[2.6] life Mjolner done right by Rico - Berserker version
If you want Inquisitor crit version that does moarr damage but its overall less tanky check my other guide:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1843115 If you want Juggernaut version that is more tanky vs physical dmg: check my other guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Which Mjolner version is for me?
![]() My personal 2.6 Mjolner ranking so far:
1) Juggernaut 2) Berserker 3) Inquisitor Yours might be different :) Changelog: ---------------- 2017.03.05: Updated gear a bit, added 2 more videos with recent setup. 2017.03.04: Added two more videos with heavy map mods. 2017.03.03: Added first video in the video section of the guide. 2017.03.03: Added completely new guide for a new 2.6 build version. 2.6 life Mjolner done right by Rico - Berserker version ------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() Introduction: ----------------- Recently there is this trend, that Mjolner is dead. That it is nowhere where it was before. That its damage is crap. To my knowledge that is only partialy true. In recent weak I have been testing various Mjolner builds, different versions of each one of them, to find that "one". A valid and solid Mjolner build that would simply deliver. And I think I have found it. Read more:
But before we move on, let me share something with you. This is a video of Malformation Piety kill, done back in the days, I believe its coming from 2.0, with legacy Mjolner, when Mjolner was one of the strongest builds back than:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN2tb2YWvHk I want you to note some things: actual kill time (which is 13 seconds), healing via Kingsguard and the fact that Malformation was a T9 map back than. Build in the video was a RT. Now this is a video of low life RT Mjolner, same map, same boss (however T10 this time), done in 2.5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jqo4nB3JMjg Note that actual kill time is better than the "old" Mjolner as its only 9 seconds. That seems like not a much of a difference. But it actualy is. T10 Malformation Piety has 338 691 life and 30% ele resistances. So the "old one" was dealing (338 691) / 13s = 26k real, sustainable DPS, while the "new one" was dealing 37k real, sustainable DPS. Thats 42% MORE. Suprised? I definitely was. However Mjolner was never about damage or rather damage alone. It was about facetanking everything and dealing enough damage to kill it in a comfortable period time. Atlas of the Words rised the bar with the introduction of T16 Guardians and the Shaper aka bosses with tons of HP and heavy hits. And while in 2.4 Mjolner builds where able to kill at least Guardians, in 2.5 it failed even with this task. Leaving itself as no more than a regular map clearer. Now, in 2.6 damage will be better with new Mjolner property "socketed lightning spells deal 100% increased damage if triggered". Which, ofcourse, includes Discharge. Now its not much of gain, no no, dont be so hasty. Its around 20% more to what it was in 2.5 (in most situations). However outside of doing Shaper I trully believe this will be enough for everything else, Guardians included. With this in mind new build version is able to do most T10-T15 map bosses under 10 seconds mark. With few exceptions such as T13 Sulphur Waste as it's boss has much more HP and resistances (will die within 16 seconds), T10 Quay boss (ah my favourite for DPS checks) as it has 5 stages, each of around 200k hp for a total of just over 1 mil hp (he will die under 30 seconds) and ofcourse outside Core and Coloseum as mechanics of those bosses forces you to not facetank all the time. This also leaves T16 Guardians, as they have much higher HP values. That said T16 Minotaur should be done within just over 1 minute of constant facetank with this build. Now, having damage part done, the only thing that I had to deal with was sustain. Healing ability. EHP recovery rate while facetanking to ensure that build can just stand there and deliver smooth and constant DPS to the target. I've tried many different appraches for past several days. Full hp Kingsguard, Kingsguard supported with life leech, vaal pact, low life with vaal pact and leech and Vinktars and so on. Non of them was good enough to support facetanking in every situation. Pure life builds were very good in most scenarios but with HP pool barely reaching 5.5k just not enough to tank those big hits. Low life was delivering the most dmg with decent 7kish ES pool and "okish" leech but was vulnerable to freeze. To be honest all of rips where coming because of freeze with "unfreeze" flask out with any low life version. More than that every build version with Vaal Pakt, be it life or low life, was vulnerable to DoT kind of dmg, like Vortex, T13 Plaza boss degen and so on. Than I finally found "the one" that countered all of this problems. Freeze immunity, bleed immunity, stun immunity, large enough EHP pool, very good EHP leach and recovery, high max resitances, some physical mitigation to tank those big hits, no problems with countering the DoTs. That ofcourse