Tank in the DPS meta
CI Aegis build in 3.4: Swaps: 19690 effective ES against elemental hits (Incandescent gives a 1.333 multiplier) 14768 raw ES 110 208 Armour without flasks 222 565 Armour with flasks 66/75 or 75/63 block (swappable nightmare jewels) 5877 effective ES gain on block without flasks 4408 raw ES gain on block without flasks 11869 effective ES gain on block with flasks 8902 raw ES gain on block with flasks Shock immune (Cyclopean Coil) Ignite immune (Cyclopean Coil) 6.8k mana (36 unreserved) Tree: http://poeurl.com/b6eY Bandit: Alira Pantheon: Solaris and Tukohama atm Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/HKVPwvjm Changes compared to before 3.4: Flasks are not reliable any more in 1v1s, so specced out of flask nodes, and focused on getting high armour without them, bought a few new items. Using melee as main skill for coolness (also fortify and stationary attack block trigger) Mildly interesting note: outside of the 2 rings, the build only uses unique items at this point, and most of them are best in slot, only amulet and boots could be replaced with very expensive rares.
CI Aegis 3.1
25.7K ES 137K Armour 75/75 Block 1156 base ES regen 2699 ES regen with flask 4241 avg ES regen with Time of need 7.2k max mana Regen swap with Titanium, Ephemeral and Shav ring: 28.6K ES, 5860 max avg regen without Watcher jewel I have 17.6k ES, and with nerfed jewel I'll probably have 20.6k ES according to PoB, but then I can respec some mana to pure ES and still get around 22k Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.1.1/AAAABAUDABzcQ8gdFPuqCPRPBFH7kiuPGhg8VeABb_novKpqQxFQKlP3wcNtSU_r5KcIfLuA4Ow4KU-ycKcrN2bBxZitHxiQ1jbFVcYGObc-ZlQsnLiT74iCx-q6PC3pAuL37-uhL7zqGyW9J9dqDlzQH1fJXsBWSKUYjHZMs80WLL_zBkmxHwLFirQMytMVUOwY18_YJGjyvoq3MVIpJ6l_xmaeRX49DxhWcU18S5swi3qXLTrYDXxca18qlnRtGWwLms9-bI9GhXuFMvrSg9uDzINfgptq-kuuNApDY_k3r2yESCL0UWCePEGH2VtOUiymKPpYWrdoiFoEB-vukyc= Bandit: Passive Pantheon: Solaris and Tukohama atm Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/3W7jkj0r Wrong Armour and ES display cus of Watcher jewel and Greelwood calculations Changes to the Aegis build in 3.0: Swapped crit reduction belt and passive for more ES, got better rings. Lost 2k ES, but gained almost full crit reduction and 10% aoe dmg reduction with the Solaris pantheon. Lost dps by going to self cast instead of CWC because of the nerf to it. My thoughts on 3.0 tank builds: DoTs are really hard, so removal/immunity items are very important. Pantheon made crit opponents much more bearable, and others are also mitigated better, but CI nerf is also significant. I still have to get and test Herald of Thunder (50% increased recovery of Life+ES after stopping taking DoTs) under Arakaali, see if it works with Aegis replenish, because if it does it will be the best option against non-crit. Xirgil and regen builds should still work well with the legacy gears, and besides the obvious crit pantheon, the above mentioned recovery pantheon is also really nice on them. To proc it wear Reckless/Conv talisman to take crits and get ignited, then remove the ignite with a non-fix duration flask, like mana flask with avenger mod, so you can dispel it every 4 seconds and keep it up.
