SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]

+1, just make this boring dungeon optional and give us reword behind something else, maybe just the izaro boss fight but without enchantments or loot rewards. Just a shortcut to the 3 stages of the boss fight for the points, so we dont need to go through crappy traps. Even the no porting out of the boss is ok so you need to do it in one go.
Last edited by Ragnar119#4963 on Mar 21, 2016, 8:15:49 PM
sidtherat wrote:
allbusiness wrote:
sidtherat wrote:
lol.. both were 100% safe. there was 0 risk of dying in both of these situations. seriously, what is your point?

you do not have to like the lab and i do not carebut spreading bs is another story.

if you knew how these traps work youd know that there was 0 risk involved. ZERO

There's a couple of instances where if it was a different set of traps you would have died ez.

and what makes you think id have played the same way? hm?

so whats next - CI is perfectly fine (and these situations were 100% safe, i know these traps and know my build - no risk taken there). so maybe i should try something else you think is dangerous/difficult/whatever so you can move the goalpost ONCE AGAIN?

You and I both know that if you fucked up even once that character is instantly dead. That's not the case with a life character and you know it.

A 10k ES Character that can literally tank almost anything in the game gets eaten alive by traps. Let's not even talk about how traps literally ignore MoM and EB.
I never want to do the Lab again. I'll admit I'm a terrible player. I die A LOT. I'm totally cool with that. I just want to have my Ascendancy Class points. The Lab is just too difficult and time consuming for my skill level, there's No need to change it. Lots of people seem to enjoy it. Just give 2 ascendancy class points at the end of act for on each difficulty. Then I'll never have to bother with content that I don't want to play.
Jojas wrote:
Pyrokar wrote:

1st minute and around 3:50 i am not gonna bother timestamping. You got to 4k and 2k es respectively, that's nearly dying in terms of trap damage and the trap setup wasn't even hard. You say, you know what you are doing, but you clearly don't.

Both times it sort of looks like he knows what to expect from the traps and just rushes things to save time.

Absolutely, while sidtherat's assertions about him being greatly skilled at PoE play may be obnoxious, based on his video, he is very skilled at the labyrinth. In the hopes of keeping the peace, I'll happily grant him the title of King of the Labyrinth. His video showed that he is in fact very good at the labyrinth. Still he barely completed it in the claimed time range. It would be ridiculous to expect someone that hates the labyrinth and plays it as seldom as possible to come anywhere close to that claimed 5-8 minutes. I'd say probably closer to a half hour, if you're going to pick up loot and get "lost" way more than just once. Heck a half hour might be half or a quarter of the time that someone could dedicate to PoE that day. I think that shines a more realistic light on why this lack of checkpoints can be upsetting to some people.

Edit: Another point, not being able to portal out just slows it down even further for me because then I want to compare loot so that I keep the best found loot in my inventory and leave the less valuable loot behind. For example, dropping the two handed axe for two pairs of gloves, etc..
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Mar 22, 2016, 11:29:54 AM
I could not agree more.

I love PoE. My time is very restricted right now, but I love my one-and-a-half-hour of relaxing playing in softcore mode at night. I progress slowly, but I like to see how I progress and get stronger. I have no, I repeat no intentions of playing PoE or any other game in any kind of hardcore mode. My daytime is stressfueled enough, I really don't need any "adrenaline rush" in the little relaxing time I have.

And now, there are the Ascendancy Classes, which sound very fine. The names alone sound fine: Trickster, Inquisitor, Pathfinder - now that are class names. And the skills those classes bring. Finally another ascpect of my build where I can strenghten my strenghts or hide my weaknesses. Despite the fact that those skills are very unique.

But then...there is the labyrinth. And with it, a whole bunch a wasted time. It's just not fun. It is no fun, "fighting" (I'm more then 10 Lvl over the 33) through a boring map, which looks the same over and over again, evading the same traps in the same layout and fighting trashmobs for an hour, just to die in the final fight within seconds and stand there empty-handed with nothing than an hour of time wasted. It's just frustrating. And I really don't wan't to mesmerize any layout because that involves all the things I just said before.

Punish me if I die - don't give me the enchantment - don't give me the treasure chests. Fine with me. That are parts of the game I can achieve elsewhere. But witheld a unique part of the game - the ascendancy class/points and therefore a very strong and unique part of the passive tree is just frustating and sends the signal, that you don't care for casual/softcore gamers.
What's is wrong in disliking the idea of wasting a great part of my time, if I play hardcore concepts? That's is the reason I chose standard league from the beginning on - because I don't wanna play hardcore. I don't wanna die and see that all the time I spent is in vain. Why are the players in the softcore league now forced to experience that kind of frustration, if they chose to evade it from the beginning on? I really don't get it.

Last edited by grettyr#2410 on Mar 22, 2016, 5:28:35 AM

Second time through lab cruel diff., I died in the second encounter of Izaro had to do all over, it took me an hour initially to meet Izaro second fight...Got so mad from dying rushed through lab with my mostly self found crap to finish it completely and get my second set of asc pts in under 20 mins. 5-8 mins seems really really really fast I guess if you know the layout...

So I am still adamantly disagreeing with the idea of free asc pts unless you reach lvl 100, which is an achievement in itself and will take waaaaaaaaaaaay longer then running these labs and getting a great chance of loot along the way. Secrets galore if you look for them, takes me back to D1-2 secret rooms.

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
Finkenstein wrote:

So I am still adamantly disagreeing with the idea of free asc pts


This is not suggested anywhere in this thread. Setting free =/= free.
Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions
Regulator wrote:
Finkenstein wrote:

So I am still adamantly disagreeing with the idea of free asc pts


This is not suggested anywhere in this thread. Setting free =/= free.

He is disagreeing with your point of moving the ascendancy points elsewhere.

Also, your title is inadequate, it's not consistent with the post content (there is a little aclaration at the end to understand what you want, your other posts don't help at all). Write it better.
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
Last edited by NeroNoah#1010 on Mar 22, 2016, 3:04:15 PM
Bad idea.
+1, or at least until they get their priorities straight and optimize the game. The only reason I do Lab is for Ascendancy, and I cannot do today's merciless layout due to how much resources the fire floors cause, making my game a slideshow. Slideshow -> Can't dodge Izaro's attacks -> Dead.

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