together with ability to do good dmg. Here's a video of Quay boss kill, done with dmg-maxed BV Pathfinder back before BV was nerfed (this and CI version were considered "meta build" back than): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_sdh0AWPSU Note: 10 sec kill time. And heres Quay boss kill with this Mjolner build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-TAhAXJUFA Note: 28 sec kill time. Thats by all means not bad at all. This boss has in total just over 1 mil HP (1027752). This means that meta build was delivering constant and smooth 102k DPS while this Mjolner build delivers constants and smooth 36,7k DPS. Its 1/3 of meta and while its not enough for Shaper it is enough for Guardians. More than that DPS can be further, slightly improved (with better gems for example). Now onto the build than. Build highlights: --------------------- + cannot be frozen + cannot be stunned + cannot be inflicted with bleeding + EB/MOM HP hybrid for a total of 7k+ EHP pool (5k hp + 2k ES) + simultaneously EHP recovery: Kingsguard for HP pool, life leech for ES pool + excelent clear speed (over 13k Arc) + good Boss kill speed (most red map bosses under 10s) + good mobility + 86/79/86 max resitances unflasked + 92/85/92 flasked + ~20% physical dmg reduction unflasked + ~40% physical dmg reduction flasked + Fortify + Elemental Overload that is constantly on + one Blasphemy setup + Surgeon's flasks and doing crit + 140 life regeneration with 20% chaos resistance to help with countering the DoTs Stats screenshots: ----------------------- NOTE: lvl 91 character. Right click open in new tab to enlarge. Arc:
![]() Discharge:
![]() Defence unflasked:
![]() Defence flasked:
![]() Videos: ------------ T14 Shaped Overgrown Shrine, boss dmg, boss cast speed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cm4lASXmwE NOTE: Im missing Cloaked in Savagery in the video which would help with ES recovery greatly. Also this was done using dmg setup so a bit yolo with those mods on Piety but what the hell. T12 Vault, double boss kill, 100% extra dmg as fire and other stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_UtHHUNQCk T13 Sulphur waste, with crit mods and other stuff (God I hate those reviving bastards): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpUqrIxzdn8 Using safe setup with Enfeeble and LPen: A vary scary T12 Shipyard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxmurqNgS8E A vary scary T13 Gorge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1thylqQQ-I Passive skill tree: ----------------------- lvl 92 tree lvl 83 tree lvl 70 tree Ascendancy: BERSERKER ------------------------------- 1) Pain Reaver -> 2) Aspect of Carnage -> 3) Cloaked in Savagery Bandits: ----------- Normall: +40 life Cruel: passive Merciless: Power charge Mandatory items: -------------------- This is bare minimum. NOTE: 5l Kingsguard will do, just drop Additional Accuracy. With the setup above you must invest in +1 endurance charge belt or for maximum benefit you should also grab a pair of those: Tons of strength, all ress, ES, armor, +1 endu charge, 30% movement speed and very powerfull bleed immunity. All that we need. My current gear with gem links: --------------------------------------- NOTE: If you managed to get 4-off color Alpha's Howl go ahead and socket your Discipline in it. It will receive +2 levels for added flat 25 to your max ES before ES scalling. Flask setup: --------------- You can also use Vinktars for dmg and leech buff. But its absolutely not needed. How this build works: --------------------------- Outside of standard Mjolner combo for generating and using charges (Romira's -> Mjolner -> Volls Devo) build utilizes some very advance defence mechanics. First of all we have very high max resistances. Than we cannot be frozen, stunned, inflicted with bleeding. Than we have decent physical mitigation due to having around 3k armor base, endurance charges, Fortify and Bazalt flask. This can be also adjusted with running either Arctic Armor or Enfeeble in blasphemy setup. Than we have large total EHP pool of 7k+. 5k beeing life and 2k beeing ES that are working together in a EB/MOM setup. This is done via combination of keystones: Mind over Matter + Eldritch Battery + Ghost Reaver + Berserker's Pain Reaver and Kigsguard's life recovery mechanics. Basically Berserker's global life leech applies to energy shield sustain and Kingsguard healing mechanics keeps our life up at the same time. And this works together very nice. With 5k+ life and 2k+ ES, ES to life ratio is around 28% which is almost ideal for 30% / 70% dmg received split with MoM. At the same time we can reserve all of our Mana because our skill usage will be sustained via Energy Shield (that is being constantly leeched back). In other words no problems with skill spam. From offensive point of view we have large ammount of spell/elemental dmg increase from tree and our items that is than scaled via 3 x MORE multipliers. One being Berserker's own 40%, secound one being 48% from support gem Elemental Focus and third one being "the allways on" 40% from Elemental Overload. In total this provides solid dmg output and great survivability. Build might be further optimized. Im especially looking forward to some constructive player's feedback in the thread. Cheers hammer Bros! ******************************** Around 35 Quay Bosses were hurt during writing of this guide. Be a man and honor them with 1 min of silence.... Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Mar 5, 2017, 3:46:15 PM Last bumped on Jan 6, 2018, 6:51:12 PM
