gameinformer reveals the new Witch Ascendancy Class: The Occultist

Seriously, though ... I can't be the only one to notice the artwork. Come on, we're a bunch of game nerds. She's cute, I say!

Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
I was quick to critique the first two witch ascendancy classes, and how narrow they were, and this one is definitely the opposite. Kudos on this one.

I will say though, that with the increased survivability (this class seems absolutely bananas), the content is probably going to be tough
Last edited by Blakwhysper#5612 on Feb 11, 2016, 6:45:26 PM
I wonder how the classes stressing heavily on chaos damage will flare against CI builds in PVP. Or those using on-kill effects against solo characters in PVP.

I wonder how Void Beacon would work against CI and Zealot's Oath. Even though it states that it makes you immune to chaos it just makes your chaos resistance =100%, so does this make your chaos res =80% or not? Probably not. I'd like to see some way to deal with CI on chaos based builds. Also with Zealot's Oath - will it reduce ES regen or not?
Profane Bloom + Abyssal Cry + Obliteration unique wand = 32% monster life dealt as chaos damage on death? That's pretty potent, before any Increased and More modifiers.
Zahkriisos1337 wrote:
cuchio wrote:
...and Vile Bastion=Stun avoidance, but not in the way i wanted it.
I hoped for a good stune avoidance like stun immune or stun is based on ES, because CI/LL is hard to play, because of stuns.

Most options to avoid stuns are bad:
eye of chayula=stun immune, but nothing more and a precious slot wasted
Lioneye's Paws=only for LL and makes you super slow(only usefull with whirling blades)
Unwavering Stance=to far away
Kaom's Roots=slow and all stats wasted
up to 70% Stun avoidance while casting from tree is to conditional and you can still get stunlocked

Only Skyforth is a god like option, but super expensive, because of that...

Stun immune on full ES from Vile Bastion is stupid. You still can get stunlocked easily, if you get attacked by a lot of fast hitter. I would even trade the ES regen from Vile Bastion to get something like stun is based on 65% of your ES...

Seams like some people allways find something to complain about.
Mages usually arent supposed to facetank stuff in the first place...
Just properly manage your flasks and movement and you'll be fine. ;)

Strong disagree with you there. I just did an Abyss map with super easy mods and double boss for the challenge. I am LL build and am prone to stunlock without one of the above mentioned items (I hate them) and as soon as I stepped in the boss room I got stun locked at the door. How am I suppose to manage my flasks or movement in that position to avoid it? I agree with the other poster. This stun immunity is completely useless and CI/LL need something better. The gear is already impossibly expensive half the time and now you pretty much must have Skyforth. We are only asking for a more reasonable option. And just because you would be immune to stun, does not mean you can just facetank anything. Even stun threshold based on 50% max ES would be lightyears better.
Last edited by PhoenixFlame#2460 on Feb 11, 2016, 7:24:08 PM
After the disappointing Elementalist this one is damn amazing! Like her style and the tree. Covers so much that was still needed, just great!

Ah, and fuck the external sites! Especially this one here!

GeorgAnatoly wrote:
You guys should have chosen a different name rather than copy the name of a Grim Dawn mastery but definitely a winner.

Yeah, because GD invented the term and meaning Occultist.
GGG did the right thing, they wanted the name and didn't look for another one just because another popular APRG uses it as well.

VideoGeemer wrote:
Seriously, though ... I can't be the only one to notice the artwork. Come on, we're a bunch of game nerds. She's cute, I say!


I really like the artwork! Not all too cute for me, but tastes vary. But definitely a great artwork.
IGN: Scordalia_
Last edited by Caliginosus#5444 on Feb 11, 2016, 7:29:57 PM
Oh look, more curse-focused abilities that are completely shit on by the super common curse-immune mob and map mods.

Sure, I'll spend two of my four Ascendancy points on a character that has to automatically reroll a white-tier map mod and can randomly die to curse-immune rares and blue packs.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
gilrad wrote:
Oh look, more curse-focused abilities that are completely shit on by the super common curse-immune mob and map mods.

Sure, I'll spend two of my four Ascendancy points on a character that has to automatically reroll a white-tier map mod and can randomly die to curse-immune rares and blue packs.

Well if curse immunity is the only real threat to a build I'd say it's good enough
Not that I personally wanted to make a wand using witch, but you're telling that the she doesn't have a wand ascendancy?

wands are pure intelligence weapons, the passive clusters are in the witch area, the wand is a witch weapon yet she can't excel at using them?

that's pretty disappointing and a strange choice...

minion class - absolutely
elemental class - absolutely
curses and energy shield- absolutely but chaos damage? poison is more of a shadow things isn't it? nothing about wands; preposterous.

I'm starting to think you went a bit overkill with the "make chaos/poison more viable" idea.

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