doesn't even specify whose knockbacks are meant :D

anyways, thanks in advance :P
Biotar wrote:
Not sure whether it has been asked before, but does the "Master of the Arena" node affect Frost Blade's range?

DFreturn wrote:
Is weapon range measured in decimals?

Unei wrote:
The Unique Gloves "Empires Grasp" have the modifier: "Knockback direction is reversed"
Does that also apply to the attack of my minions?

Your Minions are not you - unless explicitly stated otherwise, your modifiers do not apply to your Minions.
Does curse effectiveness from the passive tree and from helm enchants work with witchfire brew?
i got a question about the mechanic of elemental proliferation and ignite.
Does the proliferated ignite count as ignite itself?

So, when you ignite one mob in a group of five, does Razor of the Seventh Sun give you 5% life reg or just 1%?

I would assume the 2nd option but am not sure about it.
Hi there. I have a question regarding the interaction between Vortex and Hypothermia.

I do know that Hypothermia only affects on hit damage but not DoT, and my question is if Vortex is linked with Hypothermia, does the initial hit against a chillable enemy (that is not chilled yet) benefit from Hypothermia?

Thanks in advance.
What is the radius of the Saboteur's "Chain Reaction" notable?
I am currently using Rain of Arrows traps and the chain reaction seems to be very inconsistent.
question about chapmion class

First to Strike, Last to Fall can use with ci ?

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