Current Development Priorities
Thanks for working on the crashes - they have been very frustrating.
That aside, love the labyrinths. Nice work. Also, as an aside to the people complaining about "whiners", you might try to empathize. GGG didn't get rid of the challenge, they just allowed players to bypass some of the grind. Players till need to complete the labyrinth, at Merciless no less, but are being allowed to bypass some of the redundancy. While that might seem unfair, keep in mind that those Trials are essentially a tutorial - completing them three times with one character is a fine learning experience, while tracking down those areas sixty times for twenty different characters (in low level areas with no loot, xp, or rewards) is largely redundant. Keep in mind this isn't my favorite decision - I think the rewards are such that people should still have to earn every point, and the traps are notably dangerous at any level. I would prefer if GGG eliminated only the Trial aspect - tracking down the tutorials in low level areas is a truly mind-numbing experience - but running through the shifting labyrinths, again with traps that do % of life instead of flat dmg, is still reasonably challenging regardless of level. But I can see the reasoning, and it would be presumptuous (and a little hypocritical) to complain about how people got the change through by whining. |
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You could add, in addition to the memory improvements, a "use-all-the-memory-you-need" option, so people with higher end pcs, will have absolutely no issues. I mean, if you have 16gb of ram, I think its possible to load almost the full game to the ram.
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Just wanted to say that new content is great and especially labyrinth is exciting!
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For the trading improvements, can we mark prices with p coins? It's really popular in trading chat.
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First of all, its a great game. Thats for sure.
Im here to give my conclusion about the Labyrinth. For Hardcore incredible difficult, for normal it is ridiculous. I've lost three Chars in HC and only in the Labyrinth normal difficulty. The last one was lvl 44. After another frustating death in HC Labyrinth normal difficulty i tried to run in non Hardcore. I was finished in 10 minutes, because i take care less about the mobs and the traps. i just run through and casted sometimes something to fill my flask. The labyrinth is in my opinion to difficult for its placement and missed the target. Greetings. |
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still experiencing lang spikes on EU Servers
ign: CycloneThatBitch
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Again got dc while doing labyrinth ... YOU FU..ING BRAINLESS MORONS. I wont play POE again in my life. You are 1/1000 of Blizzard. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
IGN: liquid_sun
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I understand that you want to keep the labyrinth fluid but I have noticed it seriously impedes on the trading aspect of the game especially with the implementing of public stash tabs. I get that you want to eliminate the possibility of people purposely disconnecting before dying but right before the trials would it really be so bad to allow us to either teleport to hideout for trades or allow people to join just that area for a quick trade? Sometimes you miss out on a good trade opportunity just because they cant wait 10-15 minutes
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Thanks for the effort GGG. No expansion is ever flawless so there's bound to be whining.
I like the labyrinth. Kind of long though. I figured it would be more along the lines of map running times. It's still enjoyable nonetheless. I do have a question though. Trap damage is based on life percentage, which is good. But, why doesn't the labyrinth also limit life regen? It would be very easy to run a high life regen toon through. But toons with little or no regen it gets extremely challenging when all you have to rely on are a couple flasks. I'm feeling this pain first hand, having little regen to speak of. BTW, I'm not whining, just posing the question. The Lab, making a great game good since 2016.
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Well, still seeing a lot of issue complaints. I'm just gonna go ahead and continue with my week+ hiatus.
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