3D Art in Ascendancy

Kazinwrath wrote:
Alt art cloak of flame. Coolest 2d art. Lame 3d art. You are better than this GGG.

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"The Eye of Ra appears against you,
His force is powerful against you.
She devours you, she punishes you
In this her name 'Devouring Flame."
-Anubis Hotep
KorgothBG wrote:

I must point out that none of this is relevant to the discussion in the last few post ... a discussion about items and not environment within the game.
For me the environment in GD looks more detailed for sure, while the 3d models of the items and the character itself sadly are not on the same level (yet ... hopefully ... but hey like i said .. on the other hand i like it exactly because they look ... old .. so either way it's fine by me).

You're right. I saw a "10+ years" generalization and took the bait.

I love both games but I was questioning the process after seeing what the team at GD was pumping out. I recall Chris explaining it at one point how they have to model this and that, but taking months - or years by some accounts here - to complete and item or two has to make someone other than myself scratch their head.

I will say that it looks like the 3D portion in GD is mostly material application over a matching template/armor/item that lends itself best to that particular material/art. I assume this is the technique because you can see things bend when the characters twist - which I guess could seem unnatural for something like plate mail. But if that is the technique, it's an efficient one for sure.

I suspect that because the art is so unique and precise in PoE, you can't just texture some random 3D item with new 2D art. Based on this hurtle that GGG made for themselves, it's understandable why it could take much longer to execute the 3D. But then I also see some complex items out out of GD that feature spikes, extrusions of some sort, scales, etc., and they are all well represented in the game.

At the end of the day I like the art in both games. I'm just questioning the process. Or perhaps it's not the process but the technique to get an item from concept to completion.
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Last edited by cgexile#1534 on Feb 22, 2016, 8:46:06 PM
Wadjet wrote:

I paid for cloak of flame to get done. I found out about heatshiver during the process of trying to fund another piece.

Well, still seems a shame it was necessary, but many thanks and kudos to you for that!
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please give 3d art to the geoffri`s crest, is much used
why cant we get 3D art update of general gloves/boots/chest armour. You updated the helmets years ago whats going on with the rest?
Seriously where the F**** windripper 3d artwork ???? !!!! :)
we need whispering ice and windripper. especially windripper, cause its so hard to obtain, and once you got it, it looks lika a normal bow ;(
Wadjet wrote:
Gravethought wrote:
Wadjet wrote:

I paid for cloak of flame to get done. I found out about heatshiver during the process of trying to fund another piece.

So this is actually happening.... Cool I guess. Still doesn't mean much to a lot of people who have alt art stuff unless we get the ability to turn them into mtx effects. Maybe you should ask if people can fund that to the front of the que? :)

Or, maybe YOU could ask, ya know.

I was also thinking, if/when they implement this feature, assuming that it works like Chris stated...man the price of alt art is gonna sky-rocket. Especially on older and rare items. Having to consume the item to create the MTX will result in fewer and fewer items available over time. The uliltimate item sink.

But your supporter flair shows you clearly have more excess capital to spend than me :(
We need whispering ice Art

cgexile wrote:
TheWretch wrote:
^ Your example is prettier, ill give you that. It still looks like a game from 10+ years ago and doesn't even come close to having the level of detail that poe does. That is not subjective either.

Maybe you are confusing detail and scale. Everything in PoE is 'bigger' and looks larger from characters to items. Everything in GD is smaller. Smaller does not necessarily imply less detail.

I could argue that PoE's 3D engine looks like it was made 10+ years ago compared to the one in GD. In GD you have true multidimensional depth to areas where you have the ability to run over or under things like a bridge or a stone arch, or run up a side of a mountain and then attack things below. None of this exists in PoE. You can look down in to a tower and know that that's not fake background stuff down there - those are actual levels you can run to or access.

No, im not confusing anything. Your question was why it takes so long to model poe's items. You got defensive about a game you like, fine. Im not saying its bad but comparing the details in Grim Dawn's items; textures and overall quality, it's obvious why it takes much longer to render.

You wouldn't ask why it took 8 guys only 3 days to put up a shed when it takes 50 guys a month to put up a house.
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