[2.5.1] Fyndel LL Vaal Spark build 100m xp/h 6 days lvl 100
If ur looking for a fast(the fastest) clearing build or somethig to impress ur less knowledgeable friends this is the right one or if ur looking to kill bosses uber atzi/ shaper /uber lab check this guide here https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1732883
video in a 56sec t13 gorge clear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nfh-UMHQwkk&feature=youtu.be if ur rlyrly poor heres a video with the smallest possible gear requirements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4o-O0NMr9w&feature=youtu.be key items : no u dont need it to be +1 lvl its almost useless i can just afford it , no u dont need a legacy vinktars i just have it, no u dont need a legacy chil of corruption a non legacy works perfectly fine if u dont have the listed items here the build doesnt work properly or isnt fun to play in my opinion. items u can use if u dont have skyforths use the shaper boots if u decide using shaper boots dropp pierce gem in chest and boots and put w/e u like for example crit dmg and u need to get 8% aura reserve on the left side of the tree ( 2 points more and use assasins mark instead poachers mark in herald of ice setup) gear/gems i use (yeye its overkill)
ori have 95% crit i dont use a diamond flask u can use a sulphur or w/e u pref shaper flask is pretty useless for vaal spark , u can use it for the charge up for spark tough w/e u like
screenshot vaal spark dps: fully selfbuffed
hideout no buffs dps
lvl 100 tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUBAAKWBUIFtQmqDFIOSA5cEQ8RLxFQEZYWQBcvGYoaj RqPGyUc3B0UHU8fGCBuIuoi9CSwKgsqWysKLJwtHy9vMtE1uUGWQzZFR0V-RwZJUUuuTLNQMFH7UilS7FXgWFpbJlxrXIpd8l9qYlpjQ2SdZp5q-mwIbAttGXBScLt59nvXf8Z_-4CkhEiExYV9idOLjIw2jHaOZI8aj0aP-pJukyeXBpuhm7Wce6EvpwinK6i5rJius7TFtvq3MbxWvorAZsCawcXC7MM6w2 3Eos0W0B_Q0ND10nzZE9lb2fzbXtvn35jo1ukC6-7r9ewY7WHv6_DV8YryHfLh9tr3pvfX-d360vsJ?accountName=Alexlulz&characterName=Fyndel lvl 90 tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUBAAKWBUIFtQmqDFIOSA5cEQ8RLxFQEZYXLxmKGo8bJRzcH RQdTyBuIuoi9CSwKgsqWysKLJwtHy9vMtE1uUGWQzZFR0V-RwZJUUuuTLNQMFIpUuxV4FhaXGtcil3yX2piWmNDavpsCGwLbRlwUnC7efZ71 3_GgKSESITFidOLjIw2jmSPGo9Gj_qSbpMnlwaboZu1nHuhL6cIpyuouayYrrO0x bb6uZO8Vr6KwGbAmsHFwuzDCcM6w23EotAf0NDQ9dJ82RPZW9n8217b59-Y6NbpAuvu 6_XsGO1h7-vw1fGK8h3y4fba96b31_nd-tL7CQ==?accountName=Alexlulz&characterName=Fyndel passiv tree i use with shaper boots https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUBAAKWBUIHYwmqDFIOSA5cD6sPxBEPES8RUBGWFkAWvxcvGYoajxslHNwdFB1PHxggbi SLJLAqCysKLJwtHy9vMtE1uTt8QZZFR0V-SVFLrkyzUDBR- 1IpVdZV4FhaXGtcil3yXypfamJaZOdmVGaeavptGXBScLtyD3RVe9d_xoCkhEiExYV9idO LjIw2jHaOZI8aj0aP-pJukyeUb5UglwaboZu1nHuhL6KjpwinK6i5rJius7b6tzG4yrmTvFa-isBmwJrBxcHzwwnDOsNtxKLLvc0W0B_Q0ND10nzZE9lb2fzbXt-Y5oHpAuvu6_XsGO1 h7-vw1fId9tr3pvfX-d360vsJ?accountName=Alexlulz&characterName=Fyndel banditspassiv,passiv,alira(powercharge) aura and gem setup: aura https://poe.mikelat.com/#ilyWEob/ZAKv.jLi/tNrp.sc skyforth gem setup http://poecraft.com/%20gemplanner#v11.=S1y1w.2N0902.0c372Q00.341z 272f2M2U.2Q1L141H.191z272f.==.==.== shaper boots setup http://poecraft.com/%20gemplanner#v11.=S1y1w.2N0902.0c0t2Q00.341z2T2f2M2U.2Q1L 141H.191z2U2f.==.37.== ascendancys : rightous providence >invevitable judgment >auguruy of penitence (more dmg multiplier) >instrument of virtue old 2.2 content
I would rate this build to the best builds in poe currently with spectral throw and blade vortex thread for st and blade are here : ST https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/846000 BV : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1615022 spark fastest clear speed blade best single target spectral throw mix of both
People asking me about my vaal spark setup they saw on stream , as templar remove the light pen gem and use empower normaly u want to use pierce but currently with the +2 helm enchant it gives vaal spark +2 chain (its bugged and getting fixed soon) until then i am using no pierce
this build is HC viable too all u have to do is play witch occultist with this