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2.4 Berserker RT version archive: -----------------------------------------
----------------- 2016.09.24: Added Pit of Chimera fight done by redix27 with the build. 2016.09.19: Changed build's name from "Mjolner done right" to "life Mjolner done right". 2016.09.18: Added some new end-game vids. 2016.09.17: Added some videos from redix27 & Evander1992 (thx guys!). 2016.09.12: Added Atziri video done at lvl 73 (thx redix27!). 2016.09.11: Added screenshots of dmg stats from non-RT EO version in the stat section. 2016.09.11: Added non RT option with EO and surgeon's (see Uber section at the bottom). 2016.09.10: Added Atziri & Uber Atziri section, added quick Atziri run video. 2016.09.10: Added "perfect" flask setup for the build in flask section. 2016.09.10: Redesigned lvling trees, now builds uses skills on mana (thx Evander1992!). 2016.09.09: Added completely new guide for a new 2.4 build version. lvl 91 RT version vs 140% T15 corrupted Abyss (temp chains, ele weakness, no regen): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T25_f7-drg0 lvl 91 RT version vs 130% T14 corrupted -max Mervil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGdXh32vWp0 RT version vs T16 Pit of Chimera by redix27 (vulnerability!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK9ZOOvK_cM RT version vs T14 Palace Dominus by redix27 (vulnerability + boss 35% inc dmg) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4WiQhy72ZY Bellow all done at lvl 89 character on a 5Link: Quick Atziri run video (using the most recent gem setup with Fortify): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WrYSo6N9y8 T13 Sulphur Waste with 97% extra dmg mod, 5 additional exiles, totems, shocking ground and no Fortify: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48EO4n7tedc Introduction: -------------------- ![]() Hi, my name is Rico and I have been drinking with Thor to much in the past several years. This is my new guide for 2.4 life based Mjolner build. I know it took a while but as with all of my builds I want to make sure everythings works as intended before posting. So this specific version was matured in the american oak and french oak barrels for 7 days before releasing. Build highlights: ---------------------- + 5.5k+ HP + cannot be stuned + cannot be frozen + 86/79/85 max resistances unflasked + 46% physical dmg reduction unflasked + 74% physical dmg reduction flasked + Arctic Armor + Fortify (on a 5l!) + 4.5 - 5 aps + using Lightning Strike with Arc for packs and Molten Strike for bosses + can be used with Shield Charge but trust me - LS is much more effective + excelent clear speed + 4/4 STABLE charges during a fight + double healing engine (explained in the guide) + more than 4k life healed/s when facetanking a Boss + 56% MORE unbuffed DPS than a current Juggernaut version + and 150% MORE DPS buffed with RF + very consistent + 6000+ Arc dmg unbuffed (9500+ buffed with RF) + 15k+ Discharge unbuffed, 24k+ buffed with RF + designed to run RF when facetanking a Boss without any drawback + 41%+ enemy elemental resistances reduction + can be used as ranged + can apply shock to targets with up to 190k hp pool (all blues and rares, most low-tier to mid-tier bosses, white to yellow maps) + 100% chance to hit (yep, its RT) + no blood magic gems! + no 6L required! + can be also used as non-RT with additional accuracy gem if on the 6Link + can be played one-handed while holding a beer in the off-hand + addicting to play! Core of the build: ---------------------- ![]() * right click open in new tab to enlarge This lvl 76 passive skill tree is a core of the build. From there player can choose in which direction to go. Offensive paths are marked as red. Defensive paths are marked as green. Utility paths are marked as blue. What I can suggest for less experience players is to mix a bit of both offensive and defensive paths. Or you can follow the lvling process that I would recommend the most: lvl 80 passive skill tree lvl 85 passive skill tree lvl 90 passive skill tree lvl 95 passive skill tree Bandits: ------------- +40 life, passive, power charge. Ascendancy class choice: BERSERKER --------------------------------------- ASPECT OF CARNAGE -> PAIN REAVER -> RITE OF RUIN Why Berserker? To be honest I dont like how unconsistent current fire Juggernaut feels and works. It gets the job done but I personally do not enjoy playing with it as I did in 2.3. Clear speed isnt bad on fire Jugg right now as is his single target dmg output. But compared to what it was it doesnt feel appealing anymore to me. I wanted something more. Something that feels solid, consistent has excelent