State of Exile Community Podcast - Featuring Chris Wilson
actually no, in marketing first thing they teach you is that, customer doesnt know what they want. the company establishes the needs of the customer. they produce the needs for the customer. there are no rewards for pvp, but there are rewards for racing.
while racing, some try hards become lvl 80 when you(approx speaking, the average people) are still struggling around lvl 50. do you blame game, or balance or luck? no, you blame yourself because there is a reward in the end and you want it. you wanna get better, you have to get better for the reward. same for pvp, when somebody comes to pvp sarn arena, he wants to be the king, the ruler, the boss of the arena. when he gets one shotted he blames pvp and pvp mechanics. why? cause he has no reason to play pvp at all. there are no rewards. people come just for ego masturbation which leads to nowhere and when they get beaten, they have no reason to get better and blaming GGG and poe pvp is always the best thing to do. most relieving way to deal with getting rekt. poe pvp has been always a enjoyment for the rich, for the standart league players who can reach mirrored items and best items in slot. there are (used to) really exciting pvp matches going on in temp leagues also, but now the damages in game are so buffed that pvp is unplayable. GGG has never given a fuck about us. we tried to make poe pvp better for all of us. cause poe pvp is the most fun ive ever had from a game because how deep the characgter building and ho rich the possibilities are that you can build. let me emphasize this part: we tried to list the problems in pvp discussion forum in a very clear way, we mailed GGG. they were very thankful for the efforts we put to make pvp better and they promised us to look them after around the end of the year. we were waiting for that moment. with. big. hopes. and now... rhis. and talking about profit based companies. let me give you a very known example to explain myself. do you know metallica? i was listening when i was 10-11 years old and it was amazing. you know their first 3-4 albums, they have done these albums with big enthusiasm and they put all their heart and mind to do these albums. but then? after 1992 they started getting profit based... they were more famous... more known... they were more fans of metallica everywhere. they had contracts with big companies. but after they become profit based and acting like company... after they lost their enthusiasm... now we all can agree that the music they do in close while is nowhere close to their first albums. this is what happens with GGG. they are more known... more famous... getting more profit... more better... more more.... but the enthusiasm is gone. i REALLY liked the changes they did in pve and i still think they rock in pve, but pve content gets consumed very quickly. and lack of end game, and pvp is going to be end of poe pvp in looong term i believe. if you look all cultures, companies, empires all same... after they reach to peak... they lose their enthusiasm and the fall begins. poe is not at the peak yet but its close. and first signals of the fall can be seen for most of us. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Apr 11, 2016, 7:12:40 AM
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Hi Chris,
it is very very sad and dissapointing statement about pvp. Here is my subjective and personal point of view after 2 years LLD playing and 1 month HLD playing: 1. It seems like GGG listen to immature players saying: I dont play pvp becuse I dont like it, dont waist human resources for pvp and remove it. Following that logic: - me and most players dont like Labirynth, it is too long and boring, geting 3/300 enchantments is to rng and stupid. I have run it only for ascendancy points and will not do it again. Dont waist human resources and remove Lab from game. -leveling Zana is to slow, i am 93 level and have Zana still level 7 (doing Zana rotas each day in game), her missions and maps are useless for me, remove Zana from game. - melee skills are weak, slow, and boring, remove melee from game. - most mid/ high level maps have bad layout, leave only Gorge/Plateau/Springs map, dont waist human resources for creating bad maps. 2. PVP is unbalnced beacause PVE is unbalanced. Fix PVE broken skills and dissable cwdt's and cws in PVP, and PVP will be very fine. I am plying each day map rotas, t10-13 currentlly, what kind of build diversity we have in full party? BV discharge, spark, EA, LA, Bladefall, Ice Mine and ocassionaly 1 another skill. End of the list/ Each last temporary league were introduced op new skills, rly strong and even broken in comparison to other older skills. Now you are affraid to nerf/tune it down in the middle of league bc some1 will say: dont take the fun off. That way after 1 month of temp league we have miserable build diversity beacuse people want play only strong/op skills. 3. Map rotas. Pepople are looking only for Gorge/Plateau/ Springs rotas because they are good and fast layout maps, and easy bosses with chance to +2 map drop. Current state of maping is that you have created crazy fast moving whirling blade and 50% move speed boots + 10-20% move speed helmet builds. The same builds die/fail/stay away fighting tougher bosses. Now we have brainless fast clearing easy maps builds population. Not much fun in party for well rounded builds able to clear and kill tougher maps/bosses. Having easy (good layout) map and tough boss in there would be much more fun imo. Bad layout map and easy boss would bring more balance for rotas/ mapping. 4. Act3 Sarn Arena and 1v1 mod is FULL and FUN in Perandus each day with Leo daily missions! How come that almost each day someone is asking on pvp forum or in arena when will be next pvp-season? People are waiting for pvp-season. People play pvp and they have fun. In opposite players who cant read/understand what they are reading dont have fun in pvp. How come that each day some1 enters Sarn Arena when Leo daily is for 1v1 and ask for let me kill you.... and your are listeninig to such players/ 5. PVP is not for everyone. It is not for kids who cant loose and want "everything and now". PVP in POE requires patience, game mechanics knowleadge and some dedication. Many players want to beat another player after entering Sarn Arena or 1v1 mod for the first time... then they loose and say wtf, wtf, wtf... pvp is stupid, i dont like it and i dont play it, dont waist resources for pvp... etc etc. It is dissapointing to see that someone is listening to such voices :( Sorry for my english. Talacura Dede |
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You know why there's no video of Chris?
