Labyrinth sucks

Koksii wrote:
Got oneshot from izaro in cruel with 2.5k life, 50 allres and 1.5k armor

Ayyy lmao. 50 all res. Roflmao. With all buffs, he will gib you with 3k hp and 75% all res, on cruel.

Yet another l2p thread.

Nothing to say here, other that has been already been said milion of times. tl;dr version is something along the lines of: stop trying to make content trivial, because you clearly don't know what you are doing. Don't expect to do everything in first try. Instead, try to learn from your mistakes, and move on.

ShaUrley wrote:
NeroNoah wrote:
If there is a controversial part of the labyrinth for sure is the forced hardcore, being so unforgiving.

I'm pretty sure that the most controversial part of the labyrinth is the introduction of traps (and not just the odd exploding barrel, arrow trap, or secret room), which goes completely against the ARPG-type gameplay that PoE has always been expected by most players to have. Many hardcore players hate the labyrinth as well.

Bla bla bla: I don't want strategy game in my TPP - Sacrifice, one of the most revolutionary games of all times.
I don't want interesting plot/characters in my FPS - every single good shooter nowadays.

Genres being mixes is normal. Thinking that elements from other genres (while they are not even from other genres - PoE is ACTION RPG after all) do not fit PoE, because aRPG is fucking absurd.
What is that magical PoE ARPG-type gameplay you are talking about? Holding down RMB and collecting colorful legendary-super-duper-unique-glyphic-mystical loot?

Mobsy wrote:
Koksii wrote:
Got oneshot from izaro in cruel with 2.5k life, 50 allres and 1.5k armor

2.6k life - 75@ res lvl 58 - 1 shot by Izaro in Cruel

Is this supposed to be a (bad) joke?

I am not amuzed.

Amuzed? Don't think so. You should be thinking WHY you died. You chose to go and whine about it on forums, instead.
A pro tip: don't ignore mechanics from 2 previous fights. It might be crucial to why he one-shot you (actually not might - it is).

Lets have another bite:

Pie_Guy wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
Pie_Guy wrote:

Glad someone spoke up about this droning shill.

Oh, you mean the droning shill who successfully campaigned to have existing Standard characters get Ascendancy points so they don't have to run the Labyrinth three times? Yeah, you're all very welcome. Fuckin' ingrates.

I'm sorry, but the meaning/intention of discussion and criticism are lost when one person responds a million times to everyone else's posts with a million denials and comebacks all from the same refrain. I stand by my words.

Of course you stand by your word - because you never learn. The same reason you hate the lab so much, isn't it? :P
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq#4049 on Apr 29, 2016, 1:53:38 AM
ShaUrley wrote:
The devs are the ones who can see the stats, and they can determine how popular the labyrinth really is (I suspect pretty unpopular --- as opposed to the Perandus league, which I'm guessing has been very popular --- but who knows). I hope, with the stats and all the negative feedback from many players about various aspects of the labyrinth, that GGG will reconsider how they implement it. I have no problem with the labyrinth staying so long as don't have to endure it.

Stats won't be that helpful, because almost everyone ascended, except a few special snowflakes. They may have hated every moment of it, though.

That being said, I don't know why we are discussing this yet. Everything that had to be said was said, and GGG will rework the labyrinth for 2.3 if the interview with the level designers is to be believed. After that patch, I guess we can go at it again.
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
R.I.P 4.B.
When PoE become ... plateform game ... on next update tetris mod ...
And GG for the Energy shield build ...
Siochan wrote:
The cancer lab... can't believe someone made such a horrible decision coming up with it and someone else actually allowing it.

Sadly this is no near to be fixed, GGG think that 0,2% players that love lab enough to support that bullshit.
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ShaUrley wrote:

Well, Diablo1 is my favorite game of all time, so it wouldn't suck at all. ;) Admittedly, the 640x480 resolution and the incredibly slow walk speed of characters might need some improvement these days.

Diablo1 was amazing to me. It started the ARPG genre didn't it? I thought that Diablo2 was an excellent follow-up. The main change that I liked was that a spell by someone else in the group didn't do damage to other people in the group. Since I usually played the game in multi-player mode that was a very important change. Of course, the improved graphics were also great.

What first attracted me to PoE was that the gameplay was so similar to Diablo2. The PoE gameplay is why PoE is such a great game. This is also why Labyrinth is so disappointing to me. I don't like the Labyrinth gameplay.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Char1983 wrote:
Well, the question is, do traps really go against ARPG? I am just not so sure about that. I personally think they fit pretty well, but it probably comes down to taste.

If all ARPGs were just like Diablo1, well, that would suck pretty hard, wouldn't it? Luckily they evolve.

Dying to something you cant attack is really bad design. I can one shot bosses but i cant damage a wooden pole with spikes? Its just silly
Char1983 wrote:
Well, the question is, do traps really go against ARPG? I am just not so sure about that. I personally think they fit pretty well, but it probably comes down to taste.

If all ARPGs were just like Diablo1, well, that would suck pretty hard, wouldn't it? Luckily they evolve.

If you want to design a new ARPG with traps, then fine. I won't buy it, but I wouldn't complain. Throwing traps in after the game has already been released is sure to alienate some users. They aren't even the kind of traps that you would expect in an RPG, like a skill check could allow you to detect and/or disarm them. Arcade style traps are hardly an evolved design, they are just lazy filler.
Chadwixx wrote:
Char1983 wrote:
Well, the question is, do traps really go against ARPG? I am just not so sure about that. I personally think they fit pretty well, but it probably comes down to taste.

If all ARPGs were just like Diablo1, well, that would suck pretty hard, wouldn't it? Luckily they evolve.

Dying to something you cant attack is really bad design. I can one shot bosses but i cant damage a wooden pole with spikes? Its just silly

The environment doing damage to one's character is the key here. It is important as to what differentiates ARPG games from trap/puzzle games like Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider, and PoE Labyrinth. I hate games like that. I suspect that you would as well?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
I like the lab, and the traps. But I think it should be shorter.
Last edited by nephilim1984#5844 on Apr 29, 2016, 6:38:46 PM

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