clear speed and single target dmg. And all the assets to do hard content. First of all I wanted something that is done the old ways. And the old ways are allways best. So I went back to Arc Discharge with Resolute Technics, a build that I really enjoyed long time ago. But this time it is supported with Berserker's powerfull features: 40% more damage and 1% GLOBAL life leech. This way RT version can easily match the dmg of Crit Elemental Overload version while being much more consistent at its equal delivery. But I didnt want to just "match", I went waaaay beyond with this. I've practically closed the gap between this and old 2.3 build when unbuffed. And went above&beyond when buffed. This build is utilizing almost constant 4/4 charges with 380% dmg increase to both lightning and fire and 2x 40% MORE MULTIPLIERS (CD + Berserkers passive) with an option to run third comfortably at 59% (RF) vs tanky bosses. DPS output comparision with 2.3 fire Jugg:
unbuffed: ![]() * right click open in new tab for enlarge buffed with RF: ![]() * right click open in new tab for enlarge The only drawback was that 10% increased damage taken from all sources. So I designed the build this way that it wont be noticeable. First of all new build is capable of reaching 10% more life pool than old had. But at the same time I've redesigned defenses. Added AA to the mix. Dmg mitigation comparision with 2.4 fire Jugg (when both flasked):
![]() * right click open in new tab for enlarge The drawbacks are than a bit increased damage taken from lightning and physical dmg type sources. On the other hand less dmg taken from the fire dmg type sources. Knowing that this build now doesnt use Grace it is rather small diference. And the benefits are: + way more dmg + consistency + much better clear speed with LS + Arc and... Double healing engine: --------------------------- I wanted Berserker class mainly for 40% dmg passive node. But than I started to think how I can utilize best other class nodes. 1% global life leech without Vaal Pakt doesnt seems to be tempting? Or is it? Life leech is basically life recovery over time by % ammount that was leeched from dmg dealt to enemy. Vaal Pakt makes that time instant. However there are nodes to improve "normall" life leech rate. And as they were close to the core tree that I was planning to use I said to myself: why not givem a chance. And to my suprise they sinergised well with Berserker nodes and gave a build ability to support its healing via Kingsguard with addtional 11% of maximum life leeched per secound. With 5.2k life pool this becomes 572 life leeched PER SECOUND that is going on in the background outside of Kingsguard mechanics. And it scales with your hp pool. Its an exelent way to support Kingsguard healing and to help build sustain dmg better in-between Discharges. Build has also 220 life regen on top of all of that. So it can reach 800 life regen /s when leeching without any Kingsguard on the chest. Increased dmg while leeching is an icing on the cake. This all together combined with 86% maximum fire resistance (unflasked) allows the build to run RF vs bosses without any drawback. Thor's leeching powers:
![]() Required items: ---------------------- and +1 endurance charge boots or belt. If you dont have those - you must invest 2 additional points in the passive tree. Luxury upgrades: +1 curse Volls Devo Gems & Flasks section: ---------------------- ![]() (1) (Alpha's Howl): 4L lvl 21 Purity of Light + lvl 21 Purity of Fire + lvl 20 Arctic Armor + Enlighten (lvl 3) (3) (Saffell's Frame): 2L + 1L, 2L: Blasphemy + cruse of your choice (I recommend Elemental Weakness for general mapping and Enfeeble for really hard content) 1L: Righteus Fire (4) (Kingsguard) - attack for bosses: Molten Strike + 20/20 Faster Attack + 20/X GMP + 20 Multistrike + Fortify (5L) + Whatever you want* (6L) If you have 6L Kingsguard you can add Additional Accuracy gem, drop RT and spec into EO with surgeon's flasks (see Uber section down below). (5) (Repentance) - attack for packs: 20 Lightning Strike + 20/20 Faster Attack + 20 Multistrike + Leap Slam / Shield charge (LS with Arc is by far the best skill for general pack clearing with this build) (6) (rare Boots): CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Enfeeble or Elemental Weakness (for dual curse setups) Mjolner: (2) (Mjolner) 20/20 Arc + 20/20 Discharge + 20 Controlled Destruction No blood magic? Yes! Thx to small tip from Evander1992 divine power can now be achieved through mana instead of life. With lvl 3 enlighten, 18% reduced Mana Reserved, Alphas Howl, one 2 mana gained on hit jevel and Berserkers global 1% mana leech all skills can be sustained via mana. Gear explanation: ------------------------- As far as helmet goes I chose Alphas Howl. Alphas Howl is used to push lvl 21 puritys to lvl 23 for that 5% max resistances. 