StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter
very nice update, thanks for all your work
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8/8/17 - v.3.0.1
Oriath/Harbinger Week 1 Update NOTE: The surprising absence of an adequate level 67 farming zone akin to 2.x Merciless Dried Lake means that players are entering maps much sooner while still needing basic gear. This was unexpected on release and has been compensated with this version. In addition, some previously low-value uniques that had no sound are now several orders of magnitude more valuable. Sounds have been added to them, so I'd highly recommend this update. UPDATE NOTES: - Extended the "pre-map / early map" section of the filter from 69 to 72 for weapons, and up to 75 for some armour. This is a very significant change and impacts the core levelling sections of the filter for all archetypes. - Added a few more wand bases to late caster levelling now that double dipping is gone - Updated top tier craft highlighting degrees according to league demand (armour bases moved from border to background). - Re-added 1h axes to top tier craft. - Added sound to a number of unique bases that were low-value in previous leagues. - Added sound to the current in-demand unique bases added in Oriath. - Reverted 6S sounds to #3, as #16 is buggy and sometimes doesn't completely play. Will change back when GGG fixes. - Removed sound from a few more divination cards IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Aug 10, 2017, 2:37:38 AM
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8/10/17 - v.
Oriath/Harbinger Week 1 Update part 2 Quick minor update that adds sound to some more unique bases, some with surprising value this league UPDATE NOTES: - Added sound to Callous Mask, Eternal Sword, Sanctified Life Flask, Shadow Sceptre, Auric Mace, Ruby Flask bases for unique items This *should* completely cover the current state of the economy but as usual I will keep an eye on things. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Aug 10, 2017, 6:28:55 PM
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Just pushed a quick little "silent" update that added "Despot Axe" to the valuable unique item bases.
I'm going to be moving the unique list from the current inclusion list to an exclusion based list sometime next week. This means that all uniques will have sound unless I remove them, rather than the current system of uniques only having sound when I add them. This will cause significantly less headache for everyone involved by drastically reducing the frequency of early league updates. Hopefully they'll have fixed the sound bugs and I can do the full sound revamp at the same time, and the plan is to use the large number of new sounds to create more tiers of unique sounds with a very low-key sound "catch-all" for lower value ones. In the meantime I apologize for the rapid updating, but I'd rather keep things as accurate as possible. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Aug 10, 2017, 10:25:04 PM
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much appreciated keep up the good work
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8/17/17 - v.3.0.2
Oriath/Harbinger Week 2 Update This update brings both the endgame and unique filtering sections more in line with current league demand. A number of bases have been moved up in highlighting tiers and a large number of uniques have had sounds added to them. There are a significant number of 1h and 2h melee weapons in particular which are now worth ~5-6 chaos which were worthless in previous leagues. The unique list has been fully updated according to current prices and general league demand. As usual, hardcore temp league pricing will exclusively be used. UPDATE NOTES: - Top tier craft: Glorious Plate moved from border to background. Ezomyte Tower Shield added - Added borders to the following item bases given league demand: Ezomyte Tower Shield, Glorious Plate, Runic Hatchet, Siege Axe - Moved Marble Amulet to top Atlas base highlighting given increased demand in current meta - Relaxed the levels at which utility flasks are shown - Levelling armour cap reduced to 72 from 75 - Updated chance items (removed Leather Belt, added Close Helmet) - Added sound to a large number of unique basetypes (15+) according to league demand. Most were 5c or less, but a few (i.e. Mosiac Kite Shield, Vanguard Belt) are quite valuable - Reverted almost all the new 3.0 sounds to the old ones until the bugs are fixed - Number of other minor improvements I can't remember - Hid transmutation and alteration shards STRICT FILTER ONLY NOTES: - Re-added sound to purple (t9/10) maps - Hid alchemy shards Note: I was hoping for this to be the last update for the league, but GGG has not yet fixed the issues with the new sounds not always playing. When those bugs are fixed I will be doing a full sound rework and will be rewriting the unique list for easier editing as well. And finally - big congratulations to RaizQT for the first 100 in SSFHHC! Our boy finally did it! IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Aug 18, 2017, 12:22:10 AM
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Would love to be able to customize this on Filterblast.