CI Aegis 3.0
Regular setup (full tank): Damage/thorn 78/78 block setup: Anti-elemental setup: Secondary damage / DoT setup: Other swaps (resist overcaps): Shaper's Touch is not only a budget option, but straight up better than any rare glove when you have 300+ strength because practically it turns all strength into intelligence, and it greatly boosts armour through evasion scaling (the armour on the base is insignificant). Astramentis is also BiS, can give 220-330 intelligence equivalent (44-66% ES) thanks to the gloves. All of the three stats are used up, because it frees up 2 suffixes on rings, which can be int rolls or resists. It would require a mirror-tier rare amulet to beat it in pure ES numbers. This setup is still not perfect, I need to get a useful helmet enchant, probably mana reservation for one of the auras, which would free up passive nodes, and I have 2% more block than needed with the Advancing fortress. Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUDAAFvBAcFLQthDXwOPA5cEVAUcRVQFy8bJRzcHRQfAiFgIvQksCepKPoppSpTLL8vbzW5NsU6UjwtQKBDY0PIRJ5Ffka3SU9JsUuuTLNOUk8EU7tV1lZIV8lZ81xrXhNfKmFSZOdmVGaeaGVo8mr6bAttGXC7cU1yD3KpdPF6735sf8aApIDgg1-ESIUyhmCG0Yt6jHaPGo9GkiuTJ5Rvly2YrZrPmzCePKEvpRinCKcrrKqvbLJwtAy3MbdouJO8qr6KwcXDbcT2xq7K09Af02_XatfP2CTZE9lb4vfpAuoY6rrr5Ovu7BjvTu-I7-vz3fcy98H46_k3-tI=?accountName=M%C3%A1rkusz&characterName=M%C3%A1rkuszTheBearded Bandit: Passive Pantheon: Solaris and Yugul (for the reflect) or Abberath (for fire reduction) Stats: Regular setup (full tank): ES: 17896 Armour with Flasks: 151 537 ES Gain per block: 6061 Armour without Flasks: 39 346 ES Gain per block without flasks: 1574 Block: 75/75 Crit multi reduction: full by Solaris pantheon Resists: max: 75/80/76 Dodge: 8% after taking crits (boot enchant) Damage/thorn 78/78 block setup: 15936 ES, 148 380 Armour, 78/78 Block, nearly double damage on spells, Anvil rekts glasscannons. Anti-elemental setup: 13935 / 0.75 = 18580 effective ES against elemental hits, 161 025 Armour Take note that the ES replenish is indirectly also buffed by the 0.75 reduction because it is based on armour which is not lowered by swapping. Secondary damage / DoT setup: 21708 ES, 20% DoT reduction, some ES regen (mostly from ascendency) and a 10-use ignite removal flask (for SR) Path of Building code: https://pastebin.com/M1LehMr3 ![]()
CI Aegis 2.6
Regular setup (anti-crit, max tank): Damage/thorn 78/78 block setup: Anti-elemental setup: Anti-elemental non-crit setup: Secondary damage / DoT setup: A few other swaps: Shaper's Touch is not only a budget option, but straight up better than any rare glove when you have 300+ strength because practically it turns all strength into intelligence, and it greatly boosts armour through evasion scaling (the armour on the base is insignificant). Astramentis is also BiS, can give 220-330 intelligence equivalent (44-66% ES) thanks to the gloves. All of the three stats are used up, because it frees up 2 suffixes on rings, which can be int rolls or resists. It would require a mirror-tier rare amulet to beat it in pure ES numbers. This setup is still not perfect, I need to get a useful helmet enchant, probably light warp duration, and I have 2% more block than needed with the Advancing fortress. A lvl4 enlighten would make 4% unreserved mana instead of the current 1%, so I could use a lvl21 LW without reduced mana, and Tempest Shield could get a 4th support gem. Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUDAAFvBAcFLQthDXwOPA5cEVAUcRXXFy8bJRzcHRQdTx8CIWAi9CSwKPoppSy_LR8vbzW5NsU6UjwtQKBDY0PIRX5Gt0lPSbFLrkyzTlJPBFWpVdZWSFZjV8lZ81xrXhNfKmFSZOdmVGaeaFho8moBavpsC20ZcLtxTXIPcql08Xrvfmx_xoCkgOCDX4RIhTKGYIauhtGJ2It6jHaPGo9GkiuTJ5Rvly2XtJitms-bMKEvpRinCKcrrKqvbLcxuJO8qr6KwcXDbcT2xq7QH9Nv12rXltfP2CTZE9lb4vfpAuoY6-Tr7uwY707viO_r9zL3wfjr-Tf60v0A?accountName=M%C3%A1rkusz&characterName=M%C3%A1rkuszTheBearded Stats: Regular setup (anti-crit, all purpose): ES: 19679 (+1k with rare belt) Armour with Flasks: 155 742 ES Gain per block: 6230 Armour without Flasks: 38512 ES Gain per block without flasks: 1540 Block: 75/75 Crit multi reduction: 50% Resists: max: 75/80/76 total: 133/118/117 Dodge: 8% after taking crits (boots enchant) Swapping in the rare Crystal belt gives exactly 1000 ES and better resists. Damage/thorn 78/78 block setup: 18144 ES, 155 119 Armour, 78/78 Block, nearly double damage on spells, Anvil rekts glasscannons. Anti-elemental setup: 15420 / 0.75 = 20560 effective ES against elemental hits, 162 721 Armour Anti-elemental non-crit setup: 16385 / 0.75 = 21847 effective ES against elemental hits, 162 721 Armour, but only 20% crit multi reduction Secondary damage / DoT setup: 25160 ES, 20% DoT reduction, some ES regen (mostly from ascendency) and a 10-use ignite removal flask (for SR) Conclusion: The build can gain as much ES per block as some people have as total EHP (6k+), yes it's op. I've tested against most top DPS builds in standard, and regular hit-based blockable builds can't kill it reliably, based on rng it takes 10-60 seconds to die them. A few exceptions that can kill me fairly fast are Flameblast, pure EA, HoT (IF they remove their CWDT setups or don't get near me). I can stand in Scorching Ray for a fairly long time thanks to the flask. I dare to think this is the tankiest build overall atm. (Zerphi tanks can be better in few cases) Path of Building code: https://pastebin.com/64nsb5up
