First Wave of Trade Improvements
This is most excellent news minus the premium stash tab part. I wonder if a new vendor that a player could do some quests with to enable him to sell your stuff in each town would've been a better idea as the vendor would not require a premium stash tab but probably wouldn't be able to be accessed outside of the game...which I am aware is something GGG has been striving towards. After years of playing this game I would highly recommend that GGG gives all players one premium stash tab for free bringing the total to 5 free stash tabs as there is so much more to pick up in the game and then recipes...or I suppose the new mtx packs will have a premium stash tab as part of the deal? cheers Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever... -I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes- Nullus Anxietas:) |
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" By moderation you mean removing all criticism of the game? Yeah, that would be definetely a step in a good direction.
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" I get why people are up in arms about this. It's gating a portion of the game behind money and they've only ever done that with stash space, it's completely understandable. Admittedly unless their intention was to prevent bot accounts from having easy access to this feature I'm not sure what their motive was for gating it behind money. I really doubt profit was the principle objective, which is why I am of the position that people are over reacting to it. |
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I thought about this new trade "improvement" system.
My questions are: - why this can not work on any tabs, so ppl with premium, and normal stash could use this feature? Only difference would be that premium stash users could name their tabs to, let say, "Shop Stuff" -If all the 3rd party programs will still be usable (I use procurement personally), what will happen when the authors of this and the other trading program will decide to pull out and stop their support? As far as i can see this will indeed brings pay2trade (aka p2w) situations, where some players will be privilege to trade while others will only be confided to self-found or spam channels....ehmm, I mean trade channels, in game. Not everyone can spend monies on the game, or supporter packs or any micro transactions, for some these dollars are a weeks or more wages, seeing many post here saying "Oh, just throw few bucks and you will be fine" is not a solution in a free to play game, where devs clearly admitted they do not want give advantage to others by the way of micro transactions. YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions
Lab still sucks balls. I miss Zana already. |
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I don't like the trading improvements much actually. As a buyer I would like something that allowed me to browse all the offered items (public, in-game) and that provided an automatic transaction system. I don't sell items at all, I like to play the time I'm online
That said, I don't understand all the P2W fuss. The game is free to play, it has weekly updates and several major versions each year, it's great overall. GGG is a company and needs money to operate. It seems to me that people don't realize that other players are actually paying. Their F2P is only achieved by the continuous support of others. I'm ashamed to see people who don't contibute a dime complaining loudly, asking for more, always more and gratis Last edited by xmaniac#1808 on Mar 1, 2016, 2:07:53 PM
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" As I said above possible motive was to prevent abuse of the system in first few days of the league. Let's say everyone just makes public tab and constantly moves items in/out of tab (it's not unusual in first days of the league), with a lot of new & returning players with the expansion it will make API feed updates HUGE. So they probably decided to restrict it to premium tabs because of that without thinking about possible backlash. Second reason is hacky system they use for full tab price, that uses tab name for storing price (which is stupid imo). |
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To quote jim raynor Hail to the king, baby! uuuh not Duke Nukem i mean, Hell it's about time
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It is an essential functionality, about something that was missing and promised for a long time, behind a pay wall.
The fact that there are third party programs available is IRRELEVANT because these might or might not exist as far as GGG is concerned. They do not have the luxury of presenting what the community has voluntarily done to fix their game as a valid alternative. ESPECIALLY if they themselves have these or similar features behind a paywall. Imo it is NEVER acceptable to rely on the community to do your job (or a better one). This is clearly saying "In-game shop management is for premium members", which is a first for PoE. There was never anything that couldn't be, in a worst case scenario, resolved by having another account (for additional stash space or characters). Now there is. This is a troubling step and defending it mindlessly with ridiculous arguments like "it could be worse" or "GGG doesn't owe anything" is nothing more than encouragement to potentially push it further in the future. |
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GGG This is a very good improvement and I congratulate you for this. I was usually too lazy to update procurement and post the trade text. This is so much welcomed.
One think bothers me, there is too much hate about this "only premium tab", I personally don't care because I got more than 50 premium stash tabs. But please just make them happy an give them at least one or two premium tabs to start off with. They will be happy "hopefully", but what's more important, this will be an incentive for people which didn't buy any premium tabs. I guarantee you, after they start to use the premium tab they will also start buying new ones. You can actually make a statistics of stash tab purchase after this update. Cheers. |
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Thoughts on giving 1 premium stash tab for free? This will help introduce new players to the system and allow them to use it to a limited degree off the bat. Of course if they like the system (and the game) this would encourage the purchase of additional stash tabs in order to expand their shop. I think this would feel better than being "forced" to buy premium stash tabs (obviously you are not forced to buy the tabs, but it might feel that way for some players).
Of course for if you were already running a shop you probably already have a bunch of premium stash tabs since it made things a lot easier already. If not, just keep doing what you were doing. I think this is a great first step. I was not at all looking forward to updating Procurement (which I always found to be a pain) or learning and stetting up Acquisition when the expansion and new leagues start. Now I will likely run a shop from the start whereas normally it took me a while to force myself to bother setting one up. |
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