25% aura effectiveness from tree pushes those 5% from lvl 23 puritys to 6%. Another option is to use +1 Voidbringers and Devoto's Devotion but this is very expensive (also needs 2 more points spent on tree for 8% mana reserved reduction) and not really better. Belt should have +1 endurance charge to reach max of 4 (or use Death's Door boots). If you dont have acces to lvl 21 puritys use whatever helmet you like (theres no need for +2 lvl of gems in that situation). But without lvl 21 puritys pushed to lvl 23 you will loose +2 max resitances and this is IMO "no go" with Berserker at 5.5k life pool. As far as jevels goes, prioritize life, spell or elemental dmg, stats in that order. Video section: ------------------ lvl 91 RT version vs T14 corrupted -max Mervil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGdXh32vWp0 lvl 91 RT version vs 140% T15 corrupted Abyss (temp chains, ele weakness, no regen): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T25_f7-drg0 RT version vs T16 Pit of Chimera by redix27 (vulnerability!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK9ZOOvK_cM RT version vs T14 Palace Dominus by redix27 (vulnerability + boss 35% inc dmg) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4WiQhy72ZY RT version together with non-RT on T12 Ivory Temple by redix27 & Evander1992 (no regen, 80% light resistance, boss dmg) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx8buIHY2C0 Quick Atziri run video (using the most recent gem setup with Fortify): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WrYSo6N9y8 Wasnt bothering to much with proper flask usage. Build can sustain 8 stacks of bleeding inflicted by enraged Q'uara while standing in degen ground. Build can also sustain Atziri split phase without any flask used. Also checked if it can survive empowered yellow storm calls - and yes it can take up to two at once. Shame she didnt use double vaal flameblasts but I'm pretty sure that with ruby and standing still/attacking (so with active AA bonus reduction) this will be tankable aswell. Atziri run done at lvl 73 by redix27 (only 2 ascendacy, only 1 perpetual flask, 4.2K life): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAishagznd4 NOTE: Maps bellow from this point are done on a old 5l setup so I'm missing Fortify for additional dmg reduction. Otherwise health wouldnt drop that far. T13 Sulphur Waste with 97% extra dmg mod, 5 additional exiles, totems, shocking ground: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48EO4n7tedc This is one of the toughest melee map bosses I've encountered in PoE (didn't fight Minotaur yet), he's especially deadly with dmg map mods. T13 Gorge half recovery, monster movement speed, attack speed, exiles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz7GfDW2xOQ Atziri & Uber Atziri: ------------------------- Normall Atziri is a joke. Build is also deathless Uber viable when @ 5.5k+ life and with set of perpetual flasks and Magnate belt with proper flask usage in mind (no flask spamming). However. As players have reported build can be used as non-RT. So if u plan to do Uber mainly and you want that surgeons flask refill, you can follow this steps (6L Kingsguard required): + add more life, drop RT, spec into EO so your tree should look like this: lvl 92 tree + add Additional Accuracy gem in the 6Link + swap flasks for Surgeon's + thank Evander1992 for the tip Stats section: ------------------ NOTE: Before watching the ingame screenshots - those were taken with lvl 89 character that still misses some life and damage nodes. Reffer to the "DPS output comparision with 2.3 fire Jugg" to see Discharge DPU and builds DPS when fully developed. lvl 89 RT version of the build (Rico): Defences:
Defences unflasked: ![]() Defences flasked: ![]() Offence:
Arc and Discharge buffed with RF 4/4 charges: ![]() ![]() Arc and Discharge unbuffed 4/4 charges: ![]() ![]() lvl 92 non-RT EO version of the build (evander1992): Offence:
Arc no RF ![]() *right click open in new tab to enlarge Arc with RF: ![]() *right click open in new tab to enlarge Discharge no RF: ![]() *right click open in new tab to enlarge Discharge with RF ![]() *right click open in new tab to enlarge ![]() 2.3 / 2.4 Juggernaut fire version with shield charge: -------------------------------------------------------------
----------- 02.08.2016: Added quotes with players feedback - thx! 07.07.2016: Added "Things you wont facetank" section at the bottom of the guide. 26.06.2016: Added T12 Village Ruin video with crazy mods using latest setup. 26.06.2016: Added new Gems & Flasks section, polished the guide. 26.06.2016: Standarized passive skill trees - 2 versions - Safe/Uber, General/Mapping. 26.06.2016: Added info regarding Elemental Overload with some DPS check results. 25.06.2016: Added Deathless Uber, Twinned Core videos by SMOKETHESKYXXX. 17.06.2016: Added T13 Excavation video with non legacy Mjolner. 07.06.2016: Added T13 Wasteland full clear video using the most current setup. 06.06.2016: Added Gorge timed run using Shield Charge (thx to discy2524 for a hint!) 05.06.2016: Added T15 Abyss video with nasty mods, added gem section. 03.06.2016: Updated for 2.3, added 2.3 videos, OP! OP! imba! 02.06.2016: Mjolner dmg calculator added. 23.05.2016: Added video section and first videos. 