[2.4] Hybrid BV Pathfinder with transitions into CI (Uber lab/Atziri farming, High maps) (Videos)
Welcome to my 2.4 Guide for a few variants of BV. Since the league has just started, this is only one version, which im playing as a starter build. So the other versions will be updated once i get to play those.
" Disclaimer There are a lot of options with BV out there so the builds will change often as i discover more and more possible corruptions/gem setups & more. If you are playing this build yourself, take a look at the changelog below, if you wanna know about the changes. If you have any suggestions yourself, please comment them below! So let's start with some Pro's and Con's for this build: Pro's: + With the BV buffs, mapping is WAY faster. + Still one of the best single target skills. So farming Uber lab/atziri and potentially hydras/shaper is pretty easy + High mobility since we use whirling blades or shieldcharge or even flickerstrike. + High survivability since we go hybrid with a high effective lifepool (around 10k) and later swap to CI + Perma flasks + Cheap early on with a lot of options in the end game + flexible, can be changed to CI/Lowlife/Life in endgame without many skilltree-changes Con's - Single target got nerfed - practically melee, can be rippy vs. volatiles or poison clouds (with the hybrid version) - Flasks are very expensive this league Hybrid - Start with this, later follow the CI build.
Leveling: If you have access to some lvling gear, if you dont only follow the gems i use, it should still be pretty fast.
Get 2 lifesprigs early, level with firetrap/lightning tendrils or something similar until lvl 12. Lochtonial Caress gloves also help a lot and i also get wanderlust and Goldrim with any build early on.
At lvl 12, get a bladevortex (if you can, already with 20% quality) and link it with added cold/lightning in your one lifesprig, you can use a flamedash in the other one. In act 2 you get your Herald of Ice, which is a nice dmg increase. You can also get herald of thunder until you get hatred. At lvl 18 you can drop added lightning for faster casting, also link your flamedash with another faster casting for easier progression. At lvl 24 you get access to the Reverberation Rod and hatred. Swap one lifesprig out and put your Blade Vortex-added cold-faster casting in the new Rod. Also use hatred instead of herald of thunder. At lvl 38 we get access to a lot of good skillgems. It's time to get your tabula - if you got one - and try out your 6link: BV - controlled destruction - increased duration - Poison - Inc AOE / Conc Effect - added cold damage/increased critical strikes If you dont, just run with the first 4 gems mentioned. This costs a lot of mana now, so i recommend using a few elreaon jewellery, if you have some. But you should also have more than enough damage from now on until endgame. Skilltree (120p): Bandits Normal: Oak (life) - if you plan to swap to CI, go for passive point or dont forget to respec it later! Cruel: Oak (Phys dmg) Merc: Alira (Power charge) Gems Main skill: 6L when you have a Vinktars with Conversion (Best case scenario) in order of Priority: For Maps: Blade Vortex - Spell Echo - Elemental Focus - Added Fire Damage - Increased AOE - Increased critical Strikes For Bosses: BV - Faster Casting - Elemental focus - Added Fire Damage - Concentrated Effect - Increased Critical Strikes 6L when we you dont have a conversion vinktars, but a vinktars (2nd best scenario) in order of Priority: For Maps: Blade Vortex - Spell Echo - Elemental Focus - Added Fire Damage - Increased AOE - Physical to Lightning For Bosses: Blade Vortex - Faster Casting - Elemental Focus - Physical to Lightning - Concentrated Effect - Added Fire 6L when you dont have a vinktars yet in order of Priority: For Maps: Blade Vortex - Spell Echo - Increased Critical Strikes - Controlled Destruction - Increased AOE - Added Fire Damage For Bosses: Blade Vortex - Faster Casting - Increased Critical Strikes - Concentrated Effect - Added Fire Damage - Controlled Destruction 4Blue - 1Green - 1Red Defensive CWDT setup: 4L CWDT - Immortal Call - increased duration - Vaal Haste/Vaal Discipline (depends on your Colours) 3Red - 1Green or 1Blue Movement setup: 3/4L Whirling Blades - faster attacks - fortify (- flicker strike) 2/3Green - 1Red Auras/Curse: If you have a Vinktars: Blasphemy - Warlords Mark - Discipline 2Blue - 1Red If you dont have a Vinktars: Hatred - Discipline - Arctic Armor 2Green - 2Blue Power Charge generation: Less stressful to play: 4L CWDT (lvl1) - Blade Vortex (lvl8) - Power Charge on Crit - Flame Golem (lvl4) 2Red - 1Green - 1Blue More consistent but annoying (in my opinion): 4L Blade Vortex - Spell Echo - Power Charge on Crit - Flame Golem 2Blue - 1Red - 1Green Items: Weapons: A pair of Cybil's paws are mandatory for this build, because its the only lifegain vs chaosdmg. Best in slot would be some Cybil's with %additional block chance while dual wielding. Helmet: A rare helmet with minimum 250 ES, some Maximum Life and maybe