GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Sweet build, was able to do uber elder almost deathless. I started off with Wand/Shield using Allelopathy for a 5L Blight for boss bossing with 6L ED in perfect form.

Made the switch to 6l Bow and moved blight as a 6L, definitely helped a lot in clear speed and bossing in upper red maps. Also went from using Witchfire flask to Impresence around the same time.

I opted for a MoM + Diadem using Malevolance, Discipline, Flesh and Stone, and Aspect Spider. Currently sitting at 6K HP & 2.4k ES

How much dmg this build loose with wand and shield? Been stalking Primordialieges build and that seems pretty interesting.

And how easy you get that Watchers eye jewel from Elder/uber elder since you have to kill those creeps pretty fast. For now I have asked my friend to help with those because I am not trusting my dmg. I might have a bad tactic for that fight :/
Working my way to Uber Elder, new to poe and loving this biuld so far. Looking for any tips to improve my gear. I'm working towards farming enough currency for a good watchers eye or get a bomb rng drop. Loving bane/soulrend tho. The boss dmg is there. Atm got around 5 EX, definitely going to get another 2 EX and get a new bow with +2 socketed, from what I read its a lot of damage for just a level.

edit - been stalking "psyonix" build. Really enjoying it.

Last edited by Deon11x#4436 on Jul 24, 2019, 12:43:23 PM
Cnfus wrote:
How much dmg this build loose with wand and shield? Been stalking Primordialieges build and that seems pretty interesting.

And how easy you get that Watchers eye jewel from Elder/uber elder since you have to kill those creeps pretty fast. For now I have asked my friend to help with those because I am not trusting my dmg. I might have a bad tactic for that fight :/

535k tooltip
1.25m shaper dps on PoB solely from ED
Better is flash and stone or vaal discipline?
this is my first char and I enjoy it so far :)
What do you recommend to upgrade first?
I have total 2 ex

Mojoe1000 wrote:
this is my first char and I enjoy it so far :)
What do you recommend to upgrade first?
I have total 2 ex

Buy better belt and atziri's step

Does anyone run a self-curse set up with this build using Solstice ? If so how would i set one up ?

What kind of unique jewels would be good? I'm seeing the Watcher's Eye jewel which seems amazing. Is it worth the 9-10 exalts it is currently listed for?

I'm currently using Malevolence and Flesh & Stone.

How the hell you guys get your damage to skies? My tooltip says 29k / 237k for ED. I know that I can get a slightly better bow and quality gem, but does it make a such a huge difference??

My character is Myrskyvarjo

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