3D Art in Ascendancy

Vis Mortis more better then that Voltaxic...for 3d art
Voltaxic Rift song:
is it me you're lookin for? (...)"
Last edited by Cebilat#0050 on Feb 22, 2016, 6:37:37 AM
arherter wrote:
Why leveling and low level uniques with doubtful usefullness and not consecrated uniques like Windripper, Voltaxic Rift, Alpha's Howl...?

Alpha's Howl (both of them) have their own in game art.

Comparison Pictures

Alpha's Howl

Alt Art Alpha's Howl

Compared to its base helm
Sinner Tricorne

And then compared to the animal pelt helms
Wolf Pelt

Ursine Pelt

Lion Pelt

Sure the normal Alpha's could use an update, but it does have something in place, compared to the two bows you listed.
I think ALL unique should have a nice art that does not look like a normal item especially if it's like relentless fury for example it looks so awesome and then you equip it it looks like a bad axe lol should look awesome :) anyways keep the good arts coming slowly they should all get one :D
Acuity, Voltaxic, Windripper, etc.
Raycheetah wrote:
KorgothBG wrote:
And here i am .. still waiting for these ... years later ...

Yep. =-[.]-=

Alt art heatshiver will be released in Ascendency patch next week.

Alt art cloak of flame will be in the patch after Ascendency. I was hoping they would come out together but :(
"The Eye of Ra appears against you,
His force is powerful against you.
She devours you, she punishes you
In this her name 'Devouring Flame."
-Anubis Hotep
Last edited by Wadjet#3943 on Feb 22, 2016, 6:46:27 AM
Deleted my post.
Last edited by tslt#7087 on Feb 22, 2016, 6:58:31 AM
Yaay more models for shitty leveling uniques! So much hype! Meanwhile t1 uniques that been in the game for years still dont have their own 3d arts. Where are models for voltaxic, windripper, rat's nest, lightning coil, acuity and many more other actually frequently used and important to games meta uniques? What's next, 3d arts for Terminus Est and Veil of the Night?
Last edited by raxleberne#7393 on Feb 22, 2016, 7:25:24 AM
Looks pretty sweet! Can't wait.

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