StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter

9/24/19 - v3.8.1

Blight League Major Economy Update

As I did not do an economy update in Legion due to being busy with other games this update is compensating for two leagues' worth of changes instead of just one. On top of that the divination and unique update has been much more in depth than usual - I went through every single listed basetype one by one ensuring they were all tiered appropriately instead of accounting for the differences as normally done each update.

This makes this the most thorough economy update I've ever done and removes/demotes a lot of the "overvalued" uniques that remained. Generally it's very easy for me to tell when something needs to be moved up a tier (by looking at lists) but it's a bit harder for me to notice when something needs to be moved down unless it falls by a large amount, actually drops for me, or I do this kind of time-intensive item by item update.

A lot of high tier divination cards have dropped a bit in value this update. While the filter has been adjusted appropriately I believe that this is largely due to the influx of Stacked Decks hugely influencing the price of very rare but low/mid-demand cards and will be keeping a close eye on those at start of next league.

Lastly this contains the beginning of some color improvements I've been thinking of doing for a while. Still experimenting with a few things so don't be surprised if things change back and forth for a few updates.

Update Notes:
- Tiered Oils and changed highlighting to something a bit more pleasant
- Added special highlighting for Blighted maps
- Moved Alch and Scour to their own tier in between their previous respective tiers with appropriate color. Sounded in both Strict and Uber
- Slightly darkened background on green/teal currencies
- Convoking Wand moved down a tier (now same as Bone Helmet, previously was same as Opal Ring)
- Chance Item block is now disabled by default in both Strict and Uber
- Normal & Magic nonspecial Vanguard Belts and Blue Pearl Amulets are now hidden by default in Strict
- Arcanist Gloves re-added to Strict rares
- Engineer's shards now show in Strict
- Timeless Jewels are now on white backgrounds
- Stacked Deck now uses a slightly different color more appropriate to it being "both" a currency and a divination card
- Disabled drop sound on hidden gems in all filters
- Retiered all Fossils (tldr: dense down, bound up, rest minor changes)
- Retiered all Incubators and changed highlighting to something more appropriate to Legion
- Cleaned up the Unique filtering block. Added a "High Tier Fixed Location" block for uniques without shared bases with high value. League specific uniques with guaranteed value and no shared bases are now in this section as well as Prophecy uniques.
- Threshold for white background Div cards and uniques lowered from ~150c to ~100c meaning several have been added to each
- Default tier of Div cards renamed to "Mid Tier"
- Divination Note: All single turn in cards (Heroic Shot, Void, etc) and all 6L cards will be at least lavender tier regardless if their actual value is a bit below the ~3c cutoff
- Reduced the number of melee weapons shown in Strict to pre-Legion levels. As melee is my least played archetype and I barely played Legion let me know if this is too restrictive.

Unique Tiering Changes: bit of a mess this time but here's the list of changes (for the new: SV = small value, VV = variable value, UVV = upper VV)
- high to sv: serpentscale gauntlets, crystal belt, stygian vise, embroidered gloves, ruby flask, citrine amulet, bismuth flask
- max to high: savant's robe
- high to max: ornate quiver
- SV to UVV: granite flask, nightmare bascinet
- bottom to VV: turquoise amulet
- bottom to SV: quartz flask, laminated kite shield
- UVV to VV: gavel
- SV to high: steelwood bow, close helmet, pinnacle tower shield, zodiac leather, slink boots,
- SV to bottom: marble amulet, goathide gloves, spine bow, karui sceptre, opal sceptre, praetor crown
- SV to VV: strapped mitts, silk slippers, wool gloves
- VV to SV: war hammer, imperial claw, eternal sword
- VV to UVV: prophet crown, heavy belt
- legion prediction to league-specific: coral amulet, steel circlet, assassin bow, sulphur flask
- legion prediction to high: holy chainmail, vaal blade, karui maul, silk gloves, soldier helmet, bronzescale boots, deerskin
gloves, clasped mitts, timeworn claw, imperial skean, tyrant's sekhem
- legion prediction to low-value league specific: vaal mask, loricated ringmail
- blight prediction to league-specific: turquoise amulet, murder mitts, mesh gloves
- blight prediction to high: ezomyte dagger, assassin's boots, hydrascale gauntlets, silken hood, solaris circlet, ezomyte burgonet
- blight prediction to small value: lathi
- blight prediction to bottom: antique greaves
- blight prediction to max: saint's hauberk
- league-specific to high: grand mana flask, ambush mitts, legion gloves, carnal boots