CI ES Recharge Tank Xirgil's Crank, Blightwell 2.6
Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMBAAFvBx4NfA5IES8RUBGWFVAVfhXXGFYYahpIGyUc3B0UHU8d2R8YIvQmiCj6Kwospiy_LR80CjW5N2Y3gzwtPvFBh0J6Q1RJUUmxSi5LrkyzUftSKVXgVkhWY1fJWAdYWlnzXGtd8mZUZp5odGwLbRltbHIPeC96cHzlfPB_xoLHg1-DzIRIhq6IQox2jxqPRpDWkQeTJ5RvlS6YrZuhoS-m66cIpyunpbQMtUi3MLcxtz64k7v8vjq-isEAwcXDbcb3ytPNFtAf1YvXz9gk2VvaYt-K4vfndOha6QLquutj6-7sGO-I7-vw1fRx9Uv3wffX-Tf56PrS?accountName=M%C3%A1rkusz&characterName=PaukEmbor Stats: 18234 Max ES (24k with Shield + Sword) 25345 ES/sec Recharge while recharging 74% attack block 75% spell block 81/81/82 Resists with flasks 2133 ES Regen/sec Still has good damage when the opponents dont overcap againsts EE/Ele weak, or they are squishy (T value abuse, many skill shotguns etc)
OLD CI Aegis with guide (2.3)
I would like to share my current implementation of a CI Aegis Aurora Regen build I was playing recently because I had a lot of fun with it. and wanted to show my choices that are not so obvious about the build, like the tree. It was surprising for me how good it went in this crazy meta we have these days. I can recommend this build for anyone who likes to survive the attacks of certain builds, kill some glasscannons, or just already have most of the gear pieces needed from pve like I did, and want to try a fun and easy to play build. Gear: Setup 1: Aegis Setup 2: ES Shield and Body armour Explanation: The build works best against fast hitting opponents, and can deal enough damage to kill opponents without proper defences or in some optimal situations even with high defences. You can survive by the effect of Aegis Aurora replenishing your energy shield, Energy Shield regeneration, or if the damage taken is not blockable then even higher regeneration. Defence: High Energy shield is gained through gear and Discipline aura, this is the #1 focus of gear pieces. Try fitting in some armour on whatever piece you can find paired with good ES, like body armour. Get 2% block master mod on Gloves, and use a Sai dagger for another 6% block. Movement speed can be ommitted on boots for more ES, but I prefer to have it. Get overcapped resistances to avoid effect of curses and EE. You can get some damage for your spell on the dagger and the amulet. Shavronne's Revelation ring is nice to have for high ES regen. It's best to have avenger mod on all flasks, because without the opponent using the Resolute Technique keystone, you will get constant flask charges combined with the Reckless Defence jewels, which cause the opponent to deal critical strikes on you. One mana flask is advised because it has many uses because of low charges consumption and it is required to use self-cast abilities. Granite flask with good Iron Skin roll it required, as this is the highest source of Armour to maximise the effect of Aegis Aurora. Other good flasks are Sulphur for Consecrated Ground (more regen), and Stibnite to blind enemies with smoke. Offence: The #1 damage output of the build is Tempest Shield against blockable hits. If the opponent procs tempest often enough they can take massive damage from it. I advise having this skill in your body armour, preferably 6Ld: TS - Lightning Penetration - Elemental Focus - Controlled Descruction - Iron Will and a green utility. Utility gem can be Blind, Block Chance Reduction or Culling Strike. Other Damage can come from Cast When Damage Taken, used mainly against non-blockable hits. In this case I advice putting the same type of elemental skills in your body armour with the apropriate resistance penetration gem. Having Molten Shell and Flame Dash againt physical build opponents can also deal good damage. I prefer to have a self-cast skill to initiate fights with pinging the enemy. The best skill I found to deal some damage with such low investment in a 4L is Bladefall, but you can use another CWDT setup here. Other swaps: To further reduce incoming Critical Hit Damage (beware that you lose block chance, possibly ES, Armour, resists) To cap your Block chance paired with the Deceiver 78/78 Anti-bleed If the freeze removal flask is not enough To replace Shavs ring if more Dexterity or Resistances needed. Tree: link Ascension: Guardian Nodes taken in order of importance: Bastion of Hope, Radiant Faith, Harmony of Purpose Harmony of Purpose is only useful against Dischargers, if you feel it unnecessary, you can pick up the small node before Time of Need (the Time of Need node itself isnt good because its based on maximum life and not ES) Jewels: Stats: Setup 1: Aegis ES: 13852 ES Regen: 1731 (2286 with Sulphur Flask) (Reduced by about half if affected by Frost Bomb) Armour: 7411 constant (296 ES replenish by Aegis when blocking) Armour with flask: 28390 constant (1136 ES replenish by Aegis when blocking) Attack and Spell block chance: 74% (75 if all the below base attack blocks are max rolled)