Too expensive to render. All pictures of him are shopped like round earth images and the moon landing. Wilson is a collective super AI developed by the CIA and deployed during the market crash of 2008 as a distraction. Thus became Path of Exile. Well played New World Order, well played. "Im smartest. Your stoped. Dael wiht it."
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" Yes, there are better things for them to improve rather than PvP. No need to waste too much resources on something that a tiny minority of the player base wants. P.S. When are they going to change that PvP master's dailies so people can finally get his master mods without having to enter a pvp match? I want the mods in order to play PvM and you are trying to force me to play PvP before I play PvM.... Last edited by ivkoto77777#0822 on Apr 11, 2016, 7:29:05 AM
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" ok I understand your point now. So what you are saying is that they prioritize profit and not the quality of the game and they have gone from some enthusiasts to being another business where the goal is to maximize profit. Well this may be true, but unfortunately I don't see how this could be different. Truth be told, after a while you have to face the hard facts which is that if you want to maintain profit you have to make compromises in your original dream/goal. In any case path of exile is not a game that will last forever, but I think it's far from being dead. As for PVP, personally I don't care, but I understand your disappointment since they didn't keep their promise. | |
Great posts Rup and Ice.
GGG, we're very sad right now because you basically told us to quit plating poe and start plating LoL. My mouth dropped when Chris said that. I don't want to play LoL... I want to play this game. PVP IS NOT A WASTE OF COMPANY RESOURCES I was running a 20Ex reward challenge for lab farming players with3 runner up prizes of 5ex each. This was only for pvp. I had so many people excited to be farming with a legitimate hope of getting the 20ex goal. I had over 20 people message me in one night. We achieved 2 of the runner up prizes, but once Chris's comments came out I cancelled the reward. I'm sure this upsets some, but I was getting this enchant with pvp as the main focus (eq duration), but I cannot invest 20ex for an implicit if there will be NO work done to pvp in the future. PVP gives endgame players something to go for. I obviously didn't hit 100 by killing people in Sarn or 1v1's and I still play leagues, but PVP and its community is the BEST thing about this game. We don't want lab runs, we don't want racing, we don't want gimicky shit. We want a game that gets support and works on aspects that need fixing. But instead we are told to go pound sand and play LoL. So sad 🎆🎆 🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 Last edited by Ahfack#1969 on Apr 11, 2016, 7:45:17 AM
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" If the market is not there for pvp, then it's a waste of time and $ imo to put anything more into it, apart from fixes to keep it going. Why try to take on the likes of DOTA, LOL etc. in the pvp aspect if you can't justify the effort. Competitive pve is probably much more viable and a parallel to the main content focus. .
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 100% Ethical, most of the time. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- . |
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1. i am not forcing anyone to play pvp 2. i said no word about Leo leveling not only Leo leveling is bad (not mention it took me 6-7 days to Leo 5 hideout, and after 1,5 month my Zana is stil 7...) try to understand, there is not pvp without pve. we all play pve end game content and see that pve is imbalnced -> pvp is imbalanced. |
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I would love to pay 40 bucks for each path of exile copy what has singleplayer and LAN mod too. Most of the times I play the game with one single friend or alone. When I play alone I don't see the point to be connected to the servers. It should have a battlenet like diablo had, and a separated single player / LAN mode.
IGN: Teeborg
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Guys, I just listened to the podcast and Chris didn't say they were removing PvP or making changes just that they have noticed the player base by a vast majority want to play PvE. So as it stands you can still enjoy it, sure it might not get much focus going forward but statistically the player base doesn't bother with it. I know you guys are saying 'fix it and more people will play that mode' but I doubt it, no offense.
In relation to LoL, Chris was referring to that when referring to D2 PvP it was huge but for those people wanting PvP games have been developed since D2 that have filled that void. He didn't say 'Go play LoL' all he did was acknowledge that there are options to game PvPing that didn't exist when D2 was around. As for me, I've tried many times to do a daily Leo mission and found nobody to challenge so I basically gave up. Last edited by Ashman23#3958 on Apr 11, 2016, 7:53:50 AM
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