Two-Week Flashback Perandus Events - The Votes Are In!
" I kinda wanted this too. I was under the impression that Talisman would be something that would be added in the main game but for some reason it wasn't. I skipped that league too so having it be in a Flashback league would at least be something. |
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" always mean "not you" :( ЧС для форума: ヽ(・∀・)ノ |
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yea, Talisman league was awesome !
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" hahaha |
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" What's not to understand? Some people can't stand the Labyrinth and have no interest in playing without Ascendancy Classes. It's that easy. |
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" Having a basic level of logic will help you a lot. Perandus league is not a race and I did not competetively attempt to go for 100, whereas the upcoming event and the past flashback races are all competitve. If I didn't play competitively in past flashback races how do you think I ended up top 10 in both events? That is why me, someone who had been pushing ladder super hard in certain past events, telling a casual pleb to experience the competitive ladder race when he thinks the game is to easy. No rewards in past flashback leagues? Just lol. Top 20 gets alt art demigods. By the end of every race league the competition at the bottom bracket of top 20 is sometimes more entertaining to follow than the first 100 race. There were even random MTX rewards for hitting lv brackets. So I don't even know where you are coming from when you said there weren't rewards. Let the post go through your head plz unless spewing without correct information is your #1 hobby besides tryhard-sarcasm. " RMT implies any non-legit methods of 3rd party trading. Be it RMT or trading across league or anything thats against the ToS. It is fancinating how many ideas you came up with when I spoke of RMT, which certainly appears that you are much more familiar with those illegal actions. And I can state again I am never involved in any of your brainstormed RMT methods. You are under the impression that players that are better than you are all scums with illegal methods of gaining wealth. I can't really relate to that mindset but I've seen many other plebs with the same idea. So I get you. Oh and btw, SSF is not a challenge. Its EZ af with an extremly annoying process. Last edited by Exodus_820#6254 on May 4, 2016, 6:34:11 AM
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'Thanks' for giving the coup de grâce to a dying League!
I can't understand why these Events must always start during the end of a running League!? Can't this wait to start during the last day of a League? Top Players are done with first characters after a view days, within 1-2 weeks theyr second char is done. Occassional Players reached level 70 and are done after half of the league (maybe some start another character or play a different game on occassion. Don't get me wrong, this shouln'd be flame-war! I'm totally fine with that!). Players who disliked the League's mechanics are really done with it (long before the end of a League). Only slower Players who have not as much time as others and those who actually want to get the Challanges and really like the game/mechanic are still playing right now. And those mostly need the High Tier Challanges you have to buy or cannot start before reaching a certain level (such as killing two deadly booses). So why should those players start a new league with new low level character when they need the high tier challanges you can't get done before reaching (just say) Level 80? There are people who have a Real Life. Who have a Job. Who have Family or havae other reasons for not playing YX-hours a day. And believe me, those want to get the Challanges, too but need more time for them as others! I know that there is a lot of folks saying this is a competitive game...ok. Fine. But there are a lot of people who play this game just for fun and try to get Challanges and stuff for THEMSELFS and not to show up as Place 2351 in a fricking ladder. Do you really think you might bring Players who are done with a league back to play it by restarting it with additional mods? I bet that there will be a very short hype. But after 4 days the actual 'top' Players, the 'creme de la creme' will be done, again. The Players who dislike the Mechanic might come back to look what changes, but to get a serious view on this you need to reach a certain level to see enough of the new changes...and how many of those players might actually came back?! 90?....50?... or less than 10%? The only Reason for me to play this League would be the Flash-Back Events, cause there are actually funny mechanics going on. But because I still need some high tier Challanges I stay in normal Perandus until I' got the last fricking Challange... And no. I'm no fricking Whiner (even i might sound as one)! I'm a fricking Achiever! I want to get the Challanges because I like to gather them (just like Racers like to Race, and others like competitive ladder climbing). I don't want to blame others, or hinder them in having fun or disrespect other types of players. I see the variety in this Community and I see the supply and demand of different Playstyles and stuff. But, I want to get the same chance as others. I don't have the time to reach Level 90 in 4 days. I don't have the skill to do such Top-Tier Game Mechanics stuff. I don't have any chance to be competitive but I want the same amount of fun and Respect as others get. So I'm really unhappy with starting a short living 2 Weeks Event during a still running League! The only really good thing about this is: GGG listens to the Community. I really like this and I highly recommend the work they put into rebalancing/remaking a Mechanic that most community members have doubted to be bad. I am a petty-fat-dumbass-Kid. So please listen to my unwanted oppinions! Vote Tasuni for President!...I mean 'for Hideout'! Last edited by Mr_Dude#2710 on May 4, 2016, 6:16:04 AM
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Unfortunately no SSF, the majority wins, I lose :(
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" Just play SSF for yourself. You aren't forced to play in team, or trade with people. |
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First of All: I'm no fan of SSF either.
But: Now I see the concearns of players demanding SSF leagues: With all this complicated Game Mechanics you actually need a plan to reach End-Tier. For This you need special Uniques and Gear. Sure. Now you can Say: You can trade for it. And that's where the Problems begin! With the current Game Design you are not able to find the stuff you need on your own. So at a certain situation you have to trade for the needed eqquipment. Yesterday I crafted a +2 Summon Helmet on my own (just for fun). I spend 1.5 Ex on different Currency until I got it as I need it (4 Off Colour). And still: If I'd use the 1.5Ex on Trade I'd get a much much better Helmet than mine! For SSF i had to do this with all my gear. And I wouldn't have found enough currency to actually do that. So, the only way fot SSF would be to play an occassional build that need no 'special' eqquipment to run. And that really is no fun. Short Say: There must be a way to have at least some influence on Gear. I'd be absolutely fine with a special Merchant selling Leveling Gear in Act 1-3 normal. So that everyone has a chance to get Leveling Gear when he actually need it without spending time on trade. And: To all SSF Gamers: You must be certain that without trading there is now way to turn high tier gear into currency that you need! Just demanding a SSF League is not the Solution! You have to demand for Special Mechanics for such a SSF League as well. There must be a way to turn Uniques into better Vendor Receipes. Or (as the koreans do) have more MF than in other Leagues just right from the beginning. So please think about this one, too instead of just demand a League with no Partys and Trade allowed! Imho a good solution for this woul be a League in which Uniques are character bound, Trading is limited to a certain type, Party Mode is still enabled! and an actual chance to find stuff is implemented (more MF, or special Merchants?). I know this sounds like Perandus. But with a lot of Changes ;) For Example: Stuff you buy with Pendarus couldn't be traded with other Players. So you only buy the Gear that only you need for your build... I am a petty-fat-dumbass-Kid. So please listen to my unwanted oppinions! Vote Tasuni for President!...I mean 'for Hideout'! Last edited by Mr_Dude#2710 on May 4, 2016, 6:35:21 AM
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