[2.5] Greedy Roomba - MF Blade Vortex Assassin (63/329) - Atziri Viable - Solo T10+ (37/40) [Videos]
Hey, thanks for the last answer first off, second, I'm considering trying my first Aztiri soonish (few more levels to gain yet). Got about all the recommended MF gear except still have to socket the armor, and haven't really tried maps much past t7 at the moment, waiting to get a better pool of them first (so not really sure where my limit is). I was wondering on your Aztiri video what you swapped in, assuming conc effect, and what you swapped in for the heal phase zombies (AOE?). Also I'm kinda still rolling with BF in a 4l for the moment, and wondering if that might be easier to DPS her with than trying to swap gems around and such?
Just bought a pretty good Rumi (only 12% below yours in block chance! Can't figure out where in hell you found that thing!). Well, maybe you would take a look at me SpinYaDizzy and see if anything stands out besides being 10% shy of the Fire cap (Ill likely swap out the -7 ring or the -8 ammy when I try her) and if you think I need the ruby and w/e the lightning resist flasks are called (topaz?) - looks like I somehow don't have one, and I assume I would want to drop the QuickSilver for a Rumi if I took both those, or what would you recommend since I can't afford the Aztiri flask yet? Also, since I only have 4L armor atm (working on saving for at least 5) wondering if you think I should go with a tabula if I wind up making the attempt b4 I get a 5L? Also, sitting about -42% Chaos res atm, think I should try and bring that up some? Also my life is at 3171 and ES only 482. I'm told I'll want life at 4.5k for her.. Hoping the life stuff I still have to path will bring that closer, and maybe I'll need some +life gear too? Oh, yeah.. Since I'm doing the Toxic Delivery/Noxious Strike thing, would this ring be worth getting, or not bc of what you said about accuracy? http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Voidheart Edit: Just got the 5l prophecy. Thinking you seem to have said you really really want 6l on the greed's embrace, so perhaps I should find another armor for it? Anyways.. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/taosk8r/characters Oh yeah, my gems aren't exactly ideal yet due to socket changes I need to make, and someone told me I need to switch PR and IC, so that's my next mission. Last edited by taosk8r#2478 on Jun 25, 2016, 8:00:51 PM
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"Yeah for Atziri my gem links against bosses are: Blade Vortex + Echo + Conc Effect + Added Fire + Increased Duration (or Controlled Destruction if you can get the socket colours). Bladefall self cast is not better single target damage than Blade Vortex, so I wouldn't use it against Atziri. Using a Tabula is great for DPS, it will allow you to use Controlled Destruction and Poison if you don't have another way to poison already. That Voidheart ring would give you 100% chance to bleed instead of 40% chance, but I don't think it's worth it - Blade Vortex is a spell so won't be able to take advantage of the poison/bleed and we don't scale attack damage for it to do any damage with whirling blades. You want to get at least 4k life, and for the Trio and Atziri fights you want to use a Ruby flask with a spell block shield like Saffell's Frame - it works great with Rumi's to get a lot of spell block so you avoid the Fire Thorns on the Dual Striker in the Trio and the flame blasts from Atziri. I don't use a Topaz because I find it easy enough to dodge the storm call, but you may want to use one.
Gear: You want to get HP on boots, gloves and helmet (haku can add some) - you also don't need the reduced mana cost of skills on your amulet and ring, use Blasphemy + Warlords Mark instead of Assassin's Mark, you get power charges generated for free from the Ascendancy already and Warlord's gives you life leech and mana leech - you need the Life Leech once you get Vaal Pact to keep you alive in Atziri and the Endurance charges generated make Immortal Call last 2-3 seconds. If you are going for the Poison / Toxic Delivery way you want to either use the Poison Support Gem or get Cospri's Will for the free poison against cursed enemies - which means Greed's Embrace would be harder to colour because you want 2 green sockets along with 2+ blue sockets. You don't really need the 6L on Greed's it helps from a damage point but I was able to kill Atziri and get to level 90 with a 5L one. I will be streaming today so if you want me to run through an Atziri to show you what I use just pop in and ask. IGN: MrG.
Build Videos & Item Testing: www.youtube.com/user/MrGxyz/videos Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/mr_g__ | |
Thanks for the answers. I'll probably postpone the Atziri run until I'm considerably closer to it (life gear and gem links, tree, and some jewels), but thanks for the offer. Uber Izaro might just make me have to track down a guild for help, though, since I'm not about to risk getting scammed, and he is likely to 1-shot me until I give up, lol.