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" I've worked very hard at keeping the filter code clean, efficient, and easily editable with Notepad++, and have received an increasing number of compliments in this regard. Making the filter compatible with 3rd party sites involves adding a large amount of extraneous code for the filter editing site to read. At ~2000 lines my filter is a fraction of the length of other major filters, yet does more actual filtering than most any of them and includes a number of items/features that others miss. I understand the appeal of the editing sites but the code is easy to read, understand, and edit with Notepad++. There are a large number of people that prefer being able to quickly edit a line with a text editor rather than have to go through a website and download the entire filter all over again. If you have any questions about editing I'm more than happy to answer them in this thread. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Aug 27, 2017, 5:24:13 PM
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8/27/17 - v3.0.3 ALPHA
Beachhead Edition Alpha Release Quick and dirty upload of the "Beachhead" version of the strict filter that I used on my push to 100 this league. This is an uberstrict version of the strict filter tailored for chaining 82 Beachhead maps, as the nature of chaining 82's leads to a large amount of basetypes constantly being shown. This is an "as-is" upload of the filter I personally used. List of differences from the strict filter: - hid most top tier basetypes except for highest demand - increased font size on top demand basetypes for rapid pickup in group scenarios - hid maps below purple - hid 60+ basetype blue borders rares, leaving only 2nd tier blue borders and 1st tier purple borders - hid lower quality gems - increased the amount of highlighting on 84+ rare jewellery - hid horizon/regal/chaos shards It is unlikely I'll be making 3 different filters available on a permanent basis, as Beachheads are an exception that normally doesn't happen in a league. I will most likely be just be rolling the majority of the changes in the Beachhead version into the strict (effectively making it more strict). Note: This update contains no changes to the General and Strict filters, only the addition of the Beachhead version (although a few minor changes in the Beachhead will be migrated to the others in the next update). IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Sep 3, 2017, 10:58:15 AM
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9/3/17 - v3.0.4
Oriath/Harbinger Mid-League Update I / Official Uberstrict Filter Release This is a significant update that brings a number of refinements and improvements, as well as the official release of the UberStrict filter - a modified version of the strict filter specifically tailored to chaining T15 Beachhead maps in a group rotation. A number of the changes in the previously released "Beachhead Alpha" version have now been incorporated into all versions. UPDATE NOTES: All Versions - Increased highlighting on Annulment/Ancient/Harbinger Shards (from border to background) - Moved 84+ rare jewellery from border to background to be more in line with lower ilvl jewellery - Changed border on top tier uniques from black to white so they stand out more when multiple mid and high tier uniques drop - Moved Harpy Rapier up a highlighting tier - Moved Tornado Wand down a highlighting tier - Added Copper Kris, Harpy Rapier to top tier craft - Removed Atoll Map from special map highlighting tier - Lowered default chance orb basetype threshold to 48 (start of Part 2) - Added sound to Marble Amulet, Tornado Wand uniques - Removed sound from Goathide Gloves unique - Fiend Dagger unique moved from top tier to variable value tier - Removed sound from The Scarred Meadow, The Visionary, Stormcaller div cards - Moved The Wolven King's Bite up a highlighting tier - Removed sound from Added Chaos Gem - Increased font size slightly on q10-15% gems to create a tier inbetween low and high quality - Quality Utility Flasks now show at q15+ instead of only at q20 in 80+ zones - Reworked 2nd tier rare highlighting (blue border), adding/removing a number of bases - Adjusted top tier priority highlighting according to current league demand UPDATE NOTES: General Only - Slightly reduced font size of wisdom scrolls UPDATE NOTES: Uber & Strict Only - Hid Engineer and Binding Shards - Fixed levelling 4L's still making sounds despite being hidden (this was amusing) UPDATE NOTES: List of Uber Differences versus Strict Filter - Hid Regal/Chaos/Horizon Shards - Nearly all top tier basetypes are hidden except for highest demand (major change) - Hid all maps below purple (t9-10) tier - Hid lower quality gems (<10%) IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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