some res. All 3 Bladevortex enchants are pretty nice to have, but also pretty expensive this league. Bodyarmor: You can play a long time with a Tabula, but once you get to higher yellow maps you wanna get a 5l/6l Rare chest with 500+ ES on a Split base with Armor. Life would be another nice stat, together with some res (chaos & ele), but that can get costly. A good Unique option is also Belly of the Beast for the AOE, life and res, but you will miss some ES. Another option is also an investment for a swap to CI later: The Beast Fur Shawl Gloves: Start of with rare gloves with about 180 ES and some Life. Attack speed is lovely but expensive, also Resistances are nice to have but expensive. A very nice unique option is Hrimsorrows/-burns with a corruption Curse with lvl # on Hit with either Ele weakness (best curse) or Vulnerability. A more defensive option would be Temporal Chains. Boots: Very nice unique boots are Rainbowstrides to get some allres, Spellblock and all of that on a ES base. Good rare ES boots with more Movementspeed/Res/life is obviously not a bad choice either, but also pretty expensive. Rings: Try to get Diamond-base rings with Resistances. Else you want some Strength for the CWDT setup, Mana/Mana reg for smoother mapping, ES and Life for more survivability and if you really wanna spent some currency attackspeed is godlike. Amulet: Start with a rare one, Strength based with some Life, Res and ES. For a damage boost Crit-multi is nice. If you got a rumi's get a Stone of Lazhwar Amulet. If you want even with +1 additional curse on enemys corruption. Belt: The new Crystal-Belt is the best base for this build, Leather belt or Rustic stash are also not bad. Rest is Life, flat ES, and Resistances to cap your res. Nice to have are flask stats like %Reduced flask charges used, %increased flask effect duration or %increased flask charges gained. A good unique option is the Atziri unique DOryani's Invitation with a phys variant. Another nice variant is the Magnate belt. But its hard to cap your res with this. Flasks: For labyrinth use a Instant, bleed removal flask. Else we dont really need Life flasks. A Silver flasks feels pretty nice early on when your Attackspeed is not yet that high. Atziri's Promise is pretty cheap and really nice when you start with mapping. From here it gets more expensive, try to get these flasks in this order: Rumi's concotion is not only a nice defensive flasks, but also grant alot of DPS with Cybil's. Vinktar's is the best unique flask for bladevortex, because we get so much leech, phys to lightning conversion and shock nearby targets, which gives us even more flask charges with our ascendancy. I would get this before starting with higher redmaps. Taste of Hate is our last really nice Unique flask. This converts the last bit of phys dmg to ele dmg, is really nice defense vs phys dmg and is ELE based. Overall pretty nice to have. Kiara's Determination is a nice flask once you got all of these Unique flasks, since they cant roll "freeze immunity" and stuff, also onslaught is lovely when mapping. The overflowing Chalice is a unique i will have to test a bit more, the idea would be to use this vs hard bosses, like shaper, to sustain Vinktars a bit better. Feel free to test it yourself and let me know how it turned out. Once you get to about lvl 85-90 and wanna start with high Redmaps and Uber farming, go for CI:
Only some minor changes to the Tree: 120P
Gear changes: Divinarius as a weapon is Pretty nice, try to get high crit rolls, then focus on Spelldamage since crit recharges our flasks. Beast fur Shawl is the next unique on our list, not mandatory but nice to have. A good Rare ES chest is the budget option. As a shield we use Rathpith Globe with at least 50% blockchance applied to spells. To fullfill the 100% blockchance applied to spells a Stone of Lazhwar is nice, i am currently trying to corrupt one with +1 additional curse, but that is not really needed. For gloves you can use a good rare with about 200 ES and maybe even attackspeed. Or a corrupted pair of Hrimburn/-sorrows that has a Curse on Hit corruption. Pretty nice to have (im currently using a vulnerability on Hit pair). The rest of the gear should be ES based with some resistances and Mana where possible. Diamond rings with strength for the CWDT setup is also mandatory. Gem changes: Mostly the same, but now theres the option to use shieldcharge ... if you like it. Jewels: We now need an Energy from within Jewel near Melding. I like to get Attackspeed on jewels for faster mapping. This is the tier-list for that: +%Attack speed with daggers +%Attack speed while holding a shield +%Attack speed with one handed melee weapons +%Attack speed +%Attack and cast speed For those of you that wanna do Shaper/farm Uber, try to get these mods: +%Maximum energy shield +%Critical strike multiplier for spells +%Global critical strike mulitplier +%Spell damage while holding a shield +%Spell damage +%Area damage +%Damage Ascendancy:
Standard setup for PF:
