Current Development Priorities

Like many other people i am done with POE now, used to be my favourite game but you don't seem to realise how absolutely shitty the labrynth is (everything about it from annoying time wasting traps, being a running simulator in a bad engine to not being able to trade in the bloody place to crashes to the overtuned boss to the specific loot i am missing out on for now wanting to go in there, hell even no perandus in there).

The list is a very long one but in the end you clearly didn't run this by your average player and sadly i am now done with POE probably for ever, the game would have been BETTER without the labrynth added in. Sadly i love basically everything else you have done from the trade improvements to the fun perandus league.

GL in the future, i advise you consider removing the Lab but you have spent too much time on it so thats not an option is it?

p.s. ignore the fanboys opinions on things, they will ruin you
Sheriff_K wrote:

PS. Why is Charan's text blue all of a sudden.. o_0

Because blue is the new white ;)

Like the points for standard chars, sadly i wasted many hours already getting them ;(
IGN: Darkrox (not my main, just for easy contact)
~ Yes i'm the Darkrox from Runes of Magic - World's #1 Guild Pravum 2009 - 2011 ~
This league / expansion is an absolute blast regardless of the crashs you pictured.

Glad to hear that you guys are on the performance issues, that's the only problem I got while playing these two days, damn -20 fps perandus monsters affixes

A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?
Interesting that labyrinth generation being broken is not a priority and not even on the list. See this ( and others ) forum thread :

couldn't get to next zone in labrynth

Hard to fix but most likely quiet important since it discourages me not to mention any new player. The lab is hard enough - impossible due to bugs is even worse.
When Chuck Norris plays PoE masters do his missions
Last edited by AdFinitum#3969 on Mar 7, 2016, 4:24:11 AM
I like playing POE because I can play it without actually concentrating - just relax and kill some monsters. But I have to say, loosing your progress when you die in a lab - now that's just uncool. I get that you should feel that you worked for the achievement in the end, but that makes it a grind, not a game. Respawning back at the start is ok, but don't make me loose my progress. Won't be playing a lab (and loose out on the ascendancy points) until this is fixed.
Last edited by G0tchas#5055 on Mar 7, 2016, 4:30:48 AM
First Map today and first Perandus Chest - instant crash, even after your "great patch" , I've lost so much time already because of this and all you keep saying is "sorry" combined with empty promises?

Chris wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
stay cool

You know our office air conditioner has been broken for a week, right?

You know, im a technician in the HVAC industry. Will travel and fix AC free of charge; All i ask is that you bring back pilgrim hat mtx for 1 day. Lol, jk....but mad i missed it. Thx for all the hard wk devs! Good day.
Dext88 wrote:
The list is a very long one but in the end you clearly didn't run this by your average player and sadly i am now done with POE probably for ever, the game would have been BETTER without the labrynth added in. Sadly i love basically everything else you have done from the trade improvements to the fun perandus league.

GL in the future, i advise you consider removing the Lab but you have spent too much time on it so thats not an option is it?

p.s. ignore the fanboys opinions on things, they will ruin you

How could the game be better without the labyrinth? You don't even have to do it, its not part of the main progression. And it takes like 30 minutes to run the lab, how bad could it be?

The Labyrinth
The goal of Labyrinth's design was to make a section of a game that players have to complete in one run. This means that we don't need to design around Alt-F4ing in combat or refilling flasks via portals. This makes for a very different experience to regular Path of Exile play. It also give Standard players a taste of the adrenaline experienced by Hardcore players.

Labyrinth too long for Ascendancy class points quest(~45min for non-stop quest in online game is stupid ). Hardcore players play in Hardcore mode. Don't forget about 80% usual players, we play for fun.
Chris, what about bringing some amount of order to rampant field of rampaging RNG that is helm enchantment procedure? The chance to get something useful is so low :(
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.

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