First Wave of Trade Improvements

TRIPL3try wrote:
People saying "pay to win" need to stop. There are still alternatives. Forum posts and will still work fine.

Here's an idea...if you like the game so much, why not donate $20 and buy some premium stash tabs? Since, you know, the game is free. Problem solved.

People are only saying P2W just to be trolls. Any person with even the slight amount of intelligence realizes it's not P2W, so the only explanation is that they are trolls.
Nice! I think this is the first ever update I've read that is mostly positive.. Ever.

However, I do agree with a lot of people that I'm quite disappointed with the use of premium stash tabs. That is pretty pay-to-win (TBH premium tabs are expensive), even though it's not necessary, and the old methods still work. I'm not very enthused about this move, GGG. Makes me worried with what other lines you may try to tip-toe over in the future.

I sincerely hope you reconsider this. At the very least, every account should have one or two, for players who are new, because these third-party applications aren't something you just stumble upon.

As someone who has spent around $200 on this game, I'm going to stand my ground and not support this by upgrading to premium tabs.

Edit: I'd also like to add, for the counter-argument that they need to make money, and you're not winning or having an absurd advantage over F2P players:

While this is true, you have to take in to account that GGG claimed they were going to make a 100% free to play game, and microtransactions were how they were going to make money, should the players decide to donate their money. With buying stash tabs (Which I have, because I feel you can't properly play the game without, and feel they should be unlockable for playing), and now this, we're heading down a path where you almost have to pay to play efficiently; to play the game to the fullest. While, yes, we are not there right now, it isn't hard to imagine how more updates could be implemented which would corner us further.
Last edited by Coasteroli#5362 on Feb 29, 2016, 9:10:00 PM
this is cool, but: you said yesterday that today you will reveal full details of the perandus leagues.
Still true or will we wait til tomorrow.?
strikeg2 wrote:

Problem is u bought a lot standart tabs for invested money, cause u didnt need the features of premium. Now the concept of premium tabs changed and u have no way to get back point, that u spent on normal, to buy a fewer amount of premium tabs.
As result u still using third-party tools, and problem of giving ur credentials to them didnt solve.

You bought a lot of standard tabs? well i guess it isnt a problem then to invest 10 lousy bucks to upgrade the majority of them to premium for damn 1$50 each.....cmon

Suzim wrote:
finally a improviment for the trade system... OH WAIT!
its only for who pay....

playing the game almost 3years....not able to spend like 10bucks on it for some tabs?
shame on you for complaining here about any illusional p2w feature.
IGN (MSC): @Arktrox
Last edited by Luckboxx#6820 on Feb 29, 2016, 9:05:47 PM
Coasteroli wrote:
Nice! I think this is the first ever update I've read that is mostly positive.. Ever.

However, I do agree with a lot of people that I'm quite disappointed with the use of premium stash tabs. That is pretty pay-to-win (TBH premium tabs are expensive), even though it's not necessary, and the old methods still work. I'm not very enthused about this move, GGG. Makes me worried with what other lines you may try to tip-toe over in the future.

I sincerely hope you reconsider this. At the very least, every account should have one or two, for players who are new, because these third-party applications aren't something you just stumble upon.

As someone who has spent around $200 on this game, I'm going to stand my ground and not support this by upgrading to premium tabs.

i think the reason its premium tab only is because they dont know how this feature will impact the economy. I mean imo there will be a lot more items for sell since it will now be much easier to sell items, on the other hand the demand will stay pretty much the same so supply goes up a lot and demand stay the same = the price goes down (talking mostly about item worth <5c). If this is the case its a big deal for the economy and making it premium only reduce a bit the impact since not everyone have them (even tho most people that could be interested in selling items have probably premium tab or are willing to buy some, but again just speculating).
so tldr : i think ggg isnt trying to make money here but just trying to reduce the potential impact of this feature on the economy and the game as a whole.
Upgrade to premium stash tab is 15 points, $1.50. You won't need more than 1 tab unless you get heavy into trading. It's not exactly daylight robbery.

I've played self-found for three years because of the lack of a proper trade interface. I'm not sure how trade will actually interact with these tabs, but it looks like a real improvement that will get me involved.
__SirPuFFaLoT__ wrote:
phmn wrote:

The only reason they didn't do the above is because they believed that they could exploit this new feature to get more sales of premium tabs or upgrades.

Paying for a convenience is win win for the player and GGG. Nothing wrong with that in my book. The devs have to eat too.

And for those that want a completely free game then they can manually click items into a forum post without need for a 3rd party tool. Or, use a 3rd party tool to simplify it.

I honestly hope this does increase tab sales. That helps to keep the game free and give us more awesome content in the future.

the way you explained it is perfect! I'm only directing this towards people who haven't spent a dime on POE. If you want a free game, it's yours, just use the forums to create shop threads to trade.....

Remember, the more money that GGG makes, the more content they can bring us, or vice versa...........
Hi i already bought some premium stash tabs. But its not player friendly to make system like this. I did talk about a trade stash tab system in this.
But you have to give atleast one free premium tab for every player. Seriously this is a must have to :)
Yeah who have 12 premium stash tab can sell faster. And who not can sell it from websites(thats why u guys giving info to 3. party web sites)
Anyway ill just be sad if no improvements for free to play side.

Sorry for any mistakes in grammar etc.
Finally some salt, I really missed this.

Not sure how I feel about all of this, on the one hand I couldn't give less fucks because I have 20+ premium tabs but on the other hand this looks like a slippery slope to me. Not sure if I should get the pitchforks...
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion#3432 on Feb 29, 2016, 9:05:31 PM

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