Normal: Nature's Adrenalin - Boosts your movementspeed flasks while lvling, feels nice. Cruel: Master Surgeon - Now you can regen flask charges against Bosses, also nice while lvling. Merc: Master Herbalist - Poison for singletarget. Uber: Veteran Bowyer - Not only you get ignites on enemys, but also the - if you get your hands onto a vinktars - all "shocked" enemys grant double Flaskcharges. Supernice. Videos Rusty Atziri run Almost ideal Atziri run Flickerstrike Shaped arid Lake & Mesa (funny) If you want more video content, follow me on twitch, i am streaming some atziri services and other stuff without commentary as i dont want anyone to hear my german accent: Twitch.tv/thelmon My Current Character. Currently lvl 91 on a Budget of approximatly 30 ex:
Planned future Versions of BV:
Hybrid Necromancer MOM phys/chaos/poison with double Essence Worm, Deaths Harb and
Shadows and Dust Louwlife Assassin with skyforth (when i get the currency together .. ) Lifebased Assassin budgetfriendly (updated version of my 2.2 guide) Any other ideas i can try? Let me know please, ill try my best to make it work! If you have any questions or just want to add your thoughts, feel free to do so in the comments below, i will try to answer asap. Last edited by Thelm0n#0024 on Sep 25, 2016, 8:54:44 AM Last bumped on Nov 14, 2016, 2:43:50 PM
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Added a smoother Atziri video Added another Video with flickerstrike as movementskill Added future build-plans section Added My Character section Updated Gem section Added Atziri Video Added detailed Gear-Explanation for the Hybrid version. For CI ill add it soon aswell Added Ascendancy explanation Added CI transition Changed skilltree to final version Added options for Endgame Other Guides: CI Trickster crit Facebreaker Shield charge Older version (2.2):
Hey guys, i just got my 2nd Blade Vortex build to lvl 90 and thought i'd share my comparisons and decisions over those 2 different build styles with you. I definitly am looking for more feedback, but both builds feel already very strong as they are.
So lets start with a quick comparison of the pros/cons
Pro Lifebased - Pro Lowlife
both are easy to level both can do very easily atziri both got a high clearspeed both got whirling blades Cheap - safe 6 power charges - 5 power charges 4 endurance charges - high effective life easy to play - perma flasks -> perma 83 all res high end mapping - Every Mapmod except Bloodmagic is doable a lot of aoe for BV - a lot of options in the endgame So now the question. Which build should i pick? Its kinda simple; you are rich and wanna do some tier 15 maps? Go with the LL build. You are pretty new player with only about 30c on your bank? Go with the Lifebased version. I also picked life first to learn the Atziri mechanics a bit more wthout having to focus on my own mechanics too much. Leveling is for both variants the same (except the skilltrees obviously):
Get 2 lifesprigs early, level with firetrap/lightning tendrils or something similar until lvl 12. Lochtonial Caress gloves also help a lot and i also get wanderlust and Goldrim with any build early on.
At lvl 12, get a bladevortex (if you can, already with 20% quality) and link it with added cold/lightning in your one lifesprig, you can use a flamedash in the other one. Lifebased skilltree LowLife skilltree In act 2 you get your Herald of Ice, which is a nice dmg increase. You can also get herald of thunder until you get hatred. At lvl 18 you can drop added lightning for faster casting, also link your flamedash with another faster casting for easier leveling. At lvl 24 you get access to the Reverberation Rod and hatred. Swap one lifesprig out and put your Blade Vortex-added cold-faster casting in the new Rod. Also use hatred instead of herald of thunder. Lifebased skilltree LowLifeskilltree (27 points): We obviously dont start with stacking ES early on, get some life and respec out of it later. Those early flask nodes also help since they buff your movementspeed flasks. At lvl 38 we get access to spell echo. It's time to get your tabula - if you have one - and try out your 6link: BV - faster casting - spell echo - controlled destruction - increased duration - Poison/added cold Lifebased skilltree: LowLife skilltree (46 points) This costs a lot of mana now, so i recommend using a few elreaon jewellery, if you have some. But you should also have more than enough damage from now on until endgame. Lifebased skilltree in steps:
LowLife skilltree in steps:
60 points
80 points 100 points Do the lab first as a LL gets absolutely f*** in the lab, then spec into all the ES nodes. final skilltree Bandits:
Lifebased: Oak (life) - kill all/oak (16%phys dmg) - Alira (Powercharge)
LowLife: kill all - kill all/oak (16%phys dmg) - Alira (Power charge) Gear:
Lifebased: There is no Mandatory Uniques for this build, just one that is pretty good and cheap to get: DivinariusIt provides a lot of spell damage and spell crit, while not having the worst aps for whirling blades.
