Labyrinth,the worst content ever made in POE?
Against my better judgement, I made another character after ripping(2 shotted) to izaro final fight cruel, with 2k+ hp, 6500+ armor, 300 life regen, maxed resistances at level 60(cruel).
Created a new character. Had a freakin blast...loved every minute of leveling. Knew I wanted to get into the ascendancy class action so I started with trials. At level 39 (now out leveling the labyrinth by 6 levels) I pushed into the labryinth and going very quickly. Unable to stop Izaro's first set of towers, fine. Second fight, he two shots me. How is being two-shotted, being unable to portal out, acceptable???? GGG has made it very clear right here on these forums that they allow us to portal out of encounters so that THEY are afforded the ability to design difficult and complex fights with large swaths of incoming burst damage. Well, guess have yours, I don't have mine. You have your large swath of damage. I cannot portal out. You can't have both if you are to be trusted as a developer. I am, for now, done with this expansion. Hopefully it lasts longer than a day and even if it doesn't, GGG will not receive another penny from me. No way. Hours down the drain for gated character customization. Not happening again. Last edited by cesmode#5569 on Mar 9, 2016, 10:22:39 PM
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" 2k life for end of cruel is pretty miniscule, sorry to say that but you had too little life for this (And further) content. cruel malachai would kill you just as quickly as Izaro did |
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" Yeah, dude. The big difference is that you think that we are the crusade, invested geeks, and all that other stuff, while you sit here circle-jerking and labeling other people for their opinions. Look what you are saying, and labeling people with, and then look at your own posts. Because to me, it seems that you are just projecting your own emotions and investment into this thing. :) GGG could change these things, and they wouldn't lose anything. We wouldn't even care too much. It is you, who is so emotional about it. And to be honest, if they are even reading what is going in here, think - would they listen to bunch of people, which responses are as emotional and derogatory to others, as yours? Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. | |
I should say something, as someone who enjoys the labyrinth even though I cannot defeat Izaro for a number of reasons.
While I personally enjoy the traps, I can appreciate that others do not. In fact, it seems those of us who do like them might even be in the minority. I find that a little sad, but I can recognize the problem if the community at large is unsatisfied. Who knows? Maybe more people who don't post in the forum like it? But I've run into a few in-game who were pretty disappointed that Izaro could just absolutely destroy them, even though they were obverleveled and didn't suck at thegame or other bosses, and that they then had to start over through the traps again. Just putting all that out there. Some in this thread don't find Izaro to be a problem. Good for them. Many, many people do find him to be a problem, and that seems to diminish possible enjoyment of the rest of the lab. -VG- Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
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I don't mind fucking traps and puzzles up to some degree of course, but c'mon...not even a single opportunity to save progress? 1/3? 2/3? what the fuck? Nice Ascendant expansion if 90% average players are ready to PAY for lab runs. Oh another fucking fun feature. Bc you cannot tp in lab gl finding and joining a party, because, when you join, they might be God knows where, wish you luck find them. Bullshit makes the flowers grow Last edited by Eben_GGG#0000 on Mar 10, 2016, 1:10:45 AM
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Haaaha, all those delicous tears! Thanks for making my day!
Edit: Its the best i played since Invasion. Nearly the same fun and heartbeat level in this league/expansion. Im enjoying it greatly! Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you. Last edited by Astarte911#6271 on Mar 10, 2016, 1:19:28 AM
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" How dare you putting Invasion in the same sentence with this atrocity? Comparing Invasion (especially the prenerfed version) to this shit of a mini-game is hilarious. They have nothing in common and just shows how people still havent realised what has been implemented in the game and what consequences that has. Lab is easy, not exciting and the new playstyle it offers in no way has your heart racing like Invasion did. In the lab you obserbe/wait/run/pull lever, yes very action much wow! Its as slow of a gameplay as it gets, and that says a lot about it. (unless of course you dont fully do the lab and just run in which case your opinion is already flawed) Invasion was the epitome of adrenaline rush in PoE, you walking and killing mobs casually, gathering loot and stuff when BAM invasion boss on top for your dead body. That was content that made your heart beating in every corner and every time you faced a boss. Why does your heart beat now? Are you all so brain-washed that you will let this pass? Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions Last edited by Regulator#4587 on Mar 10, 2016, 3:53:08 AM
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Eh, WTF?
Sorry, is it really my problem that you can't get any excitement... if he ports up after you buffed him 2 times if you open the chest with your hard earned treasure keys if you get a new ench for your helmet if you found a sick Darkshrine giving you sick shit if you understimated those traps and they bled you down to 1/3 I dont think so. Its your problem. And as it is your problem, you prolly should keep it by yourself instead of judging other peoples entertainment. Like, really. People those days, holy Fu. Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.
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" I got some excitement. Awareness, that if I DC or lag will force me to pass this crap again really added wings to my poor marauder when doing Cruel lab :) And now I happy as neve, as I need to do this only one more time, only one more time and enough of this, as our dear Piety says. Anticipation slowly dissipates...
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" The point i made is that Invasion's kind of fun and excitement has absolutely nothing in common with lab's playstyle and entertainment. Why does your heart beat now? is an obvious rhetorical question. I can see why you people are having fun and im ok with it, im not ok with the rest of us having to grind our teeth to play something we do not find exciting to get the only thing worth of this expansion that is obviously gated behind something totally different from what PoE offered in the past years. Invasion is a very good example and it just proves how slow paced and alienating lab is compared to fast and action based previous content. In no way i insulted/judged you or they ways you are having fun, thats a prime example why i call you people white knights (if i called the group of people lovers or defenders of the labyrinth nothing would change, its just a term, im not insulting), you all are making assumptions and just defend the damn thing out of pure emotions, attacking and bullying the others for giving negative critisism about the thing. Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions Last edited by Regulator#4587 on Mar 10, 2016, 4:51:47 AM
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