02.04.2016: Polished the guide, added Uber versions of the build, added changelog. ![]() Introduction: ---------------------- I've played many different Mjolner builds in the past. And there was allways the same issue: shall I go RT or shall I go Crit? Both Mjolner versions had some advantages and I could't make my mind which one to use and stick with in the long run. So I've played both, switching gear back and forth, liking one version more than other for some time than otherwise. Well, now when I put together my new Ascendancy Mjolner I can happily report that this dilema is over. Now we can have RT-like chance to hit (trust me it feels exactly the same) while still doing crits. This is huge. Huge is also its dmg output thanks to that. Note on 2.3 -------------------- This is the best Mjolner build that I have ever played and I can risk a statement that with 2.3 Mjolner is back in the business. Now I cannot give myself a credit for inventing this specific Mjolner version as many players had exactly the same idea as soon as 2.3 ascendancy class changes where released. Many of those ideas where discussed in different threads, I was participant of one of them aswell. Anyway to give short, condenset info on why this one is OP and imba (and will be nerfed I am sure):
Perma max enduranche charges with new Juggernaut ascendency passive called Unrelenting. This way Discharge dmg went through the roof but also phys dmg reduction, healing via Kingsguard and Immortal Calls durations went to the orbit. Every aspect (dmg & survivability) GREATLY improved with 2.3
![]() Players feedback: ------------------------ " " " " " " " " " " " 2.3 Videos: -------------- " T12 Village Ruin vulnerability, crazy dmg mods, using latest General/Mapping setup with double Discharge, Fire Pen, Elemental Overload: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQp8k7wvnEQ T13 Excavation ele weakness, dmg modes, speed mods, using non legacy Mjolner and Discharge - Fire Pen - Discharge in Mjolner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBgYZo2KCg4 (Keep in mind that monsters has endurance charges - resistances - and my secound Discharge was only lvl 13 lol) T13 Wasteland double dmg mod, full clear using damage oriented setup (how about that CoC Discharge?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBHuvFnjVu4 T15 Abyss monster life, monster attack&cast speed, monster endu, frenzy, power charges, monster cannot be stuned, boss dmg, boss attack&cast speed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45NI1B4LSQ4 T14 Conservatory vulnerability, monster light res, half regen: https://youtu.be/h8t4dQwPeO8 (crashed in the middle of the map, but Boss was done allready) T11 Crema vulnerability, damage mod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0k7I8gSHyM T9 Gorge timed run using Shield Charge aka Train on steroids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy970qwnWYc (note: Shield Charge works extremely good with the build and its so far the best skill for general pack clearing) Build highlights (General/Mapping version): -------------------------- + above 5k life + 5.5+ molten aps + 4+ cyclone aps / 5.2+ lightning strike aps / 2.8+ shield charge aps + 93% chance to hit + 3/9 charges + 90% phys dmg reduction all the time (14k armor unflasked + 9 endu charges) + 86/79/85 resistances unflasked + 92/79/91 resitances flasked + cannot be frozen + cannot be stunned + 218 life regen/s + using cyclone / ls / shield charge and molten strike at the same time (cyclone/ls/sc for packs, molten for bosses) + Surgeon's flasks and doing crit + 21k discharge single blast dmg @ full charges (which is all the time) + 7.8 average discharges per second (with legacy Mjolner) + Fortify + Elemental Overload Passive tree: ------------------------------- Safe/Uber version @lvl 92 You should also use Conqueror's Potency jewel - this, together with flask cluster will push bonus to max resistances from flasks up to +8% max. You'll end up having 75+1+6+8+4 = 94% max fire and 75+6+8+4 = 93% max light resistances flasked with non legacy gear. There's 8% elemental dmg reduction from Juggernaut @ max endu charges on top of that (which is all the time when facetanking). You will need 78 int, 38 str, 7 dex from your gear with this tree. Non corrupted Volls Devo, ring, belt, boots and 5 jevel sockets are the only slots for that. Also for additional 1 point you can grab +30 int node near the Duelist area or +30 str node near Witch. General mapping AOE tree @lvl 91 This way you'll have 30% inc aoe (20% from quality Discharge, 10% from tree) without AOE inc gem, with Iron Will, Controlled Destruction, Elemental Overload AND Fire Penetration at the same time. Pretty crazy huh? You will need 88 int, 28 str, 7 dex from your gear with this tree. Non corrupted Volls Devo, ring, belt, boots and 5 jevel sockets are the only slots for that. Also for additional 1 point you can grab +30 int node near the Duelist area or +30 str node near Witch. Info regarding Elemental Overload: .........................................
Inspired by SMOKETHESKYXXX's Uber run I've run some DPS checks on Malformation Piety regarding different gem setups and Elemental Overload that many people talked about.