A rare with High life, resistance and int/strength hybrid is the best since you mostly need blue/red sockets. If you got the currency, get the 25% Blade vortex enchant.
A 6link is so good for this build, that i recommend using a Tabula until you can get a good armor chest (i recommend a hybrid base aswell, else you will spent a hole lot into chromatics)
If you get a 6linked rare chest, focus on life, res, armor. Belt:
A good unique for this slot is: Doryani's with phys damage. I dropped this myself as i did about 50 atziris later on.
A good rare rustic stash with high life, res, armor and some flask mods is also very good. Gloves:
Try to get rare gloves with high attack speed, as we dont get too much on the tree, then focus on life and res on a strength base for the CWDT setup. If you wanna get ham, get maligaros/shadows and dust for the hightest damage output.
I used Atziri's Step but they are not mandatory. Get good life, res and armor if you go with a rare. Movementspeed is not really needed, as we are using whirling blades most of the time.
As mentioned above, a good budget unique is Divinarius
If you want a perfect weapon, go for a Royal skean with Global crit, Spell crit, global multi, attack speed and spell damage, those are very expensive though. Shield:
Here is where most of our Armour comes from, get about 800+ Armor, high life and as much res as you can. For Atziri you can also use a Saffaels
As we are a crit build, Diamond rings are very good. Also try to get some Strength/Dexterity for our skills. Also focus on life, mana and mana regen and the rest of your resists you need. Castspeed or attackspeed is for those, who got more than enough currency in their bank.
Here we get most of our Strength/Dexterity but also some Mana regeneration and for the perfect amulet also crit multi, life, spell damage and crit chance. But those are not really needed, just nice additions in the endgame.
Use at least one HP flask with instant recovery and bleed removal. Also Atziri's Promise is nice and Rumi's is good for any armor/block focused build. If you are poor, get a granite flask of iron skin. As a damage flask you can use a diamond flask, but i would use a Ruby's or Topaz flask. Also get one Freeze removal suffix on one of the flasks, aswell as a curse removal (mostly for silence)
LowLife:Here are some Mandatory Uniques, which makes this version significantly more expensive to gear. But the rewards are pretty good. So, mandatory is obviously the Chest: a Shavronne's The other unique i use, which might be replacable later on, but im not sure about that at the moment, is the Rathipth Shield. Provides a lot of spell damage and Spellblock. Helmet:
Try to get at least 300 energy shield, aswell as some resistance (fire/cold, lighting is not really needed because of the uniques we use) If you are lucky/rich enough, get the 25% blade vortex damage enchant.
As mentioned above, there is not really an option here. Get a shavronne's with at least 5 links, preferebly 6link since it provides a lot of surviveabilty with life leech.
Try to get 50+ ES in total, aswell as some flask mods and resistances. A Rustic stash would be the more offensive option.
Get at least 170 ES and some res, if you got enough currency, also get attack speed for our whirling blades.
I use Raibowstrides at the moment, which keeps my spell block maxed with rumi's, but good 200 ES Boots are good aswell.
A good budget unique is Divinarius
If you want a perfect weapon, go for a Royal skean with Global crit, Spell crit, global multi, attack speed and spell damage, those are very expensive though. Shield:
As mentioned above, i recommend using a Rathipth Shield, but you can also get a 400+ ES shield with some spell crit/spell damage if you want.
Get a Diamond base with some resistance, flat ES and Mana/mana regen. Also try to get some Strength/Dexterity for your skillgem requirements. Later you can craft %ES on them. For those of you, who can spent 20ex on a ring, also get spelldamage/castspeed on it.
Here you get most of your Strength/Dex for the skillgem requirements, also try to get some res and if you got the budget for it, crit multi, spell damage and crit chance.
