Petition to get GGG to add Nascar-Style Racing to PoE.
This isn't ARPG gameplay like your grandfather played. This is real racing, like F1 or Nascar.
First of all, those who hate the new Labyrinths can get out right now, because you are obviously incapable of understanding the utter brilliance of my idea. They gone now? OK, whew. Now it's just you and me. Here's the deal: GGG can implement an eighth master, we'll call him Dale Earnhardt, Jr. or something like that. (We can change the name to something more lore-friendly if people start crying. Dalenhart, maybe.) He can reside somewhere in Act 3, next to a new connected area: The Hippodrome! This is where Exile players, if they are worthy enough, can mount rhoas and race for prizes and glory. GGG can make it like a 10-race course that takes about 5 minutes per race, but if you win enough some of them will be cut out, so it will only end up taking 10-20 minutes, depending on how you place. The gameplay works like this: alternate R-click and L-click to make your rhoa run, but not too fast, because you want to keep it in rhythm with your rhoa's feet. If you go too fast, your rhoa gets tired and has to stop to catch his breath! And people can use D and F to change lanes. No expansion would be complete without new prizes! I propose GGG implement some sort of speed-oriented bonus, but make it random. So every time you race you can get between 1 and 20% bonus runspeed ("more" runspeed as opposed to "increased" runspeed) in the rest of the game, but let's make it overwrite the previous bonus, so that people are encouraged to race a lot so they can get the full 20%! Completionists will spend tons of time in the Hippodrome, further confirming its popularity. They can even make slightly different running-based bonuses per class, like a pure speed one for the Ranger, a slower one that makes the Marauder stomp-walk and do a small amount of area damage while running, etc. I actually stole this idea from another thread, where someone was suggesting it as a joke and didn't realize how magnificent an idea it was. Now, I have received some criticisms for this idea, so allow me to address them all. Criticism #1: A racing game? Are you retarded? How can that be lore friendly? Answer: Easy, my friend! They're racing rhoas, and hippodromes were a big part of Greek culture, from which PoE borrows heavily, so it's perfectly lore friendly! --- Criticism #2: 50 minutes is too long. We should let people race in smaller chunks so they don't get bored. Answer: If players are not willing or able to endure the full 50 minutes, they don't deserve the prize! Besides, with practice it won't take the whole 50. --- Criticism #3: But if it's too difficult players will get annoyed. Answer: It's completely optional! --- Criticism #4: Umm. It really isn't optional if my pvp opponents or my pvm buddies are running 20% faster than I can. Answer: It's completely optional! --- Criticism #5: Uh, you just completely ignored my point. Answer: It's completely optional! --- Criticism #6: This sounds like the kind of gameplay that won't work well with the particular engine used to write PoE. Especially given that latency is impossible to solve 100% Answer: Eh, I'm sure GGG can figure out how to shoehorn it in somehow. I think you underestimate them! --- Criticism #7: This sounds like it won't be fun at all. Answer: It's not so difficult. Players can practice and get better! --- Criticism #8: I didn't say it sounds difficult. I said it doesn't sound fun. Answer: If they can't master the difficulty, they don't deserve the prize! --- Criticism #9: What. Shut up about difficulty, already. That's not what I said. I said IT DOESN'T SOUND FUN AT ALL. IT SOUNDS EXTREMELY BORING. Answer: Well, if players can't endure it, they don't deserve the prize! As you can see, I obliterated every possible argument against my idea. This will make the ultimate addition to PoE. If you agree with me, please make a post stating your complete support! By the way, I know some of you are chomping at the bit (see what I did there?) for a rhoa ranch simulator to accompany this expansion, but I'm going to have to ask you to keep your expectations in check. One expansion at a time, please! Wash your hands, Exile! Last edited by gibbousmoon#4656 on Mar 11, 2016, 3:06:54 AM Last bumped on Nov 8, 2017, 2:50:19 PM
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Have an upboat m8 |
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Awesome idea. I would like to have custom rhoa paints and rim jobs as well, if this were to implemented.
+1 Edit: Also, silly hats! FOR BOTH RHOAS AND RIDER! I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready. Last edited by Pyrokar#6587 on Mar 11, 2016, 3:20:46 AM
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If only Labirynth was worlds apart from normal PoE gameplay to justify your irony... :P
Not a signature.
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" Since ive already suggested that, something like that could be implemented as an extreme and exagerrated example for the white knights to see reason and what consequences the Ascedancy might have in the future, i support the OP. But instead of Hippodrome (hippos is the greek word of horse, drome greek for road), its should be renamed to Rhoadrome. Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions |
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" Holy cow! Great minds think alike! (I was even contemplating how to integrate "Descendancy" into my idea, but then gave up.) I swear to god I stole my (our) brilliant idea from someone who isn't you. :) " Irony, you say? I'm being serious! I hate killing monsters in ARPGs, so any way we can reduce that in PoE can only be a good thing. :) Wash your hands, Exile! Last edited by gibbousmoon#4656 on Mar 11, 2016, 4:13:23 AM
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"And in the next expansion, Aerhoadrome! And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
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+1 to OP, made me smile
[s]only mindless sheep think labyrinth is OK to have in PoE.[/s]
okay nevermind labyrinth, fix dx9 blackscreen instead... |
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Magnificent idea. +1
I have noticed people been grinding this game for years, I can only assume they are bored af to such gameplay, would therefore be awesome upgrade, no doubt. Only one thing missing... there is a chance some would not like it, and skip it, so this would solve it: If price for winning race would add 50% attack speed and movement speed to char also, as permanent buff, this would make people want these races from the bottom of their hearts, and love them. Would then still remain as optional content, so no harm done. |
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So yeah, you don't like the labyrinth, I get it. Your analogy is kind of.... flawed, though.
If the lab isn't fun to you, pay someone five chaos to get you through in 10 minutes. Three times 10 minutes is still faster than Act4 in Normal and Cruel difficulty. Ignore the enchants or buy the ones you need. Just don't destroy the fun for the ones that enjoy it, please. Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
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