The guy that was talking about BF was more talking about the fact that you can DPS her at range with it when it's dangerous to get close to her. I've been holding on to AM mostly for the other bonuses besides the charges (not sure how to evaluate how worthwhile they are?), and I'm not in a hurry for VP until after I've done uber and maybe tried to learn the Aztiri fight a bit (but if you think I need the leech for her, I'll take your word for it). I was looking at buying that shield (edit: got a pretty good one now), is there not a better one? I have one of those lioneyes and I think you mentioned a couple of other shields earlier - rathpith and.. Maybe it was the lioneye one after all, but I guess that's not as good since no spell block. Edit: Also still wondering how much chaos res I need to shoot for on Atziri as mine is -42, and I'm thinking about trading my armor that has the 18% for one to finish capping my fire res instead, and I'm also looking to replace the lightning res I have on my current one, and doubting I can hit both of those with chaos too (gonna regal a blue one with the fire res, and probably craft lightning). Cospri's is going to be out of reach for a long while, likely. Don't see one for lower than 7 ex (edit:cheapest ~4 ex now, so that's a little better, but still a few weeks of farming for me, likely), and it takes me a few days to muster up 30 c at this point, so I might have to just use a Tabula or another 5L for a pretty good while (probably going to be a good bit before uber won't 1-shot me too, and still got to find a couple trials yet). I'm also a bit standoffish on the Greed's embrace (even though I bought one and have yet to socket and color it up from 2s) unless I can figure out a way of making up for the loss of move speed w/o losing out too badly elsewhere. I'm using 30% move speed boots, and I hoard move speed boots worse than any other item cause I can't stand being slow or even dealing with the nerf delays they put on WB to use that constantly as an alternative either. Edit: Ok, so I looked it up on the Vorici Calc, and for 2 Green, 3 Blue and one red the average is about 1300 Chromatics, or more realistically 2k+ perhaps. Dunno why it wasn't clear to me sooner, but with Cospri's (even if it were remotely affordable), tabula or something else, the poison route is clearly not going to make the best MF spec, so I think I need to back out of it until they come up with an ES/Evasion version of Greed's embrace. I also meant to ask about the fact that in your Aztiri vids I don't see you using Vaal Grace/Haste. Is this because going in the boss rooms there drops your souls like on Izaro? If so what gems would you recommend to replace them? Last edited by taosk8r#2478 on Jun 27, 2016, 4:20:47 PM
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Hey how the fuck u can get power Charge ? if u dont use assansin mark
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" Not sure why a question that has been answered multiple times needed to be asked again in such a vulgar way, but in his explanation above you can see that you pick up power charge generation from the ascendancy points, specifically Unstable infusion |
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"Sorry for the late response, I have been sick and busy with family stuff the past week and a bit. Yeah Vaal Pact definitely helps against the Atziri Trio - the dual striker has "Fire Thorns" which reflects fire damage every time you hit hit and with Blade Vortex that is a lot, so using Vaal Pact along with spell block from Rathpith or Saffell's Frame and Rumi's Concoction is the only way to survive it - alternatively you could fight him when he isn't enraged, but that is hard to time. Chaos resist isn't really an issue in Atziri if you are using the Atziri flask, that gives you enough to survive the Cyclone guy as long as you don't stand in the clouds he creates for too long and the chaos spitters you fight along the way. Once you have Unstable and Deadly Infusion you really don't need Assassin's Mark, all it gives you is extra critical strike multiplier, but having 2% life and mana leech and Endurance charge generation from Warlord's is good for survival paired with Immortal Call. Yeah the only way to make up for the reduced movement speed on Greed's is with Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + 20% Culling Strike - then you want a dagger with around 20% attack speed on it, if you aren't using a Divinarius. Unfortunately that is the downside built into Greed's Embrace - it's designed to be hard to chrom for the characters that can make the best use of it as a drawback to make it no over powered. You can make it work 3BG2R - which only takes 200 chroms when you use Vorici 1B option. Cospri's is harder to chrom because it has 183 Dex, so I had to settle with 3BR2G and use Culling Strike or Hypothermia as my final link. I use Vaal Haste and Vaal Clarity in the Atziri fights before the Twinned Vaals, the Trio and in between one of the Atziri split phases - it can be done without it and using a mana flask though, but the vaal auras make it faster. IGN: MrG.
Build Videos & Item Testing: www.youtube.com/user/MrGxyz/videos Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/mr_g__ | |
Hi,i just started poe like 1 mongth ago. I would like to know why you suggest taking gem like assasin mark, fire trap if you dont use them. Is that worth to level up a gem with a new character, then sell it or something like this?
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"It's only for the levelling process, they help you to level faster until you hit a higher level and Blade Vortex becomes more effective (around 45-60), same goes for why you get Bladefall and use that - it's safer until you are able to get all the gems required to make BV safer, like Warlord's Mark, Blasphemy and the duration, AoE and Vaal Pact on the passive tree. I generally use fire trap just in the early levels until I get Bladefall after level 30, it's much faster than just using EK and BV for the early act 1 content - generally you just want to use the best skill to level you can. IGN: MrG.
Build Videos & Item Testing: www.youtube.com/user/MrGxyz/videos Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/mr_g__ | |
Thanks. I tried it, no wonder that dumb trio guy killed the hell outta me. Gonna have to wait till I can get 4k life and VP. The rest was do-able, but the queen herself 1 shotted me instantly.
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thanks for this guide, atm im doing easy atziri and all the maps except core, wanted to ask i u would change any piece of my gear, maybe a better neck not 1 with just spell rarity and vitality
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