post your ideas for new monsters!
Straight from another post by me:
-Healers and Resurrecters: a must, force players to take those out first -Uniques that can eat regular monsters to fully heal themselves -Creatures that spawn other creatures -Teleporters -Cursers -Buffers -Suicide bombers -Incorporeals (cannot be attacked by melee unless they are attacking) -Creatures that split into multiple weaker creatures on death - would make a good boss -Creatures that serve as mounts to other creatures (remember Act 5 in Diablo 2?) -Walls and towers (also Act 5 in Diablo 2) -Catapults (also Act 5 in Diablo 2) -Creatures that leave trails when they retreat. Could be webs to slow you down, could be fire to damage you if you follow. -Creatures that explode on death hurting you -Large creatures that hurl small creatures at you. -Multiple small creatues that can make a powerful combo attack on you (think Albino spiders from Titan Quest) -Trap setters. Example, trap that if you walk into you get frozen for 1-3 seconds. Or acid puddles. -Immobile creatures. More powerful than regular ones but with an obvious disadvantage. -Creatures that can draw you in (think Scorpion in Mortal Kombat) -Blinders (think 1-2 second flash grenade effect. -Creatures with multiple targetable parts (good for bosses) -Creatures that form a laser line between them, that damages you every second you stand between them. -Wall creators - box you in to prevent retreat or a wall to slow you down while they retreat. -One way shields (think Star wars): a creature with high shield stat that creates an energy dome some radius around it until its shield is depleted. When you attack with a ranged attack a creature inside it, it hurts the shield generator creature instead until its shield are down. Any enemy archers within shield can attack you no problem. -Creatures that attach themselves to you slowing you down or immobilizing you. -Homing missiles -Hidden creatures that don't come out until after you walked past them thus cutting off your retreat -A trapped chest that drops a destroyable wall around you and spawns a few creatues within that wall -Creature that can shoot you with an arrow with rope attached thus leashing you until that creature is killed -Creatures with extremely powerful area of effect attack which can hurt any monsters caught in its area as well as you. (Think Diablos red lightning attack) -Remember iron golems from Diablo 2? Make a monster that turns an item on the ground into a creature (give all mods on the item to the creature, increased quality and quantity mod makes this creature drop more by same amount)! Loot fast around one of these. |
A Spider human hybrid!
A Scorpion human hybrid! |
Not sure how to post images so going to try this one:
Not this particular version, the invisible one that could barely be seen. To make it fair for HC players they shouldn't spawn in areas that they would be completely invisible, but maybe camped in the shade and activated when a player approached would be a nice surprise. All generalizations are false.
"Now now, where's the fun in that? :) |
One hit kill, yes.... |
Hm... maybe they should add some monsters like this:
And maybe add a mechanic to catch monsters and raise them as your pets... |
How about more New Zealand inspired monsters.. Like Giant Moa, or Hans Eagles that fly around and attack you maybe even some that can pick you up and drop you doing more damage, seriously you guys should watch Primeval New Zealand its got some cool sh#t. Giant Tuataras and Wetas with spiky amor that deal thorns like damage. i could go on but im sure you get the idea I like to Party.
a bit more variety to characterize the current ecosystems.
Such as 'spiders' could have matriach units - which can hatch 'hatchlings' from eggs etc (plz god not like larvae in diablo 2 - have them require a corpse to breed, otherwise it just slows the games pace, and low end pcs down pointlessly. More simular to the 'detonate dead' mechanic, but instead requiring you to kill the 'queen' before her friends. would make 'allies deal substantial extra damage' even more of a terror. Webs could spawn about the edges of spider filled areas (on map generation, not via a creep) that would slow characters movement and attack speeds. making doors and narrow passages less of the defensive bastion of greatness they are everywhere else. the jungle could have spawns of carnivorous plants, perhaps with armour disintegration or reaction numbing (evasion) auras - these interacting with existing ape and bandit spawns. Some additional big (carnivorous) game would be nice - crocs and panthers both seem to suit. prides of lions even - on the drier parts of act 2. Also, the aforementioned wetas, with a leap attack - would be quite a fun mechanic. also for the coast: some crabs, hermit crabs (+passive inactive sea shells similar to existing titan rock piles in act 2) anemones, sand worms (50% reduced ranged damage while simply a ripple across the sand, but full damage after they surface) why so many coastal suggestions? because I hate the 'eaters' so very, very much. most pointlessly annoying enemy ever - If they are going to be so annoying to kill, make them a rare spawn that does high damage - not a goddarn cliff racer wannabe. Many of these suggestions affect ranged/glass cannons more than melee - leap attacks, movement impairment etc. however this could reduce the reliance on 'enhanced movement speed' (etc) spawns and instead rely on the actual mechanics of mobs to slow them down. (I found low level ranger to be insanely easy, to the point of being untouchable - and then the difficulty begins to spike as fast, high health mobs start appearing everywhere. I would prefeer to juke set mechanics tactically (eg keep out of leap range, avoid webs etc) than to run endlessly at about 5% faster than that mob, in the hope of occasionally getting a shot or two off. (not that both don't have their place, I just think the later is vastly over represented) |
An enemy with a powerful ranged attack that has a MINIMUM range. i.e. it's helpless in melee range, but extremely dangerous when far away. Melee characters would have little trouble, but ranged characters would have to be careful.
I would like to see some chimeras in game ,like this :