[2.2]Juggernaut-Sunder-(UPDATED) Lvl 90. 5500 hp, Fast clear speeds, Atziri done. Videos soon
![]() Welcome To your next build. I started in Perandus League not sure what to play and I tried a shadow and got slaughted by the coin guardians over and over. So I made a Maurader after finding a Sunder Gem. And I havent looked back since. This build has amazing clear speed, big aoe range, built-in melee splash damage boasting an easy 75% to movement speed you dont need a movement skill except Leap which I use to get over stuff basicly. So if you are looking for something different but effective besides dual totems or cyclone or some mirrored impossible to copy build you should give this one a go, I know youll love it. Pro's Super fast clear speed, especialy for a tank character. High Dps Very Tanky 5k+life 80% physical Midigation at all times. 35% evasion as well. Movement speed 75%-super fast easy to dodge stuff you see coming. Malakai deathless kill at level 70. Can run reflect upto 13% physical, can run full ele reflect by chaning out of hatred and ash, going determination and haste. Con's Cant run over 13% physical reflect. not Atziri tested. Makes you hungry for more. Offense
![]() This Doesn't show 3 frenzy charges, Fortify buff +30% damage while fortified, or Onslaught. I also have Atziri's potion which also gives a nice boost. 28k+ with everything maxed-now Im not sure of the true dps if you times it by number of attacks or what but its allot, I ran at level 70 Death and Taxes and managed to kill all but the last boss since then Ive made some maor improvements. Updated Dps level 89- ![]() Buffed is over 42k dps. Defense
![]() Now this doesn't show 4 endurance charges or full time Fortify Buff. So Add 16% from Endurace and 20% from fortify and you get 87% at all time. Updated Defense level 89- ![]() Passive Tree
Updated Tree level 89-
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEBAAHnBS0FPAd1C2EOPBNMFCAUTRRxFewWuxfhGJEaPhv6IVUl3yb4JyApLiz7MHcxnjWSOlI64TwtPfxAoEMxR35IeE3jTjJQR1O7V1RYY1n-XhNfP2FSZFJlTWebaPJyqXTtdqx673y4fNl99YIHg1-DzITZhO-GYIdqiiKKs4rwjM-QbJOoogCkGaZXqSeplK4-r2y2LLc-uR28n702vqe_1cCmwaPEFcSCxPbFU8auxtjKkMsez37SONi92Xzawdwy3D3iYeRR6UbqGO8O707wH_JF8430g_ZI9zL3ufjr_Ev-Cv6P?accountName=sethbine&characterName=TheLivingWeapon Gem Links Sunder-Melee Physical damage-Con Effect-Fortify-multistrike-faster attacks is what Im using. CWDT-Immortal call,blood rage,molten shell Stone Golem-Grants allot of regen over 100 at 19,minion life, minion ele resists,blood magic, since he isnt an attack I use blood magic so if he dies I can summon him. Leap Slam-Faster Attacks, Hatred, Haste-Again because you can use all your mana for Aura's/curse You have allot of options I wanted the speed and hatred gives allot of dps. Currently have Haste, Determination, hatred, ash and Arctic Armor on my weapon for quick changing between boss fights or reflect maps. I run hatred, ash AA, and change to haste/determ for reflect maps or if I need extra defense Ill run AA/determ/ash still have around 20k unbuffed dps. My Gear
Reason I choose this Axe was not wanting to deal with mana for any of my attacks, early on I took a couple nods I respected out of once I had it and it was cheap to use. I will list some good leveling Uniques you can use til you get the level for the axe. Also make sure you get an amulet that gives you a decent amount of dex and int as youll need it for skills. The rest the gear I worked into pretty cheaply the belt cost me the most at 40 chaos. Now As for Leveling this build, well you can use Ground Pound til you get to level 12, then sunder all the way into endgame. I leveled using a few good uniques and rares I found along the way til I got the axe. I suggest getting these if you can they are rather cheap to buy.