Tempest Shield damage per hit tooltip (has 37% penetration):
Actual TS damage in PvP per hit (75% enemy resistance assumed):
Setup 2: ES Shield and chest ES: 17996 ES Regen: 2570 (3290 with Sulphur Flask) Armour: 1011 constant, with flask: 13653 Attack and Spell block chance: 73% Resistances: 75% (147%) 75% (109%) 76% (150%) Counters and matchups: Most of your matchups are simple, opponents don't deal enough damage to tickle you. Most of the time you will use the Setup 1. Setup 2 is needed against non-blockable damage such as: Explosive Arrow Minion Instability Bear Trap Secondary damage of Lightning Arrow (sometimes at least) Or if the opponent has significant block chance reduction. Based on my tests this effect only reduce regeneration that is converted from Life regen by the ZO keystone, so the regeneration from Shav ring is not affected. Frost bomb is sometimes avoidable by moving out of it's AoE, because it applies during it's whole duration (3.5 sec) getting constantly hit, and remains for 2 sec after the last hit taken from the skill. Against crit attack accuracy based builds, use blind support with Tempest Shield, and/or low level CWDT with Ball lightning and Blind support gem. Pros:
IGN: Márkusz My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Last edited by Márkusz#4682 on Sep 24, 2018, 4:09:21 PM Last bumped on Feb 3, 2018, 6:29:34 PM
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too stronk.
(more armor would be better though dont you think) "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Mar 22, 2016, 7:20:56 PM
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" I forgot to add armour numbers when Molten Shell is up, then it is 34k. Well, I guess I could, but there is a balance in the current numbers too. I would lose some ES tho, unless I would buy new pieces, but I think the current ones are good enough. IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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Great write-up markusz! Annoying af build, but very cool to see things spelled out like this. Great work!
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🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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so you are just a sonehatard copycat
Poe Pvp experience
https://youtu.be/Z6eg3aB_V1g?t=302 |
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sonne is a wall. markusz is a intelligent humanoid beeing. there is a difference. sonne's build is all about the things icedeal and i told him to do actually.(maybe some other guys too)
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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Obviously this is not an #IDidItFirst original masterrace build, but definitely has it's use.
As I said It is not for 1v1s because most of the time all that fulltanks can achieve in duels is a tie, unless the opponent is stupid enough to kill himself to tempest/cwdt multiple times. When someone decides to play duels and intentionally draw, or the opponent refuses to attack it is player behaviour, while I can completely understand the latter case, these are both cases that make matches frustrating or boring. Similar to that it is also a playstyle to spam sparks endlessly with maximized offence glasscannon, which is the efficient way of playing spark, or possibly a caster these days, as it is the strongest, but it is still a choice of the player to do it, and because most people play it like that, it makes people hate spark, and that's why I don't play it any more. With a tank build it is easy to find people who engage in Sarn Arena as there is nothing to lose or win, and people like challenges especially when they go in expecting a oneshotfest with their fancy new ascendency tooltips. Also the outcome of these fights is not mostly determined by who offscreens the other sooner or who initiate the first attack, but rather the use of proper swaps and skills, which makes it fun imo. IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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Added an ES Recharge Xirgil build, demi copypasta
IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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burn_burn_baby has also been using such build in arena since a while, is it also famous in pve?
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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" idk IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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