I've killed her 4 times, each time with different gem setup and with/without Elemental Overload. I've recorder each kill attempt in 60 fps, than played it back in slow motion to count real kill time (aka when she was facetanked). Here are the results: Dis = Discharge; FPen = Fire Penetration; CD = Controlled Destruciont; EO = Elemental Overload. Dis-FPen-CD: 6s Dis-FPen-Dis: 5-6s Dis-FPen-Dis-EO: 4s Dis-FPen-CD-EO: 3-4s NOTE: My secound Discharge was only @lvl 15. Setups with Elemental Overload had overall 3% less dmg increased from tree - can be ignored. So yeah, after saying that Elemental Overload is not worth additional 3 points I've tweaked passive skill tree so it costs 0 additional points and the only difference with previous tree version is that this one has 3% less overall dmg increased, 5% less aoe increased (both can be pretty much ignored) and 20 less int (can be fixed with 1 addtional point). So, for those who are using non legacy Mjolner the most damaging option is to go Dis-FPen-Dis-EO as far as you can support your int through gear (or you can add 1 more passive point). For those who are using legacy Mjolner above is probably also true as long as your PC can handle that ammount of Discharges/s. If not use Dis-FPen-CD-EO its gets the job done practicaly same as fast with less FPS breaking mechanics. Bandits: ---------------- passive - passive - endurance charge Leveling: ------------------ Can be lvled up as dual flame totem with Ancestral Bound. Respeced out of totem nodes @lvl 72, should look like this: lvl 72 tree Than its time for Mjolner gear and trip for the very end-game begins, adding max endurance charges, life nodes, jevel sockets, increased aoe nodes with lvl ups (in that order). Oh and dont forget to grab additional 6% increased effects of auras for a total of 25% before you start doing T9+ maps! Ascendancy class choice: ---------------------------------- Juggernaut. Passives: Undeniable, Unflinching, Unrelenting (in that order) Now we have 2 game changers: 1) that 1k accuracy; 2) that perma full endu charges. This is why build feels like RT, is still doing crits for some flasks refil and its OP. If you manage to finish end-game labirynth grab whatever you like best for that additional 2 points. Required items: ---------------------- Non legacy Mjolner will also work very well with this build - see gems & flasks section. Gems & Flasks section: ---------------------- ![]() Bellow I'll post common gem setup that works for all build variations and tweaks. The only thing that will differ is Mjolner gem setup, depending on passive skill tree and Mjolner version that will be used. Gem setup posted bellow takes easiest colloring into account. For all tree versions: (1) (Alpha's Howl): lvl 21 Purity of Light + lvl 21 Purity of Fire + lvl 20 Grace + Enlighten (lvl 2 at least) (3) (Saffell's Frame): Leap Slam + 20/20 Faster Attacks + Blood Magic for additional mobility (not required but helps, you can throw something else if you want) (4) (Kingsguard) - attack for bosses: Molten Strike + 20/20 Faster Attack + 20/X GMP + 20 Multistrike + Blood Magic (5L) + Fortify (6L) (6l is not required) (5) (Repentance) - attack for packs: Shield Charge + 20/20 Faster Attacks + Fortify + Blood Magic (shield charge is by far the best skill for general pack clearing with this build) (6) (rare Boots): CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Enfeeble (safe) or Elemental Weakness (full aggreasive) Mjolner: (depending on tree and Mjolner version): (2) (legacy Mjolner) with Safe/Uber tree version: 20/20 Discharge - 20 Fire Penetration - 20/20 Discharge (for hard Bosses) (2) (legacy Mjolner) with Safe/Uber tree version: 20/20 Discharge - 20 Fire Penetration - 20/20 Increased AOE (for mapping) (2) (legacy Mjolner) with General Mapping tree version: 20/20 Discharge - 20 Fire Penetration - 20 Controlled Destruction (for Bosses and mapping) (2) (non legacy Mjolner) with with all tree versions: 20/20 Discharge - 20 Fire Penetration - 20/20 Discharge (for Bosses and mapping) Flasks: (A) Remove bleeding life Surgeon's flask (B) Remove shock topaz Surgeon's flask (C) [anything] movement Surgeon's flask (D) [anything] ruby Surgeon's flask (E) [anything] granite Surgeon's flask Gear explanation: ------------------------- As far as helmet goes I chose Alphas Howl. Alphas Howl is used to push lvl 21 puritys to lvl 23 for that 5% max resistances. Also it grants tons of armor by itself and +2 lvls to Grace. Another option is to use +1 Voidbringers and Devoto's Devotion but this is very expensive (also needs 2 more points spent on tree for 8% mana reserved reduction) and not really better. Belt should have +1 endurance charge to reach max of 9. If you dont have acces to lvl 21 puritys use whatever helmet you like (theres no need for +2 lvl of gems in that situation). But without lvl 21 puritys pushed to lvl 23 you will loose +1 max resitances with general mapping setup and its absolutely "no go" with Uber version. 25% aura effectiveness from tree pushes those 5% from lvl 23 puritys to 6%. 30% increased effects of flasks pushes base 6% max resitances from flasks to 7% (or if you use conqueror's potency this will go to +8% max), thus 6+7+4 (non legacy Saffels) = total of 17% to max fire & light resitances (and theres additional +1 fire from tree and 8% elemental dmg reduction from Juggernaut @ max endu charges - which is all the time when facetanking - on top of that). As far as jevels goes, prioritize attack speed, int, life, str, spell or elemental dmg in that order. Things you wont facetank: --------------------------------- + Uber Atziri's yellow lightning storms (dodge manually). + Uber Atziri's double flameblasts (dodge manually). + T14 Palace Dominus Light of Divinity slam (use manually casted IC). + T15 Core Malachai phase 1 slam (use manually casted IC). + Some of Hall of Grandmasters high lvl Exiles. Everything else in the game is facetankable with proper flask usage. Bonus - Mjolner damage calculator: ---------------------------------------- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rL6ZbBrIj0xE3r9jsc5RaIFoR4tJlfi50vkQ90cF15c/edit?usp=sharing There are two builds included as an example to work with. If you cannot edit use: File->Make a copy Old 2.2 Videos: (far less dmg) --------------------------------------
