StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter
quick raizqt freeze pulse hack IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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further updated the split arrow one
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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Great job dude! Best filter I have ever used.
Keep it up |
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4/20/18 - v3.2.3
Bestiary League Update III - Various Improvements: Uber Filter, SSF/Race, Uniques This is a substantial update that contains a significant under-the-hood rework. A number of sections have been merged and/or deleted and ALL of the filter options (including chance items) are now located at the top of the filter in Sections 0 and 1 as opposed to half of them being located in the middle of the filter. Shaper/Elder items have been separated into their own section for ease of editing and readability and the SSF and Race Override sections are now more or less complete. Those who edit the filter will now find it significantly easier to navigate. In addition the Uber filter has been made much more strict. It now shows almost no rares and hides a number of items that previously were never hidden in any filter. The idea behind Uber is clearspeed matters more than anything else. There is also an experimental feature in this update regarding uniques. In an effort to make it easier to quickly identify uniques and know which ones need to be checked two new types of additional highlighting are being added: Grey border (and text) indicates a base where the only really valuable uniques are league-specific, and can be more or less ignored unless you are in a Zana modded map or breach (i.e. Amber Amulet, Leather Belt) or it's early in the league. Teal border indicates a base which has at least one very high value unique that should be checked (i.e. Gold Amulet, Imperial Bow). Previous borders remain the same (white: bases where the only uniques are guaranteed high value; black: all other lower value and multiple unique basetypes). Bottom (darker background, no sound) and max (white background) tiers are also unchanged. I will be working on refining this system in the future and possibly also moving league-specific uniques to their own non-intrusive sound. Update Notes: - Chance Item section has been moved/merged into Section 1. Please take note. - Hid Strong Steel Nets in Strict - Faded out rares below droplevel 60 and above ilvl 68 in the General filter. Note: does not apply to gloves/boots/helms due to chaos recipe assist and bordered rares are excluded from this - Raised droplevel threshold for sounded lower-tier Shaper/Elder items from 55 to 60 - Heavily updated Shaper/Elder highlighting with a lot more specific highlights; the new section is nearly twice as long as the old one - Increased highlight and added sound to 82+ Searching Eye jewels given ridiculous demand and scarce supply - Darkened the bottom tier of div cards (those without sound) for better differentiation from the next tier up - T16 (Elder & Guardian) maps are now on a different sound and different highlight versus other red maps - DisableDropSound has been added to a few more lines in Strict and Uber - Lots of various refinements to high tier highlighting, a number of niche highlights added - Refined Breach and Essence highlighting - Moved a few uniques and divination cards into their appropriate tiers - Added league-specific unique highlighting (grey border and text) - Added upper variable value tier unique highlighting (teal border) - Increased font size on virtually all rares in the filter - Slightly increased font size on majority of lower tier maps - Slightly increased font size on a large number of levelling flasks - Slightly increased font size on a number of low level racing items - Decreased font size on i85 basetypes - 5L's no longer make sounds in Strict at all and are completely hidden in Uber unless on a t1 basetype - Uber now only shows t1 rares and nothing below - Uber now hides i85 bases, magic non-abyss jewels, and essences below Wailing - Uber now hides the bottom tier of div cards - Sections 12 (2nd tier craft) and 15 (old race options) deleted, 13 and 14 (alch bases & misc) combined to form larger Misc section. Section 6 (Elder/Shaper) added, and a number of upper sections moved around. All renumbered accordingly. Now 24 sections instead of 27. - Additional ratproofing added to make it more difficult to accidentally break parts of the filter - Cleaned up and updated the notes at the top of the filter As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream ( as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Apr 20, 2018, 7:39:45 AM
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Thanks. Love your filter. I've been using the strict version in endgame.
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Hey SFH!
Is there any way I can show all the maps from the Uber-Strict Filter, but have T3 Burial Chambers show too? Thanks for the amazing filter <3 E: Would something like DropLevel = 70 work ? Last edited by SpiderHulk007#5470 on Apr 30, 2018, 11:53:52 AM
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If you only care about Burial Chambers specifically then just use Basetype to address it
Show BaseType "Burial Chambers" Class Map SetTextColor 0 200 200 SetBackgroundColor 255 221 153 SetBorderColor 0 200 200 SetFontSize 38 PlayAlertSound 9 150 Put that somewhere at the top of Section 2 and Burial Chambers will start showing up with Shaped Map highlighting including sound. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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The rare item fade as of the 2018-04-20 update is great, but the breach splinters change alot less so. The problem is that they frequently blend into the environment in areas where the colour scheme is similar, such as Xoph splinters on volcanic tilesets, Esh and Tul on grey/blue-coloured tilesets. Maybe an off-colour border around them could solve this, or increasing the contrast between the text and background colours.
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When is the update for Incursion ? Today, tommorow ?
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" I'm aware they can be similar to certain tilesets but didn't think it was too big of an issue; I'll adjust the colors in the Incursion update to be a bit brighter and see if that helps. " Should be sometime this evening, otherwise it'll be out very early tomorrow morning at the latest. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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