[HC Assassin] 2.6 Arc Miner build - Fast Clear + Very Low Budget!
400 chromatics later - still no 4B1G... damn. :(
Edit: After 550ish... RIP chroms ;_; Last edited by Qte#4617 on Sep 15, 2016, 4:30:56 PM
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" I am glad you have been enjoying the build :) and yeah thats a pretty insane chest. First keep in mind enchants in poe only refer to the implicit mods you can gain from the lab. The increased mine damage is an affix crafted through master benches, and takes a normal affix slot (although it cannot be rolled naturally on items). The reason I had flask recovery on my belt is simply because it had no space for mine damage (it is a suffix), but mine damage is a great choice so no worries there :) As for the helmet enchant, realistically I would suggest just buying a white +3 arc helmet and crafting it yourself (you are incredibly unlikely to get it in lab). The reason for going for the +3 arc instead of the 40% damage is that the increased number of arcs actually gives more damage assuming there are mobs to chain off (its essentially a 30% more multiplier given the 7 normal chains). " Thanks for your input, but a couple of your assumptions are a little incorrect :) Firstly, while we do have several less multipliers, we still have enough damage with the crit multi and base damage we have to shock all rares, and the majority of bosses (even in damage reduction maps). Secondly Ambush is actually much more useful than you think. It gives us a guaranteed crit on the first Arc hit with increased crit multi, which ensures the mob is shocked for the rest of the hits. Although I will concede that this is only useful for general clear. Oh and tooltip damage does not include damage gained from both Ambush and Assassinate as these are both dependent on mob health (so actually the tooltip damage is a little lower than it should be, but not by much. In terms of the differences of crit between assassin and saboteur, there is not much comparison. With saboteur you will struggle to get over 40% crit chance (without the extra crit multi you get from assassin remember - 86% increased crit multi with charges. This is a pretty huge deal for a crit build! I did initially consider Saboteur and reconsidered it when they added 100% mine arming speed (this was real nice), but realistically you drop far too much. The extra 2 mines is only really useful on some bosses. The other node in Saboteur which is pretty exceptional is Explosives Expert for an additional 10% ele pen, but again that single node would need to make up for 30% lower crit chance and almost 100% reduced crit multiplier :/ Having said all this, the character would still work fine (I used to run this before Ascendency) but unfortunately will not compare too well with the Assassin version. And your statement on mine detonation radius is certainly something I started to consider later on last league as it is very useful to start off that arc chain (and previously to target bladefall more safely). However after some testing, simply getting a 20% quality minefield, with the 10% we get from the tree was more than enough. I didnt feel like going up from 30% to 50% from taking the detonation radius nodes was really worth it for the trade-off :) " I feel your pain! It can be really annoying to colour staves with no red sockets! I took 550 fusings to get a 5l on my second tremor rod :( Although rip that char - should have been ele weakness capped for those boiling ambushers! |
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" Thanks for your answer :) Actually I didnt go assassin because I didnt think the initial hit could would be strong enough to shock tough monsters (act/map bosses and stuff). There is no use in shocking weak monsters, right ? If you say it does maybe I should reconsider, as I was only going to do some crit with the free power charges (~25%). Still, the Saboteur also has the "chance to blind" node, which is pretty nice with accrobatics. I'll use this as a primary defense and go ZO/EB/stone golem for the mana sustain (so I can use Wrath) All in all I feel like the Assassin has more dps while the Saboteur has more utilities (defense, mine arming speed and ele pen). Since I like PvP my choice might go to Saboteur anyway. (63% pen with the boots enchant ? ^^) I'll try variants when I'll have more currency ! |
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" Yeah the crits are strong enough to shock most bosses, which is something Saboteur will lack unfortunately. The chance to blind node does look quite useful, but given you shouldn't be standing still when you are getting hit, it may be difficult to get the benefit of that smoke cloud (I assume the mines will not blind themselves). If the mines do blind then this would be really nice (shame it doesn't help vs spell damage which is the big killer for me! :D). For PvP both varients should be quite strong, Assassin has a more camping playstyle, while it is easier to rush people with saboteur. This build is incredibly strong with the 60% ele pen it gets (you get this with assassin, so 70% with sab), and the only people I have trouble with are caustic arrow chars that can zone me out, everyone else just dies :) Edit: Oh and be sure to keep the link below bumped guys - still haven't seen any response or anything about how Blast Cascade is currently bugged (we get much slower power charge generation than we are supposed to. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1727511 Last edited by Adblax#2772 on Sep 15, 2016, 10:23:07 PM
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Thank you for the build and all the useful information contributed in this thread!
I'm going to start the miner today and already weighed in on the bug thread for Blast Cascade. Would you say it's a bad time to level this character with the bug around or is it only a minor inconvenience? If it's a crippling bug then I would rather wait to get the full, fun experience when (if) it gets fixed. In the meanwhile I'll assist in keeping it bumped :) |
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" Thanks for your help on the bugs thread :) The build still functions totally fine despite the bug, it just takes far longer to build your charges at the start of the map and when they fall off (but this shouldn't affect your clear speed much). So feel free to give it a try! |
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" The chance to blind works with mines, I tested it (also it wouldnt make sense for a class dedicated to traps and mines ^^). Phase accrobatics help with spells ! I feel like Saboteur is better for PvP though, as it has extra pen and arming speed while the Assassin will never have the chance to build up power charges. |
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" There are unfortunately plenty of things that do not work with mines, but its real nice that the blind does in this case. As for Phase Acrobatics - I really worked a few builds around that, but you end up dropping so much effective health or damage that I ended up disregarding it (plus it only really shines with the atziri boots :) ), but it could certainly be an option for a Saboteur build if you plan to use temp chains. I still believe Assassin is the stronger class for pvp (the burst damage is far far stronger than any sab spec, especially with a guaranteed first crit and the extra 10% ele pen doesn't do a huge amount given you are already at 60% pen). But we will have to agree to disagree here :) Sab would be great for rushing opponents with the arming speed, but may struggle oneshotting medium-high tankiness builds. |
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Howcome you don't go for Crackling Speed (right below the dex node you took) or the Saboteur node? Both seem like pretty big damage increases and really easy to path to based on the level 80 tree you posted. Am I missing something?
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He picked Saboteur in the final skill tree.
As for Crackling speed, i thought about that as well. But as of levels around 85 i did not seem to lack damage at all using a 5L rod. It might be an option for later levels though. On the other hand, it is a invest of 4 Points for a total of 46% lightning damage, 4% cast speed and 15% crit multi. Considering that almost all white/blue packs die within the first detonation of 6 mines (became a habit, placing two sets even if i know one is enough) we do not need more damage for trash mobs. Regarding boss fights it is hard to tell if its worth it. I fight boss with adds with arc, single bosses usually with arctiv breath at the Moment. (Still failed to color a Rod with 3 Greens for EK tests (EK,trap and mine Damage, Phys projectile, Minefiled i would go for as a 4L). We would get the above mentioned benefits yes. From the way i see it the benefits are highly situational. That being said instead of Crackling Speed i would rather go with the two mana nodes and the jewel slot above Volatile mines. It increases your Mana regen and, if you have picked Mind over Matter, your survivability a bit. Running this build with a 5L Arc/Trap and Mine Damage/Minefield/light pen/Controlled Destruction setup and hardly any mana and/or mana regen on gear makes the mana pot a very good friend of yours if you want to sustain a high pace while clearing maps. I speeced out of Mind over Matter for that. It gets better once your Clarity reaches 18+ and gets alot better if you get Mana and mana Regen on your gear. As for the Damage, i usually run with a inc rarity gem, so effective a 4L. |
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