Perandus League Teaser

Arrogant wrote:
Perandus league is chests full of coin(s) that buy uniques.

Sounds fun!

Sounds fun ? Nah just sounds boring to me... How can u enjoy about that ?
Another boring league incoming really ?

Life2v wrote:
availablex wrote:
intersept wrote:
when i thought u cant make a worst league than talisman u give us a chest whit coins to buy unique items with......fuuuuuck.
fishing for casual players eh ? u may loose ur loyal player base....
From that fucking trailer .... im bored of ur new league already




U got free game - still cryin
U got custom loot filter -still cryin
U got two expansions in less than year - still cryin
u got zana upgrade - still crying
new skills items mechanics ballance fixes - still cryin..

so, i think u should go and play another game, but not Poe
Oh this is juuuust wonderful.
Everyone crying "no gold coins, we don't want that kinda currency",
then this happens and everyone gets hyped...

Let me guess, these coins are soulbound.
I hope so, they better be or shit turns into real ugly p2win rage.

Bots will be farming perandus GOLD COIN currency,
sell them RMT. And people still complain about AH suggestions.
"Im smartest. Your stoped. Dael wiht it."
Hype thanks for this teaser need all information for this league !!

But how fonction mechanic in party group juste one player can talk on pnj?
BizzzON wrote:
U got free game - still cryin
U got custom loot filter -still cryin
U got two expansions in less than year - still cryin
u got zana upgrade - still crying
new skills items mechanics ballance fixes - still cryin..

so, i think u should go and play another game, but not Poe

So ? Your dumb post the same - crying about "crying" posts.
If this lygue seems to me boring, i cant say it because this game is free to play ?
Sorry, that logic is dumb as fc.
Yes yes, we dont know that exactly will be announced soon ....
Last edited by Life2v#6168 on Feb 29, 2016, 6:35:16 AM
fleshreaverpl wrote:
It's funny how the majority of ppl that actually support this game seems to be hyped about the new league and expansions, and at the same time ppl that didn;t put a single penny cry and whine how uninnovatve and generic this league will be...

A whole new expansion with great new mechanics and a lot of coentent is given to you for free and yet u cry ...

I myself think the new league will be great, can't wait to try to fill my stash with the coins and try all the new build variations that comes with ascendacy classes.

That was a funny discovery you made there and after i read your comment on that i realised how true that is. I have to admit i'm not really hyped though, still i'm excited and will wait for the reveals tomorrow before making any judgement.

intersept wrote:
when i thought u cant make a worst league than talisman u give us a chest whit coins to buy unique items with......fuuuuuck.
fishing for casual players eh ? u may loose ur loyal player base....
From that fucking trailer .... im bored of ur new league already

Like this little tad.

Before i trigger anyone buying exclusively stash tabs and coins to purchase MTX; You re not the ones i meant.
MGTopgun wrote:
hc or sc or both

As of Talisman, new ladders should be the same for both hc and sc.
Back to The Melee (Reaving Insight): view-thread/1240462
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The BEST League so far!! (imho)

It's so nice to see that GGG is considering their Casual Player base.
I'm really excited to see how this League will be in practice.

Unlike some rant I'm seeing already about this new League, I think GGG will gain MORE players instead of losing them. Path of Exile is a Game that requires much effort to get something in return, and it's extremely punitive sometimes,

"Oh you just got distracted for 1 second ? Good bye 1 week of playing and effort =("

With systems like the Perandus League, players still need to play a lot, sure, but they will be aiming for guaranteed rewards.

This is totally different from playing a lot to see what happens the more you play. Some people play 3000+ Hours and get nothing in return.
Others, plays 5 minutes and get something worth more than 1000 hours of play.

The Perandus League is something that me, and a lot of people were asking for. I'm really happy to see a system like this coming to Path of Exile.

Now, if you play 3000+ Hours, you'll finally get your reward!

Thanks again for this awesome League GGG! Can't wait for it!
Dream with me !
Last edited by Hilldrake#6698 on Feb 29, 2016, 6:56:47 AM
I really hope there's more than this, seems pretty dull if it's just a new mechanic to grab items.
Gold coins, yes that's obvious... but WTF is that currency stacked in their inventory??!?!?

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