First Wave of Trade Improvements

hmm so this is trade improvement for guys with premium tabs and not for everybdy,i guess its ok..i have some of those premium tabs.
i hope u guys add trade improvement for everybdy in future.
Still good to see some improvements on trade.
Are people really complaining this is pay 2 win or unfair? Firstly, you can all still use acquisition or procurement so you aren't banned from trading. Second, not sure how trading is pay to win - some of the top tier players in this game often don't trade and just play self found. Third, this is a FREE game which is better than pretty much every other ARPG out there, including Diablo 3, a game which many people probably paid 60 bucks for. Spend 10-15 bucks to support GGG for putting together such an amazing game and use those points for stash tabs

/edit: guys seriously, stop with the p2w bs. The only thing that update changes is that it's gonna be easier. People with more tabs could post more items either way, simply via shop thread...
Last edited by Razis#4500 on Feb 29, 2016, 9:09:52 PM
Mentoya wrote:
__SirPuFFaLoT__ wrote:
phmn wrote:

The only reason they didn't do the above is because they believed that they could exploit this new feature to get more sales of premium tabs or upgrades.

Paying for a convenience is win win for the player and GGG. Nothing wrong with that in my book. The devs have to eat too.

And for those that want a completely free game then they can manually click items into a forum post without need for a 3rd party tool. Or, use a 3rd party tool to simplify it.

I honestly hope this does increase tab sales. That helps to keep the game free and give us more awesome content in the future.

the way you explained it is perfect! I'm only directing this towards people who haven't spent a dime on POE. If you want a free game, it's yours, just use the forums to create shop threads to trade.....

Remember, the more money that GGG makes, the more content they can bring us, or vice versa...........

They GGG should have no problem with RMT. "Paying for a convenience is win win for the player and GGG" -so I can go spend a dollar or two on an ex cause trading in poe sucks? Oh wait I will get banned for that!
This is a joke right?, the only way you can justify implementing this strictly for premium is because GGG is money hungry. No reason not to add it to regular tabs.
No P2W here.
IMO people that bought regular stash tabs in this weekend's sale have a right to feel kind of fooled.
I mean this trade improvement was ready and GGG decided to let people buy tabs,many bought normal ones cause they didn't need premium or whatever and at the end of the sale they announced that premium tabs make your life 50% easier in trading so that people would buy an extra set of premium ones.
It is kind of obvious foul tactic if you ask me.
A one tab upgrade to premium for those that have none would make things much better and make GGG look good.
Koheleth wrote:
Coasteroli wrote:
Nice! I think this is the first ever update I've read that is mostly positive.. Ever.

However, I do agree with a lot of people that I'm quite disappointed with the use of premium stash tabs. That is pretty pay-to-win (TBH premium tabs are expensive), even though it's not necessary, and the old methods still work. I'm not very enthused about this move, GGG. Makes me worried with what other lines you may try to tip-toe over in the future.

I sincerely hope you reconsider this. At the very least, every account should have one or two, for players who are new, because these third-party applications aren't something you just stumble upon.

As someone who has spent around $200 on this game, I'm going to stand my ground and not support this by upgrading to premium tabs.


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Luckboxx wrote:
strikeg2 wrote:

Problem is u bought a lot standart tabs for invested money, cause u didnt need the features of premium. Now the concept of premium tabs changed and u have no way to get back point, that u spent on normal, to buy a fewer amount of premium tabs.
As result u still using third-party tools, and problem of giving ur credentials to them didnt solve.

You bought a lot of standard tabs? well i guess it isnt a problem then to invest 10 lousy bucks to upgrade the majority of them to premium for damn 1$50 each.....cmon

Suzim wrote:
finally a improviment for the trade system... OH WAIT!
its only for who pay....

playing the game almost 3years....not able to spend like 10bucks on it for some tabs?
shame on you for complaining here about any illusional p2w feature.

It's not about the shitty money. It's the principle behind it.

This should be a free functionality. I've played the game since beta and have not ever traded. Maybe only once or twice. Because I thought the system was silly and not worth my time. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
"People who pay are getting an advantage!"


People who don't pay still cost GGG money for servers, development, time, etc. etc.
A little convenience for us is in no way unmerited or a slight against those who don't.

So much for being grateful for the fact us PAYING players continue to support the non-paying players gaming and that GGG doesn't make it a P2W game or require a sub.

TeamSlayer23 wrote:
Are people really complaining this is pay 2 win or unfair? Firstly, you can all still use acquisition or procurement so you aren't banned from trading. Second, not sure how trading is pay to win - some of the top tier players in this game often don't trade and just play self found. Third, this is a FREE game which is better than pretty much every other ARPG out there, including Diablo 3, a game which many people probably paid 60 bucks for. Spend 10-15 bucks to support GGG for putting together such an amazing game and use those points for stash tabs

+1 to this and -1 to all the whiners out there. I'm guessing they missed that this is the first 'wave' of improvements. There is still more to come so some of you people just need to chill. Don't want to pay? Then don't bitch about having to do things the way that you're already doing them. It's painfully simple.
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.

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