[2.5.1] Fyndel LL Vaal Spark build 100m xp/h 6 days lvl 100

Somethings I have bought, and some just found in the game.
Thx u a lot, I am going to change what you say ;)
Why you don't get Vaal Pact node?
Fly511 wrote:
Why you don't get Vaal Pact node?
legacy vinktar has vaal pact included u def get it with the new one
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
Last edited by Fyndel#2106 on Jan 7, 2017, 1:14:10 AM
the new vinktar doesnt have instant life leech anymore. the legacy one costs a few atomic bombs, both in standard and in breach leagues. i have a lv 60 one following ur build in breach league in 2 days, playing only evenings, but without life leech and regen, im not able to do any breach. maybe it will change when i get full gear. i'm not sure if you have a character in breach league with this build..? nice build guide btw, so far, I'm enjoying this build with 12k dps buffed with herald of ice and lightning golem summoned only. one shot-ing every small mob with crappy gear lol. no skyforth, no vinktar. and 50% spell dmg on dagger that costs about 4c. Maybe i can get a normal vinktar (costs 45c or so in breach) and then add a point into vaal pact? the only thing is the 80% more consumed charges. doryani only gives u 0.2% which is very bad.
a) You absolutely have to get Vaal Pact, there is no way around that with such a build. You can only save that one point if you have Legacy Vinktar, which is not possible in temporary league (and often it also only saves you 1 single passive point, which is nice but not OP)

b) You have to get life leech from somewhere. In the finished build you are using Vinktar to instantly leech to full ES, and as the clear speed is just extreme, you will have Vinktar's up pretty much always.

You kill bosses by saving Vaal Spark for the boss room and then press pretty much all flasks, Vaal Spark and boss should be gone in a matter of seconds (it is very important that you are immune to Stun and Freeze when you do that, so your Vaal Spark is not interrupted).

The life leech when killed recently boot enchant is a VERY good quality of life upgrade, it allows you to save Vinktar's during mapping when you really need it instead of relying on it for Leech. Although it only works if you killed recently ... so if you whirl around a while and didn't kill something you have to be careful for the first few mobs (or just press Vinktar right before).

c) If you have no Vinktar and can't afford it yet, get Life Leech either via gem (not recommended, as it reduces your damage by a lot) or Warlord's Mark (either on a Cast When Damage Taken, or via Blasphemy, or Orb of Storms + Curse on Hit).

d) Yes, the build is shit for bosses where you can't accumulate souls (Izaro) or boss fights with multiple phases (Atziri, Shaper) or that take much longer than usual (Guardians, have no experience with Spark and Guardians - but if they don't fall fast enough, it will be very difficult I think).
Last edited by daish0#3486 on Jan 10, 2017, 3:37:18 AM
thats a lot of pretty good tips or maybe that's standardized path i dont know, i left poe like 3 years back lol and am just getting into it. i think i'll head down the blasphemy path and see if it works. 2% life leech is alot but for 22' range i'm not sure if it stretches far enough.

I looked up warlord's mark on wiki and it says:

Warlord's Mark now only grants life leech to physical attack damage.

So my question now is does it work with spells? or is vinktar's the only way to leech? I have a 0.5% life leech enchant on boots i bought for like 3c or something, it's helped alot.
RubyCloud wrote:
thats a lot of pretty good tips or maybe that's standardized path i dont know, i left poe like 3 years back lol and am just getting into it. i think i'll head down the blasphemy path and see if it works. 2% life leech is alot but for 22' range i'm not sure if it stretches far enough.

I looked up warlord's mark on wiki and it says:

Warlord's Mark now only grants life leech to physical attack damage.

So my question now is does it work with spells? or is vinktar's the only way to leech? I have a 0.5% life leech enchant on boots i bought for like 3c or something, it's helped alot.
XDDDDDDDD 0.9.3 is beta thats 4 years ago yes warlords mark works with spells
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
RubyCloud wrote:
I looked up warlord's mark on wiki and it says:

Warlord's Mark now only grants life leech to physical attack damage.

And shortly after it says:

This curse now has Increased Chance to be Stunned and Reduced Enemy Stun Recovery. The life and mana leech are now not specific to physical damage. It now has a lower chance to grant Endurance Charges on enemy death.

I have these and 18ex pure plus a few more exalts worth of gear I can sell. I've been considering going ll purely because I don't want the stress of looking for the best regalia for my buck.

Do you think I can fill most holes with 18ex +maybe 2-4exalts? Does going ll even have any benefits over a regular vaal sparker with cotb and choir? would i buy presence of chayula for neck? guh..l i'm pretty lost... last question i have atm, are the flask lines on crystal belt worth it?
Jangerson wrote:

I have these and 18ex pure plus a few more exalts worth of gear I can sell. I've been considering going ll purely because I don't want the stress of looking for the best regalia for my buck.

Do you think I can fill most holes with 18ex +maybe 2-4exalts? Does going ll even have any benefits over a regular vaal sparker with cotb and choir? would i buy presence of chayula for neck? guh..l i'm pretty lost... last question i have atm, are the flask lines on crystal belt worth it?
dont think u can make a good efficient LL one with 18ex left CI is most of the times better until u got all the gg gear then LL gets better maybe sell boots and make ci version? there alot of guids for that abit slower but still pretty fast missing on a few auras and 30% more spell and not sure if u knew but the base attackspeed on a weapon doesnt matter for wb/sc only the added attacked speed so u lose on a ALOT of crit not having a plat/gold kris but ur dagger is pretty good not sure if u overpaid for it cause of not knowing the attackspeed
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
Last edited by Fyndel#2106 on Jan 11, 2017, 8:27:48 PM

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