[2.5] Greedy Roomba - MF Blade Vortex Assassin (63/329) - Atziri Viable - Solo T10+ (37/40) [Videos]
" Thanks for the tips. I'll work towards those items next and I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks! |
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Thank you for the build. I have a few questions though; Vaal Pact seems to bite us in the A in the lab runes, plus it still doesn't provide enough life leech to survive in reflect maps. Is it advisable to go for it? How you sustain the degen of BR in both cases of with/without VP? I don't understand the concept of "going low life". Could you explain that more in the OP please? The build is squishy as it is especially against ranged attacks. How it survives with such low life and what are the defense mechanism? Thank you for your help. |
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"Vaal Pact does make running the Labyrinth annoying - I can do Merciless lab with it easily, but the trials in maps are terrible - I had to respec out of Vaal Pact a few times just to get through some and take 3 HP pots and 2 quicksilver flasks. However it does provide enough leech to survive reflect maps - elemental reflect is easy as long as you aren't using Physical to Lightning support gem and physical reflect is generally safe because you have 2-3 second Immortal Call self casting as soon as you take damage, but doing double reflect maps is not advised if you want to level (this map has -10% resist and 2x Reflect:https://www.twitch.tv/mr_g__/v/73320115). The reason I get so low in this video is because one Immortal Call duration ends just as I hit the pack and it doesn't proc again instantly. It is not advised to take Vaal Pact straight away, normally I get it around level 80 myself. I sustain Blood Rage using a regenerating health potion on my second slot, and then when combat has stopped I weapon swap to turn off Blood Rage - this is achieved by having it on a weapon or shield and then pressing X. Do you want to know the defence mechanics of the Low Life build? Or of the main build? Low life is when you use an item that prevents chaos damage bypassing Energy Shield like Shavronne's Wrappings and then reserving auras on life until you are below 35%, stacking ES as defence so that you have 6k+, defensively it would be the same using a shield + Rumi's Concoction for block and Vaal Pact for instant leech meaning as long as you aren't 1-shot you generally leech back to full HP/ES within a second and kill whatever is around you with your blades. I am just now working on a DPS life version so I have a few minor changes to allow for +1 curse, I will wear proper boots and belt soon but for now the quantity is too hard to give up:
Build Videos & Item Testing: www.youtube.com/user/MrGxyz/videos Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/mr_g__ | |
Hello, thanks for your awesome Guide! :)
i'm leveling a Shadow with Blade Vortex right now and it works realy well i got just a question. i know you have a "DPS / Leveling" Part in the Guide. But can you Add a Lategame DPS Itembuild(with your standard gems included?) or even a tanky version with a shield or something? :) or maybe for the new players a "poor" item build? :) i checked your profile the last few days.. but the items + gems change always.. :D Thanks! That help me a lot :) |
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5 linked my greeds and managed to get ideal colors (GBBBR) on it.
I don't really know what to upgrade now... While i do not decide will just save all currency for possibly buying a 6 link greeds. Dunno if i keep investing on best mf gear as possible or start getting dps/leveling gear like rathpith, cospri, shadow and dust, damage/crit/res rings, damage/crit/res/life amulets, etc... I dont know if worth going toxic delivery/noxious strike since we cannot proc bleeding. Is it worth going these nodes even tought we can only proc poison with cospri? Last edited by MasterN3rd#2743 on Jun 21, 2016, 2:51:58 AM
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"You caught me in the middle of planning it, I am currently swapping from MF to DPS using Cospri's Will, although I am finding it hard to give up the Item Quantity! Cospri's also requires 183 dexterity so I have had to get that from a new helmet. There is a guy doing a hardcore version of this build so it would be cool to get his gear, he uses ES as a defence an so doesn't use Blood Rage, but it's much safer - he also has an Essence Worm so he can put hatred on it, giving him 50% unreserved mana for MoM. I updated the gear section slightly and will update the Cospri's section soon. "Not unless you get a 6L, but not on a Greed's Embrace - for example if you wanted to go the DPS version and luckily 6L'd a Coil or Carcass - then your final link would be Poison and you would swap out Item Rarity for Crit Multi, Added Cold or something along those lines. The Assassinate nodes are great for the MF version, giving you more crit at full and low life and you really notice the culling strike. IGN: MrG. Build Videos & Item Testing: www.youtube.com/user/MrGxyz/videos Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/mr_g__ Last edited by Mr_G#2068 on Jun 21, 2016, 3:07:48 AM
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Hi, i'm using this build, but I'm having problems clearing maps deathless and in general progressing in maps:
Gear: I'm basically at the level 100 tree, i took Vaal Pact. |
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If anyone is thinking about giving this build a try I really RECOMMEND it.
It balances clear speed, good amount of MF (iiq/iir) and cool gameplay mechanics; throwing urself in the middle of a pack instakilling everything :D I played caustic arrow mf build last league and this build is way better and fun to play. |
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Hey Mr_G, how is the highest tier map you can chain in full mf gear? Im starting to die a little bit in T12+ maps, even changing sentari's for rathpith to be tanky.
I think i need more levels, cap resists (they are 50-65) and do merciless lab :/ Also, is Taste of Haste really a boost in defense? They are kinda expensive right now (3.something ex). Dunno about gear... I saw u had 2k evasion in ur T15 map video. How? I have 700 atm. 10% chance to evade attacks (10% less than you had). Last edited by MasterN3rd#2743 on Jun 22, 2016, 2:23:31 PM
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"Hey, I think I answered your question on the stream, but the main reason was because you didn't have a CwDT + Immortal Call setup and swapping to a shield instead of dual daggers helps - Rumi's Concoction is the next big upgrade in survivability after that. "Usually when I was in MF gear I stuck to T8-10 because it was safe and cheapest to sustain, every now and then I would do a Springs, Shipyard, Courtyard or Conservatory because they generally have easy bosses, Arsenal is also okay but doesn't have the best layout. I normally level to around level 90 before going above T10, but even then with around 4.5k life in MF gear it isn't 1-shot proof in T12+ maps. Taste of Hate isn't worth it defensively because you can get the same (slightly better) physical mitigation with a Basalt flask, the only reason I used a ToH is because I found it myself, I wouldn't buy one. Before I found the ToH I was using a Jade Flask, I find layered defences better than focusing all on one, so evasion + armour + block from flasks. I think I had around 1.7k evasion because of my gear, around 600 base evasion - not exactly sure why it scaled so high, the passive tree + dexterity bonus to evasion only adds up to around 82%. Once I swapped to Cospri's Will and DPS version in Prophecy though I got a lot more base evasion so I think I have 5k now, maybe I should try and get some evasion scaling on jewels or the tree. IGN: MrG.
Build Videos & Item Testing: www.youtube.com/user/MrGxyz/videos Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/mr_g__ |