Now dont dismiss the voidbane its 50% attack speed and high dps will get you to the axe pretty quickly since youll kill everything and clear areas quickly. A bit of advice on following my tree, Id get resolute quickly and then work on life and damage nods as you need them, stay away from the axe nods until you have the axe and only get the two hander weapon nods. Also dont bother with the fortify nods until you get the cruel lab done and have the big boosts it gives for fortify, youll then get rampart and the other nods making fortify a massive boost. I cleared most content using a 4 link and just now have a 5 link which to be honest Im not even sure Im using the right skills until I play around with it more. Asend Tree
![]() Now I choose this tree because of Fortify and all the buffs, and I wanted movement speed and not being able to be slowed beyond normal mods means you can wear any gear and allot of curses dont effect you as much. Unbreakible doubles your body armors-armor-plain and simple and makes you immune to stun. Unstopible Movement speed and cant be slowed down under based value. Unyielding Fortify buffs I took this one second but you could take it first. I grabbed this armor for 1 fuse and used it til I got the unique. Also not if you 5 or 6 link your axe you could use Koam's but yould lose allot of armor and defense and if you had to have more life its possible to make minor changes to the tree. All in all I love this build I did all 3 labs easy, had to kit the dog beast in mericless he hits very hard. Pure Dps, crit version using my duelist to test it, can work just as good as Maurder.
Gear and Passive tree for Dueliest or Maurder just start there and remove start nods for Duelist.
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQDAAHnBS0FPAVmC2EOPBNxFCAUTRRxFewYkRv6HRQhYCXfKaUslDQxNZI26DpSOuE8LUCgQXJDMUd-SHhM_03jUEdYrlnzXhNepV8_YVJiF2VNZp5nm3IPcql07XTxdqx673vUggeDX4PMhJSE2YTvhmCHaolxivCPRpBskn2Yb5_LpBmmV6cwqSeplKyqrj62LLc-uR28mryfvTa-p8T2xVPGrslnypDPftZY2L3ZfNrB3CPcMuCf5FHlz-lG6hjsXO1E7w7vTvJF9zL46_rS-4v8S_4K_o8=?accountName=sethbine&characterName=ScreamsofRage crazy Dps and 4k life at level 81, Solid defense, perma fortify from Champion or buffed fortify from Juggernaut
![]() The Image doesn't include Onslaught or vaal haste, so you end up with 263k dps with everything going. Last edited by sethbine#5137 on Apr 11, 2016, 8:43:36 AM Last bumped on Jun 14, 2017, 11:52:46 PM
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Allot of people wont believe just how strong this skill is, compared to reave its got incredible clear speed, with multistrike just hold down the button or click and go depending on who you are fighting, Its got huge range almost to the end of the screen and Im sure it could be added to as well. I also forgot to mention you could use con effect and/or Aoe gem in the set up I plan to test all these items out once I 6 link my other armor Im doing and using the copy 5 link til I managed it. This is a work in progress but I cleared Mericless Malakai and lab without dieing several times. Ive done upto tier 7 maps with ease. even cleared Double boss in loom chamber without any problems. Your flasks simple fill up so fast and the defense is so strong you just sit and hold down the mouse and everything dies. Hope you love it and try it. Any questions please post here or pm TheLivingWeapon. Thanks guys as always its a pleasure.
Last edited by sethbine#5137 on Mar 11, 2016, 5:53:08 AM
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Oh I forgot to mention due to the clear speed and strength of this build Ive already managed to do 19 challenges. Everything is easier then I ever expected With allot of room for improvement.
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The build looks really solid i am for sure going to try it out on this new league. Thank you for making this guide
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I cleaned your build a bit and saved 3 points, you can also take the life node near iron grip now |
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This a HC build ?
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how are you casting skills if you have all your mana reserved
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Hezmana gives him bloodmagic.
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" The axe allows me to do all attacks using blood magic while not affecting my mana, leap slam, and totems also if you wanted to use ancestrial guardian are both also attacks so the one weapon gives you allot of freedom with mana as well as a 7th link. |
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" ok I see the one point saved by going across the bottom nicely done but under tireless I see you took a point not required there and I dont see 2 other points saved looked several times but maybe Im missing something, either way thanks for the 1 point I saw every bit helps. |
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