Divination Tiering Changes:
- Fixed Demoness getting flagged by Demon highlighting and added appropriate exception block. GGG please fucking stop using partial names of one div card in another
- high to top: the damned, the old man, the price of loyalty, pride of the first ones
- high to default: the deal, vile power, burning blood
- mid to high: heroic shot, the earth drinker, blessing of god, the deep ones
- high to mid: the deal, the cursed king, last hope, the harvester, the standoff, the darkest dream, the wilted rose
- top to max: nook's crown, alluring bounty, beauty through death
- top to high: formless sea, mawr blaidd, the brittle emperor, the hunger, the undisputed, the world eater, perfection, the master, the celestial stone, the wind, the endless darkness, the enlightened, the mayor, the queen, the mad king, seven years bad luck, the life thief, the risk
- low to trash (hidden in all filters, even general): the lunaris priestess

As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Sep 26, 2019, 11:14:19 AM
Found a major bug when it comes to 6L items with over 20 quality. There is no special highlighting or sound played when a item drops. The cause is in lines 834 to 850(general), 850 to 867(strict) and 860 to 876(uberstrict).
mayjames wrote:
Found a major bug when it comes to 6L items with over 20 quality. There is no special highlighting or sound played when a item drops. The cause is in lines 834 to 850(general), 850 to 867(strict) and 860 to 876(uberstrict).

Yeah I immediately knew what it was after reading the first sentence. High quality items dropping is such a rare thing that I'd forgotten that the original blocks for delve items were still in the league specific blocks. Thanks for letting me know, I'll have it fixed next update.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
I was wondering if there was a way to unhide the chromatics and jewellers on the uberstrict filter
Last edited by Br00ksy#6583 on Oct 21, 2019, 2:39:54 PM
Br00ksy wrote:
I was wondering if there was a way to unhide the chromatics and jewellers on the uberstrict filter

Just open the filter in a text editor. There's a 'SSF overrides' section that has entries for currency. Remove the comment signs '#' in the beginning of the lines to activate those overrides.
12/12/19 - v3.9.0

Metamorph League Launch Release

This update contains highlighting for all the new items in Metamorph, meta adjustments for the incoming "bow league," and a number of other various improvements.

The new influence types are currently all on the same highlight (same as Shaper's) and the section currently covers just the essentials. Once we know more about the mods more detailed filtering (and possibly themed colors) will come in the Economy update.

Don't forget to set your colors in Section 1 before the league starts!

Update Notes:
- Added highlighting for new 3.9 items: Metamorph Samples, Catalysts, Watchstones, Awakened Gems, Awakener's Orb. Rest is already covered by existing code
- Added Metamorph League Unique Prediction block with sounds on all new/changed unique basetypes
- Section 6 renamed to Influence, highlighting added for the four new influence types
- 84+ influenced items of top nonatlas basetypes (Sorc/Titan gloves/boots etc) now use borders instead of white backgrounds and are no longer on max tier sound
- Finally changed the garish contrast of rare valuable atlas basetypes (Opal Ring etc) to something less visually offensive
- Demoted Cerulean Ring to the lower-value tier of the rare atlas basetypes (now considered same as Blue Pearl Amulet etc)
- Moved all breachstones to a more drastic highlight given that they can now "drop" thanks to Blight
- Moved 21+ quality highlighting on basetypes to the Misc section and added some restrictions to avoid future conflicts
- Disabled the Fast Elder Bows block as Vicious Projectile bows can no longer roll. rip CA.
- Reduced highlighting on 86 bone helmets (no longer white bg)
- Added temporary lights to 20q and level 20 gems as well as slightly larger icons
- Added permanent lights to all nonatziri fragments
- Lab enchant highlight blocks are now disabled by default. They're still there if you want them (top of section 10)
- Adjusted a number of highlights on some league specific items i.e. incubators
- Made various under-the-hood improvements to syntax and minor highlighting improvements

Bow Adjustments due to 3.9.0 Changes:
- Assassin Bow now considered a top bow basetype and added to 84+ filtering
- Imperial Bow also added to 84+ filtering now that shaper bows are...diminished
- Ranger Bow added to bow levelling (It had actually been omitted completely due to the previously low damage, the only bow to receive such a dishonor)
- Assassin Bow and Broadhead Arrow Quiver added to green bordered rares in anticipation of upcoming meta
- Added an SSF override for Sharktooth Arrow Quiver for the hyrri recipe

- Pine Buckler, Reinforced Tower Shield, Colossal Tower Shield, Silken Hood to SV
- Citrine Amulet to high tier (world)
- Wolf's Legacy moved to default tier

As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link on my stream for those who want to support the filter.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Dec 12, 2019, 10:08:30 AM
Thanks for the update.
Thanks for the update Hobbit!
thx for updating
Thanks very much for the great work!

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