Vaal Spark video: waterways https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOQouo8aJfM&feature=youtu.be best video > tropical island,strand,arid,gorge,plat map showcase https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGgTOKbThqs&feature=youtu.be Normal Spark videos : Twinned deathless Core https://youtu.be/Unb2pValXVE?t=2m41s rank 1 no vaal skill gorge clear speed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdu_QOHUIqE&feature=youtu.be Core deathless video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2-339GjNv0&feature=youtu.be Plateau : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ-nnJIWLOY&feature=youtu.be Gorge : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti8ZkuE7mns&feature=youtu.be Arid lake : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJQNnZSONGU&feature=youtu.be ascendancy classes: templar inqusitor
bandits : passive passive alira if gear good enogh dropp cruel node for attackspeed=clear speed tree dont get inimidated by the gear u dont need this gear AT ALL the videos i did are all without +1shav helm enchant boot enchant and 21 gems if ur budget isnt as high pm me ingame for question what u can dropp my gear is just extremly optimizedI get the question alot , dont use empower if u dont have +1 shavs use crit strikes gem its way better!! gear
low maps i use red maps i use its abit saver like that :)
for laby enchant try to get plus 2 spark projectile on helmet and leech on boots its rly rly fucking good! works without too just nice , glove get defensiv enchant the offensiv suck WHEN U DONT PLAY SOLO AND U GROUP ALOT THIS SETUP OF GEAR IS BETTER
the 2 other flask for ele weak and minus max maps , u NEED THOSE 2 jewels or the setup wont work its rly important it gives+1max light res and enogh reserve for bm with this setup u can use pierce over fork u wont die to reflect!
if u dont have lvl 4 enlighten dropp blashemy ass mark and use this aura setup https://poe.mikelat.com/#=e1Gnhb/e=6kRd/gjdzfCo if u get aura reserve on helmet enchant u can get blasphemy but try to use spark enchant its fucking op this build works in perandus aswell just get vaalpact so the non legacy vessel of vinktar works with this build i was able to reah 1.5 Bilion xp/h http://i.imgur.com/p0WdCIB.jpgand you can get 100 in less then 3 days. got any question that this thread doesnt cover pm me ingame @Fyndel Every Class 100 Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe Last edited by Fyndel#2106 on Dec 29, 2016, 11:11:32 PM Last bumped on Jul 24, 2017, 7:48:08 AM
Bump for my boi
" Where are at PoE not at low I asume you mean ranger not rengar xD IGN: JackDaniels
"xD ye ranger ofc to much lol sry Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe |
nah not even 1k ex gear. 0 mirrored items. not fundel for sure. downvoted.
[ I G N ] Grafflol___ hc talisman
Grafflol___ lvl almost 98.#40 thc[rip from icenova box].atziri slayer[kill count 256]#1 normal atziri slayer[invasion].world first avatar of thunder as melee.[THC] best twin t14/t15 killer[thc] /1554892 my stream http://www.twitch.tv/grafflol ye i got 1m views. |
" 500m/hr in dried lake at L72 isn't really relevant to getting 100. 30m/hr across various map layouts at L99 would be more impressive. Also I don't think you have solid enough defenses against rare situations that will nevertheless occur multiple times on the grind to 100. How about leech vs 20% reflect rares when Vinktar/Atziri are down? I'm assuming you're gonna encounter these situations since you don't have any increased flask charges gained or reduced charges used anywhere. HC players run double purities and 2% base leech to cover this scenario specifically, but I don't see you doing anything besides hoping for the best? All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Apr 4, 2016, 1:52:22 PM
GG build.
IGN:Vennttorr - Level 100 Witch - 1st Witch to 100.
My mirror service thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/811499 My Crit Arc build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1090691 -- Updated |
"u could go for boot enchant for the leech if u rly wanna go save or dropp like 20 dps nodes and get over 15k es and still do a bilion dps w/e u do with the build is your choice its just showcase how retard it is , its like vaal spark on steroids got the spark enchant on helm now too its insane. Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe |
sick guide, bump for my bro
ign: flumie
/357218 -- Store /1195032 -- <ZZZ> Sleepless Guild Thread -- 90+ AUS players in STD recruiting! |