Current Development Priorities
I played the labyrinth about 5 times in a day and really liked it, unlike some other players i think it is a lot of fun that the game forces you to think for a while and be cautious. But one thing really annoys me about it, the boss fight, as well as izaro's pet, that argus guy, are stupidly hard, i mean, my previously perfectly viable build for the whole game, (maybe not atziri, idk since i never got there). The first time i got to izaro, the first battle in normal, he kept hitting me for like 80% of my health instantly, my flasks couldnt keep up with it, after some running around and some kiting i messedup once more and died, the whole thing was about 5 minutes long and i didnt take even 10% of his health. Same goes for Argus, during his fight (and he was doing about the same damage as izaro) i kept running the whole map and killing easy mobs to get flasks and my vaal storm call back and in the end i still died without dealing that much damage to him. Its also important to say that i was lv 38 doind a lv 33 area, had ok DPS and about 1400 effective Health, so i was not frail at all. So if i am supposed to be lv 40 to do the lab, why not make it a lv 40 area and make it reasonable for that level? Or is it really supposed to be a Meta-Filter?
idk, that imbalance is keeping me from trying more the lab and i feel really bad because im missing out on a lot of stuff and stuff i actually enjoy. |
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I know people will disagree strongly but here it is: For me the need to complete the labyrinth in one go without dying once and not be able to get in town or log of, is very frustrating. I wish at least It would be possible to be able to complete with some checkpoints because the idea that I have to do it all over again freaks me out. Or make it possible to resume but if you do (for example if you log off or if you get in town), do not provide an enchantment or something.
Anyway probably I am in the minority of players who totally dislike this game mechanic so I guess I shouldn't expect any change any time soon. | |
nice keep the good work
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''This league has been really popular! Turns out people really like bonus uniques.''
I think its a good idea to make a ''Poll'' where ppl can vote/give feedback about the league and post it on the front page. That way we can see how ''popular'' it is. Becouse whoever told u it is popular and ppl like it is lying to u. See, my friends and i logged out after playin for a couple of hours.....ON RELEASE DAY. Make a Poll :D let us see how popular it is. p.s : Ur Labirint is fucking frustrating to run tru. Last edited by intersept#1235 on Mar 7, 2016, 6:19:10 AM
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"Hope one of them is for Izaro supported with elemental conduits and curse fonts. Cause I just DCed in such fight. And also ripped while disconnected :\ edit: there, got it right this time. i think. And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much. Last edited by silumit#4080 on Mar 7, 2016, 6:21:21 AM
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" Hmmm when they patch and fixes nothing oh wait it lets you play for couple of hrs and then more down time for another patch, while having dc's lag lock ups so on and so on. Now my question to you is if in fact they do tons of testing as they say don't you think they would of ran into this earlier and would of had systems in place for this? And the side note the amount of money people spend on the game with supporter packs and everything else, in the end you are spending more than 40$. Next D3 yea blah blah bad game but at least there isn't 6+ patches in 2 days to fix issues that keep happening.And i think it is mostly due to there Open ptr so they can test server loads as well as server stability,Now i get they don't want things to get out too quickly and if players play the next expansion be for release you burn people out or you get bad pr. but if i am not correct here but 20k is much greater number than 20, that is 20k people that are testing and putting stress on servers so when things like this arise they are fixed be for your release. |
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" Cant be leave you cant even get a word right. You need to consider the resources and stop being so ignorant. If you don think the game is worth the wait go play something else. Otherwise go read to understand why. You are clearly impatient, probably why you have the awakening support pack because you just wanted a beta key. Might wanna grow up a little or take your bad attitude back to the blizzard forums where crying is a thing. Definitions:
Path of Exile; A world where you are free from pay to win. Unlimited builds, vast enemy mods and a strong end game. Unrivaled community in real life and rewarding developers. Path of exile is one of the best ARPGS created/ Died 25 times to 1 boss in Path of Exile and would rip again. |
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Hope you get all fixed soon. \,,/ Tired for getting only "pathofexilesteam.exe stopped working" -screen into my face. (and yes, openal and other stuff uninstalled & reinstalled) Gray hair just keep growing.
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" This is the real issue. The gameplay style and design of labrynth is boring. ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer 3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life. |
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" You know that town portals are still totally bugged right? How does this stuff make it through development testing? I mean not being able to use your own town portal is pretty ridiculous but the errors the game gives you are even worse "Have not finished normal" when you're trying to enter your OWN portal in Cruel Act 3 is retarded. What's worse is your patch notes indicate this is fixed! Yea, it totally isn't. Maybe actually fix problems before you tell everyone "Hey, everything works now". Just some Monday morning salt from replaying no less than a half a dozen areas because portals still don't work about 1/2 the time they're opened. Great league, good work, fix the portals (not necessarily in that order) |
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