SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" At least it doesn't divide the community, I mean creating factions made congress work so much better than in the 70's. |
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" You do not need them till high end maps. I think level 80 is the ideal time to get them. Maybe after you get and complete X red maps solo. |
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I know this idea will get a lot of hate, because of recent threads hating on this exact subject, but I thought I'd throw it out for the sake of brainstorming:
What do you guys think of gating an alternative Ascendancy method behind RNG? Wash your hands, Exile!
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" Do you mean like finding one in a random barrel as one can a MoK? The insta-win barrel! Sounds like fun :D |
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" That would be the crudest form of it, yeah. :D A slightly more elegant solution would be a randomly spawning dungeon (like the Uber Trials) with Izaro inside somewhere. The biggest disadvantage I can see to this idea is that such RNG pisses off a lot of people, and I don't happen to be among those who think it's a good thing (or even OK) to antagonize your players. On the other hand, they DO still have the Labyrinth as an option, so perhaps it wouldn't create as much ill feeling as I fear. The biggest advantage I can see to this idea is that it would permit GGG to tweak its difficulty relative to the Labyrinth quite precisely. That's something that's going to be both important and difficult for any alternative Ascension method, as lab-lovers and lab-haters alike seem to agree. Also, it still gives them a chance to tweak the Labyrinth and make it more fun for a broader swathe of players, should they choose to do so. That would just be a separate project. Wash your hands, Exile!
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The only potential problem I see, is that players will 'sell' their instances which will in turn tick off the lab run salesmen.
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" Yeah, selling of instances. Good point. Also, handling instances in the case of a party of players. That's two things that will have to be considered and/or worked around. Wash your hands, Exile!
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The base is a good idea to work off of. Every great solution needs a beginning :)
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" It sounds like a potentially reasonable solution to me. Selling "instances" could work? I would not hire a labyrinth carry just on principle but buying an item that provides an alternative to earn ascendancy points with fun arpg style play instead of boring play would be reasonable? Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" Well, I wasn't actually suggesting an item, really. More like a randomly spawning dungeon with Izaro inside. Wash your hands, Exile!
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