How to improve the labyrinth.

New light spell: something that shoots a ball of light that flies slowly in a direction so you can see wtf the traps are doing.

Buff the trash mobs so they drop better stuff, equivalent to a level 75 map or better. Some map mods would be cool too.

Allow us to town portal out of labyrinth. No more dying = restarting, I don't do hardcore.

Make the labyrinth even bigger, add some way points, and then call it Act4: The Labyrinth.
Last bumped on Apr 17, 2016, 12:59:57 PM
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Allow us to zoom out the camera further.

Allow us to rotate the camera the same way Grim Dawn does it.
- give us better movement controls
- give us savepoints and balance difficulty (at least in normal, to actually learn the basics of the boss fight. At the supposed level, starting from act 3 for god's sake, without the gear from previous chars, izaro isnt that easy (considering 'normal' like a tutorial, introducing new stuff each act, like adding support gems, auras, trigger gems etc, boss fights should be educational, but not frustrating).
- triggers which disable traps when having reached a certain progress on the map (or make them destructible, or at least render them inoperable for some time)
Pendarric wrote:
- give us better movement controls
- give us savepoints and balance difficulty (at least in normal, to actually learn the basics of the boss fight. At the supposed level, starting from act 3 for god's sake, without the gear from previous chars, izaro isnt that easy (considering 'normal' like a tutorial, introducing new stuff each act, like adding support gems, auras, trigger gems etc, boss fights should be educational, but not frustrating).
- triggers which disable traps when having reached a certain progress on the map (or make them destructible, or at least render them inoperable for some time)

They don't want it to have save points, they want you to experience the content the way it was designed as a 1 go thru, do or do not, there is no try.

As far as the fight goes hes difficult but optional at that level, it literally requires you to go out of the way in order to complete the trials, which ARE the tutorials for that engagement, the engagement itself doesn't have to be a tutorial. Nothing about PoE is the hold your hand mentality that you are suggesting.

Destructible is a big no no, people would just attack them down. There are levers that interact with some traps, although not always beneficial. Plus a lot of the traps can be avoided by learning the pattern or using various movement abilities.

If people put forth as much effort to complain about the labyrinth to learnt he mechanics they wouldn't have anywhere near the complaints they do.

They already zoomed the camera out a bit, not sure they would do anymore. Rotate the camera only benefits us as players and likely changes a lot of how the game displays things, I dont think its as simply as just "unlocking" that ability.

Why would the mobs drop better stuff, its a lower level zone it follows the same drop rules of everything else.

Portal out is never going to happen, thats one thing they want to remain no matter what the cost I feel like. Its do or do not, there is no try. You don't do hardcore well I think you possibly picked the wrong ARPG game, this was designed as a hardcore ARPG, just because you don't lose your character on death doesn't mean the game shouldn't be designed the way it was intended.

It doesn't need to be bigger its like the perfect size again WP's just means you'd skip past the stuff and just farm the boss easier, its like you don't understand what they are trying to achieve with this.

Ultimately if you don't like it just get rushed thru it 3 times for your characters and never run it again.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
Waypoint/Savepoint after each Boss Phase.
goetzjam wrote:
Pendarric wrote:
- give us better movement controls
- give us savepoints and balance difficulty (at least in normal, to actually learn the basics of the boss fight. At the supposed level, starting from act 3 for god's sake, without the gear from previous chars, izaro isnt that easy (considering 'normal' like a tutorial, introducing new stuff each act, like adding support gems, auras, trigger gems etc, boss fights should be educational, but not frustrating).
- triggers which disable traps when having reached a certain progress on the map (or make them destructible, or at least render them inoperable for some time)

They don't want it to have save points, they want you to experience the content the way it was designed as a 1 go thru, do or do not, there is no try.

If it's bad, what they want is not important.
HeliaXDemoN wrote:
goetzjam wrote:
Pendarric wrote:
- give us better movement controls
- give us savepoints and balance difficulty (at least in normal, to actually learn the basics of the boss fight. At the supposed level, starting from act 3 for god's sake, without the gear from previous chars, izaro isnt that easy (considering 'normal' like a tutorial, introducing new stuff each act, like adding support gems, auras, trigger gems etc, boss fights should be educational, but not frustrating).
- triggers which disable traps when having reached a certain progress on the map (or make them destructible, or at least render them inoperable for some time)

They don't want it to have save points, they want you to experience the content the way it was designed as a 1 go thru, do or do not, there is no try.

If it's bad, what they want is not important.

But its only bad to various people complaining here, not the people actually enjoying it and putting forth the effort to learn how to complete it.

I've done it many times now, without any special gear, did I overlevel in HC you bet your ass I did, but that doesn't change the fact its doable, its zone level is perhaps skewed but it doesn't have to be achieveable by everyone that is the same level as it, clearly if you are less skilled you need to makeup for the difference somehow.

The hardcore aspect of it is one I doubt they deviate with it, because not only is it doable in 1 sweep its doable without death in HC. Just learn the mechanics, the traps and timings and overall the fight becomes a lot easier. This is easier then doing atziri and you don't have to do it at all, even if you want the classes you don't have to do it more then 3 times per character, less if you are in standard whenever they do that patch. Its honestly not that difficult people, you guys are blowing it WAY out of proportion.

ABSOLUTELY NO SAVES\WP\ECT, the game finally adds some aspect you cant cheese down and requires some skill\knowledge and you see all the little incapable people crying here on the forums, instead of learning how to do it. Truly is pathetic.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
The only thing the labyrinth needs to be perfect is more rewards behind the puzzles and traps. I've seen the tiny areas behind the puzzle-locked doors. All they have is like 2 mobs and a normal chest. What?

**Performance and layout optimization to avoid crashes/un-doable labs is also needed

If you want it to be better than perfect, add this:

Once you complete the merciless labyrinth once, you can choose to run the lab at area level 69. Once you complete it at 69, you can go to 70. This would continue until level 75 or so. The mobs inside the lab could change accordingly, and Izaro would get tougher as well.

This would allow characters to continue leveling in the labyrinth well into the 90's, keeping it relevant to the end-game. It could truly be an alternative to maps. If we're going to be running it a ton to get enchants, why not let us get some experience out of it, too?
Last edited by Maswasnos#1352 on Mar 8, 2016, 10:31:32 AM
add a merchant before the izaro fight right next to the stash so we could sell our trash
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy. thinking: "This time is gonna be different. No, no, no please... This time is gonna be different."

-Path of Exile
Its an easy fix if you die you get no loot or enchant at the end, if this is too harsh then make it so every death removes a chest. Then buff the chest loot at the end. This allows the masses to just zerg run labs three times to get their points and they never have to run it again, for people who want a challenge they get rewarded for not dying. I still dont get all the hate tho this is a fun design, everyone just needs to look at it as a different game take you time and advance slowly until you learn all the trap designs.

Also for end game they should allow us to fuse the lab to maps so the mobs will take on the map mods and teir level use the map boss in a treasure room. That would be amazing :D
Last edited by Legendaris#4185 on Mar 8, 2016, 11:08:28 AM

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