Here it gets expensive again, as we use every good unique flask:
Lifebased:Your main 6link Bladevortex: Bladevortex - Spell Echo - Controlled Destruction - Increased Duration - Poison - Increased Critical Damage
2G - 3B - 1R Auras/Curse 4link: Hatred - Blasphemy - Warlords Mark - Enlighten (can be left out, smooths the gameplay since you dont need to use your mana flask that often/never) 2B - 1R - 1G Defensive CWDT setup 4link: CWDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Vaal Haset (benefits from the Increased Duration) 3R - 1G Movement Setup 4link: Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Flicker Strike (can be used to jump over gaps/walls, when enemys are near) 3G - 1R Situational gems to use: Vaal clarity for Atziri, Portal is always nice to have, Flame Golem (more dmg than Ice Golem) LowLife:Your main 6link Bladevortex: Bladevortex - Spell Echo - Controlled Destruction - Increased Duration - Increased Critical Strikes and for a 6link Life Leech 3B - 1R - 1G (2R for 6link) Movement 3link: Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify 1R - 2G Bloodmagic Auras 4link: Herald of Ice - Discipline - Bloodmagic - Enlighten(at least lvl 2) 1R - 2B - 1G Mana Auras 3link: Hatred - Clarity - Vaal Haste 2G - 1B Curse/2nd Blade Vortex setup 4link: Blade Vortex - Powercharge on Critical - Blasphemy - Warlords Mark 2B - 1G - 1R CWDT Defensive Setup 4link: CWDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Vaal Discipline 3R - 1B Jewels:
For Both variants you want about 2 Jewels with at least 10% Attackspeed for your whirling blades.
Possible Mods for that are: Attackspeed while wielding a shield Attackspeed with one handed melee weapons Attack and cast speed Attackspeed with daggers Lifebased other jewels: For endgame you want an intuitive Leap jewel at the left side of the tree (you cans see in the skilltre in the leveling section, that some nodes are picked w/o any adjacent nodes picked. It's not mandatory, but helps pretty good in the endgame. For other jewel sockets, try to get the following: Area dmg, Increased damage, phys damage, max life, crit multi and the attackspeed mods mentioned above are the mods you want. LowLife other jewels: A very good Unique jewel you want, is the Energy from WithinJewel below Pain Attunement. Else get the following mods: Area dmg, Increased damage, phys damage, % max Energy shield, crit multi and the attackspeed mods mentioned above are the mods you want. Ascendancy:
I hope you like this/these builds and try it out yourself. I really look forward for some feedback since i am nowhere near a veteran player, since i started about 6 months ago with POE, but i learned quite a lot so far. I am Streaming a new version im trying out at the moment, maybe check it out if you wanna see a similar build in action. My twitch is Twitch.tv/Thelmon Thelmon Last edited by Thelm0n#0024 on Oct 10, 2016, 2:09:17 PM
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No pain attunement as LL?
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" You obviously get pain attunement, but only after speccing into lowlife, early on we go life based and dont really get to low life. Should also be in the skilltrees. |
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Nice build guide :D really want 2 plat BV so gonna try the life based in 2 week league thanks for awesome detailed guide.
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In ranger forum but is shadow wtf is this shit?
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" There is a shadow variant and a ranger variant Please contact support@grindinggear.com if you need any assistance.
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Gulp. Too many Pathfinder BV guides :(. I feel like GGG is going to nerf it anyway even though it's the only viable pick with her (whether CoC or self-cast).
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" Thanks for the kind words, hope its going good in the new league? Im pushing HC in that event with my new Guardian support tank build. Put a build guide up for it aswell, if you are interested in it :D " True, it is one of the most underrated Ascendancy's in the community i feel like. But i hope GGG will rather change something about the ascendancy class to make other spells work better with it, than just nerfing BV to the ground. |
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Build has been added to ranger build list, as requested.
Some quick remarks: Assassin's ascendancy doesn't convert physical to chaos, it adds 10% of physical damage as chaos damage. This is similar to Added Fire Damage support. So it doesn't help at all to handle physical reflect as your physical damage is untouched. On readability: - Use images not wider than 600 pixel to avoid the forum issue with horizontal sliders. Images stored on imgur have a ~600 wide thumbnail generated, just append a 'l' before the .jpg extension. ex: [ url=http://i.imgur.com/myimage.jpg ][ img ] http://i.imgur.com/myimagel.jpg [ /img ] [ /url ] real example: ![]() (click to enlarge) => no horizontal scroll bar, which is MUCH nicer - You don't need that much spoiler tags for gear section, two levels at most, one only preferably. Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... |
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