[2.2]Juggernaut-Sunder-(UPDATED) Lvl 90. 5500 hp, Fast clear speeds, Atziri done. Videos soon
Any suggestions on how far to level the Cast When Damage Taken gem? The needed damage taken for it to proc ramps up a lot near the end. For now I'm stopping that linked set at required level 58.
11 Cast When Damage Taken 13 Immortal Call 16 Molten Shell 14 Blood Rage |
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I put mine at around 800 damage because I like constantly popping immortal call and I kill fast enough that I always have enough charges. Seems like even most boss rooms have little minions you can kill or you can always pop enduring cry yourself if you feel the need for it.
SO mines pretty low. CWDT-4 IMMORTAL CALL-6 MOLTEN SHELL-12 BLOODRAGE-9 But its really about what you feel cool with, I might try raising mine some since I have allot of hp, I play allot of evasion so Im used to having around 3-4k max hp and the lower levels have saved me allot. |
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" Well Im currently only running 1 jewel and its 16% physical for two hander and attack speed plus 12 resists on cold and lightning and corruption which allows charges to last 7% longer. I havent decide if I wanna add more jewels or more charges over the new few levels it really deepends I havent been using them mainly because I havent really gotten any good jewels. |
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Initially I was going to go Infernal Blow Mara, but then once I started to use Sunder as a leveling gem I fell in love with it! I followed the OP's tree as a template but tweaked mine around a bit to try out crit with sunder. Also, because I am playing on standard Perandus league, I love the additional damage output even if I sacrifice some sustain/mitigation.
I will still have 209%+ life % with 7-9 endurance charges and am also running enchanted boots with "+% crit chance if you haven't crit recently". I feel this will help out during longer boss fights and in general keeping my low crit % seemingly higher. Let me know if anyone else has tried crit sunder and how it/and my tree is compared to a RT Sunder.
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" Ive considered crit sunder myself but probly starting as a duelist so I can get to some nice crit nods while still managing high life/armor and importantly str which is needed to run sunder. Im running Spec throw between my sunder build I just get bored and gotta be doing something interesting. |
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Hey, I like your build and I'm planning on making a new melee char after work following your idea. How do you feel about the idea of going esentially the same passive tree, but starting from duelist/going champion? You can drop the fortify to free up another gem slot to put with sunder, and you still get a big dps boost from inspirational in the champion tree. Do you think losing the stun immunity/double chest armor is too big a drop?
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" Ive thought about this and still feel unless you have plans to goto the right side of the tree for some crit, Juggernaut is he best over all for Sunder, Im currently designing a duelist high life armor crit sunder and this is the tree Ive come up with, of course Ill be twinking it as I go.
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I got tired of dying on my shadow too..If i don't find anything better than this..I will give this build a try.
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Kinda makes me sad that yould put it that way, Im sure there are plenty of builds people consider better since everyone has their own style, I for one am a big fan of flicker but since playing sunder I cant get past how strong and good it is to be able to play a ranged melee and have good defenses and dps without being ungodly either. I dont see sunder being downed in the future its a good maybe even great skill but its balanced nicely too.
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Sethbine - Really liking this build so far. Just hit 38 and am about to finish Norm.
Any chance you could give me an idea of what I should be looking at with my tree and my items? Much Appreciated. |
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