T13 Courtyard ele weakness, monster life, no fortify:
https://youtu.be/GkLlqqG2aAE T12 Vilage Ruin no regen, monster life, monster dmg, exiles, no fortify: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELuXIi7doLg Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Mar 3, 2017, 11:54:05 AM
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Interesting version. I'm looking forward to your optimizations and updates! What about Elemental Overload node? Did you have the chance to experiment with it? There is not much crit multiplier on gear, so I guess it could be a great addition. Also, do you think it would be worth it to use Aegis instead of Saffell's, and be more block oriented in the tree? Survivability wise. I happen to own one and was thinking of integrating it to be more of a discharge - max block build. Thanks! |
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" Lets consider single target aka the Boss, because as far as pack clearing goes - it does not matter (dmg is allready to high for trash). Lets also ignore any crit jevels than you can possibly have within the tree. First of all Elemental Overload removes crit multi, period. Considering only tree and required gear there's total of 70 crit multi meaning 2,2 times the dmg when crit. Due to the mechanics this build utilizes you will be mostly at full charges (vs single target), meaning 5 power charges when Discharging, meaning your Discharge will have 38% chance to crit. 0,38 * 2,2 = 83% more dmg. This is without any additional crit chance / crit multi from jevels. " I dont think so. Block is RNG. You need it a lot (70+) in order to start reling on it. To comfortably ignore armor and max resistances, which make this build a tank, you need to have at least 70/70 block/spell block. Count passive points, how much this kind of change will cost, will it be less or more passive points than armor aura nodes. And than I have no idea how you can achieve that 70 spell block. But even if manage it somehow, block is still RNG, there is still that 30% chance that you will get hit, and if hit is big enugh, you will rip. Also Juggerneout tree synergise well with armour version of the build. Any mixing of those two defence mechanics, not having any of it at its full potential is misunderstanding. You must commit entirely in one way or another aka min-maxing it, in order to benefit from it in the end-game content. Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Mar 9, 2016, 1:07:55 AM
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" You need to subtract the base multiplier before you do the comparison, which makes it 0.38 * 1.2 = 0.456. Still not worth taking EO, though. :) Last edited by Kaezin#7848 on Mar 9, 2016, 2:10:35 AM
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Tue, and this is without any crit jevels counted in, not mentioning 3 passive points required with current tree (2 with different pathing).
Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Mar 9, 2016, 2:28:20 AM
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I am very interested in your build. But!!! First of all I am level 51 marauder, second I dont have Mjolner not gear as close as yours. And could you please tell me how to level up to come to here? Should I just follow your tree and use weapons as I find them or should I go one kind of weapon? Please help. |
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" If you have Volls Devotion than you can start using Mjolner as soon as you can wear it. It will carry you to the very end-game. lvl 63 tree: http://tinyurl.com/gnog5af lvl 68 tree: http://tinyurl.com/jecaelj lvl 73 tree: http://tinyurl.com/j4cvzvq lvl 79 tree: http://tinyurl.com/hxe5tgs lvl 83 tree: http://tinyurl.com/jktesal However if you dont have Volls Devotion than this build will not work as it should be. You can still start using Mjolner whenever you can but in order to have some dps boost and leeching you need to swap Kingsguard for Daressos Defiance, Iron Will in Mjolner for Life leech and grab Vaal Pakt from the passive tree. But this is budget option with budget results. It will work fine but untill about T12 maps. Single target dmg and healing both will be somewhat cripled compared to Volls Devotion and Kingsguard mechanics. Forget about facetanking T12+ bosses with this. Packs clearing will be fine thuogh. This is the tree that I would use in case of no Volls Devotion: http://tinyurl.com/zj5qk2j And put Fertile Mind jevel near Vaal Pakt. EDIT: Added lvling section, required gear section in the guide, also some additional info on other gear options. Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Mar 9, 2016, 3:48:09 AM
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ok thx.
I will probably then use some other build and when I have some better equipment then I will make new character with your build. thx |
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" If you have Mjolner, Saffels Frame, Daresso's Defiance, Romira's Banquet, Amulet with Crit Multi on it, Fertile Mind jevel, Discharge, Life leech, Baal lightning, Cyclone, Faster Attacks, Blood Magic, Fortify, Leap Slam, Faster Attacks, Blood Magic, CWDT, Warlords Mark, Immortal Call, Increased Duration, Grace, Purity of Light, Purity of Fire, than you can play the build with tree that I've posted in the "no Volls Devotion" section of my latest post and it will work fine until T12 maps, or rather T12+ Bosses. Other content you will do just fine. You can also take a look at my other build that uses Discharge, has comparable dmg, clear speed and defences while being a bit cheaper (and can be played without Volls amulet without changing anything in the tree and still doing tons of dmg - just use offensive gem setup mentioned in the guide): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1585294 Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2904155 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362 Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Mar 9, 2016, 4:09:38 AM
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