Content Update 2.3.0 Patch Notes
So coc discharge oneshotting packs is ok for the developers?
Good luck finding a party where noone is using it. Happy lagging everybody. |
" I heard they were going to be useless, but again patch notes say otherwise. Where is your dev patch note post that shows otherwise ? Are you saying this guy has no idea what he is talking about with the patch and we shouldn't trust the GGG rep ? ? |
So the massive game changing Ascendancy adjustments arent in the patch note? 0_0
Huge oversight by Chris missing the biggest changes in this patch... Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.
I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_- |
" A bit late but widens accessibility options to those who have potato PC's like i do. Looking forward testing it. |
" Geez. Awesome changes and thanks for the hard work, GGG. I really appreciate you keeping the game fun and versatile. IGN: ArrowInYourForsakenKnee Last edited by Helbelinc#1720 on Jun 2, 2016, 12:25:45 PM
so not only did you kill voltaxic spark but you killed spark in general. cant you be more innovative
and nerf in a way where something previously can be achieved but harder? i get it it costs money and time to do something as such but to make something completely useless is a lazy way to balance the game. i hope in the future you do a better job of balancing. i am very disappointed GGG. Last edited by skylerkim#1225 on Jun 2, 2016, 1:51:05 PM
- Oyun now has a white tiger.
Best change ever ^^ "better to simply go balls deep full retard if you gonna go retard." -Boem-
To all those who don't like CoC Discharge builds:
You don't have to play them, or even with those that make them. There appears to be enough dislike of the build to ensure that there'll be groups available without them. Chances look pretty good for something else to become the meta build for Prophecy, which means you'll be more likely to find it than the guy who mindlessly travels over the same old ground. To those who are certain that CoC Discharge is going to be the meta build for Prophecy: Perhaps you'll be correct in certain metrics, but almost certainly not ubiquitously. There's a whole new world of Ascendancy changes and synergies created with the extra points that make that scenario unlikely. GGG has simply made it so that you don't have to stride forth fearlessly into a brave new world of OP, if that isn't your cup of tea. The change to experience gains seem trivial to me. If you found leveling difficult in the last league, you'll probably find it just as difficult in this league. Unless this change has significantly more weight to it than it appears, I think it is simply being scaled to fit the power creep from the upcoming changes. There are probably other causes for difficulty in leveling that have more impact than this change will. I don't know if I'll be able to do it, but I want that monkey pet! Purple monkey hype! |
@ dominating blow still bugged @ #feelsbadman |
Spark and Vaal Spark projectiles (including those from monster Sparks) are now 20% slower. Quality on Spark and Vaal Spark is now worth 1% projectile speed per point of quality (rather than 2%). The time that Sparks must travel before they re-arm has been increased from 500ms to 1000ms. Spark projectiles now destroy themselves after travelling 150 units, which is in-line with other projectiles.
Isn't it a little bit too harsh? I don't mind that they balanced/nerfed dmg conversion to chaos items but was it so necessary to touch spark this much? :( damn it just when I wanted to try it, it was nerfed... New mute system is terrible - no trade...