Massively Overpowered reveals the Marauder Ascendancy Class: The Chieftain

give us the Scion subclass already DDDD:
"Ramako, Sun's Light - 0.5% life regen per endurance charge. Cannot be ignited. When you or your totems kill a burning enemies, 10% chance for you and your totems to gain an endurance charge. (Requires Ngamahu, Flame's Advance)"

if the character gain a endurance charge with this, the totem will gain one too? or just who deal the last hit?

*fire discharge dual totem incoming
Totems still need some kind of way to increase their chaos resistance. Maybe GGG should give them a base chaos resist?

Especially in pvp. It's quite sad how fast even a level 25 totem dies to chaos damage (instant rip, can't even fire once if you summon it in a cloud).
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
Last edited by Vhlad#6794 on Feb 18, 2016, 5:03:20 PM
diablofdb wrote:

Good job GGG, thx for making such a great game.

edit: am I the only one who red "the reveals of the massively overpowered Marauder ascendancy class: The chieftain"

I did as well hahah.

But god, GGG I love you guys. Honestly I've never had so much love for a company apart from Bethesda back in the TES3 days. Hope you guys don't take the immaturity harshly that accompanies almost all video games; you guys do an amazing job despite what angry kids occasionally say on the forums.
Just a question: is it able to use RF with the "cannot be ignited" skill?
I thought RF would be disabled if you get Immune to ignite?

sry for my english i hope you understand my question..
I like the lore, but at the moment I can't see this subclass competing with others.
Second-class poe gamer
YohSL wrote:
Booo, I was expecting the Scion reveal to come with this one.
Leaving the best for last I suppose.

Wiesl_1404 wrote:
I am sry but i don't like this class at all, i think GGG did a very bad job here. -snip

Your just not thinking about it creatively. On the surface it's an increase to fire damage, or physical and fire damage hybrid, and totems. But you can convert other damage types to fire without too much difficultly.

Pyre, Call of the Brotherhood, Cold to Fire, Physical to Lightning, half a dozen other unique that convert stuff to fire, and of course Avatar of Fire.
So if you really want to you can use most skills in the game, so it's not that pigeonholed.

The only thing your not going to be doing with this is chill or freeze, thou shock is available with Three Dragons.

And you spend one item slot or gem slot just for conversion. If they really care about conversion, they should have attached the conversion to the passive skills themselves.
Wiesl_1404 wrote:
I am sry but i don't like this class at all, i think GGG did a very bad job here.

This class is the most pigeonholed or better said THEY ONLY pigeonholed ascendancy class in the game. All other classes offer great variety - this class is "forced" to: fire damage and/or totems.

Sure you can do Avatar of Fire builds with it or some chaos conversion if you wanna go that far but thats basically it. I don't complain at the nodes itself (their values seem very strong) i just wanna complain about the actual limited design and build choices.

The "generic Iron Will" node is really good and fits the theme - but where to spend the other 4 points if you want to do a non fire, non totem IW caster?

- The actuall theme is cool
- The lore around it is really flavourfull
- the nodes for that specific playstyle are very strong


no other class forces a specific playstyle upon they player. PoE was all about creativity of combining mechanics and not "pick this class straight foreward and here are the exact options what you can do"

It's just flawed and boring design compared with all the creative interesting choices you could make with any other ascendancy class.

Available builds with this class:
- RF Totems
- RF IW Fire Caster
- Avatar of Fire Attack build
- fire/chaos conversion caster

Wow, great options for a whole ascendancy class (*sarcasm*) - all other classes could do much more and are not pidgeonhold in any way - a big disappointment for all marauder fans.

I would be really interested in a comment form the DEV that designed this speciic class and why it was designed this way. Was this intentional? What was the thought process behind it?

Saying it's a "flawed and boring" design is completely subjective. If you want to write constructive criticism then I suggest sticking to the form of analyzing your problems with it like you somewhat did in the middle of your paragraph. You had interesting points, and I'm sure GGG would love feedback like that (just guessing), but when it starts to read like a random insult rather than a well constructed opinion then I can imagine it'd be more or less treated that way. Still; you're way ahead of the curve when it comes to speaking your opinion haha, glad you took the time to write out the core of it

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