{3.0} Necronomicon / Raise Spectre Monster Info...[The Unofficial Minion Wiki]
Yes PPaD does not double dip on poison. But PPaD would be the superior bleed gem to support then.
" Bosses like Maligaro and The book boss you want to burst them fast. You also want to make sure u have desecrate and bone offering up with a blood of karui flask. With those up your minions should not die. 1 zombie might die but with the vertex u can summon him right back. Village ruin I counter with a Stibnite flask and my blasphemy Enfeeble. Lion roar to keep them away from you and of course the usual bone offering, desecrate and blood of karui. I keep a bunch of flask in my inventory, this is my load out now. Bosses in this game can be countered u just need to play strategically. I actually ran something today that was absolutely ridiculous and my entire party ripped including myself Excavation t13 with vulnerability +25% boss dmg +25% boss cast,atk,move speed twined(so we had 6 bosses) rolled beyond zana mod We kited everything to the stairs and when we went back in we all died instantly lol. Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940 Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon |
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I must be missing something regarding knitted horrors..
Comparing out-of-maps knitted horrors to flame sentinals my clearspeed feels noticably slower. They have strange AI and the bleeds don't overlap right? I was excited at the prospect of having a minion that has better survivability and less screen effects, but I can't use them with how much they slowed down my clearspeed :s Maybe the bleed becomes stronger with more minion health where it has time to have an effect.. but so far soloing up to tier 11 or so, I can't imagine giving up flame sentinels or incinerators for them.. |
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It could be a play style difference? I like to charge forward while my minions trail behind and when my convocation is up I teleport them right into the pack. When u play solo if they get nailed by the bleed u know that they are already dead and I quickly move on with whirling blades.
The bleed damage starts to shine in parties when mobs has a lot more hp. I guess for solo clear speed flame sentinels/incinerators are better solely b/c fireball is actually an AOE skill so even if u miss one mob your fireballs still deals damage. I definitely party a lot and the lack of shiny particle effects everywhere is already a huge boon for me to run these. I also like how they never die especially the ones u get from wasteland. Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940 Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon |
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Just played a shrine, and christ, these perandus mobs. There are like 50 in one spot, spouting out magma orb, lightning strike, whirlwinds and much more. Flasks are empty long before you can kill them, just more keep coming.
#31 of Rampage League after 7 days played.
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"I do that too, I dont think that is a positive for knitted horrors though. I just spent the last few hours testing knitted horrors vs flame sentinals (since I can't easily get access to both high level horrors and high level incinerators at the same time). The horrors were in a 5l (used both ppad/less duration and ppad/slow proj), while the sentinals were in a 6l. I'm running to dual essence worm mom build running haste/grace. The knitted horrors for me were noticably slower on clear speed, but not because their damage was lower persay. The problem for me is that they don't have the same coverage. The projectiles shoot in a line and as a result mobs inbetween other mobs are often missed, and due to the nature of minions they don't retarget when they know a mob is going to die like players do. Damage against bosses and whatnot felt almost identical, if not better on the horrors, but clearspeed definitely suffered. That said, I might still continue to use them purely because the reduction in graphical lag is even more noticable and their clearspeed is still good enough.. Man, if we could use chain on these things they would be absolutely insane though. It would completely fix clearspeed issues and these things would definitely be on top I feel. Edit: rerolled my 6L to GGGBBR, running spectre/MD/PPAD/LD/GMP/slower proj and it feels fine. Same downside in the lack of spread, but damage is fine. I think it's worth the tradeoff! Also, I should be able to switch out for incinerators with this setup too, although at a large damage loss. No minion damage or elemental focus.. ugh. Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Mar 21, 2016, 4:58:56 AM
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" The Horrors require more running around and staying at mobs for a short time, because they clear packs often with 2 shots. They are indeed slower than flame sentinels. In the end, it was a journey that was worth it, but Ill switch back to flame sentinels. They are just the best spectre out there, point. - Easiest to get - Best AI, undoubtedly - Both great singletarget and aoe - relatively frame-friendly (cough cough lanternbearers and undying alchemists) - pretty tanky #31 of Rampage League after 7 days played.
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I guess nothing beats the tried and true flame sentinels for consistency and I have been using those guys almost every league that I play as a summoner(And hands down they have the best AI). I do wish they made other spectre up to par AI wise.
pre-nerf revenents and lantern bearers was a push in the right direction. At that time we had 3 very good spectre to choose from, each with their own pros and cons. I do agree if Knitted could use chain that would be amazing. That or if their projectile had a bit more width to them that would be good as well. Here is to hoping for awesome act 5 monsters in the future. Edit: You guys should see the bleed damage of an Excavation level 80 Knitted Horror thou. That shit is hilariously strong. I can safely say that these guys are hands down the best spectre to kill ghosts =). They get nailed once and u just watch it bleed to death. I been trying to scale them more with Vessel of Vinktar and maybe I will grab a taste of hate and do EE again with firestorm Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098 Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940 Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Mar 21, 2016, 11:17:41 AM
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Hey guys, been wanting to incorporate the Evangelist spectres into a few builds for added ranged defense for party play. I love doing good combo builds to play with my friends.
One idea is to combine another player running a supportive Evangelist build with my siege ballista iron commander build, which runs king of the hill and projectile weakness curse, to constantly knockback foes. Ranged attacks from mobs or teleporting mobs are the build's biggest weakness but the damage is rather intense and their range is super nice. When i ran this with a random it seemed pretty decent to just sit in the bubble, drop turrets, then move on after the whole screen was cleared. Bonus fun for a "bunker down" play style, felt very unique compared to most other characters ive played. How viable do you think this could be, with the evangelist summoner going victarios influence chest and running a ton of support damage auras with umbelic and supportive flasks for keeping the minions alive while the turrets mow things down? Less concerned about super amazing clear speed but nire about synery, survivability, and just plain fun factor. |
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Hey guys I totally forgot I had this :
This is full spread sheet provided by Rory I believe. The zombie values are prob off since this was provided on reddit some while ago. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13YHoN25bHvWyAk9_cpRneOIYwhSC7GWVW8letpvFX68/edit#gid=3 @jhorry13 From my experience the bubbles are not that reliable after they changed the base duration of the bubbles even with inc duration support gem you'll be needing to do a lot of convocation micromanaging as they wander around a lot. Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098 Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940 Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Mar 22, 2016, 9:51:16 AM
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" You missed the best flask btw. Figure it out yourself. Carry 2-3 of the flask and minions go batshit crazy. #31 of Rampage League after 7 days played.
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